[ORAS] Specs MMY

Name: Choice Specs Mold Breaker
move 1: Psycho Boost / Psystrike
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Secret Sword / Searing Shot / Psystrike / Trick
move 4: Volt Switch
item: Choice Specs
ability: Mold Breaker
nature: Timid / Modest
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Choice Specs Mega Mewtwo Y boasts absurd power and speed, making it a dangerous wallbreaker. This allows it to throw out devastating STAB
moves like Psycho Boost and Psystrike. The former is more dangerous overall because it does significant damage to anything that doesn't resist it, while the latter threatens physically frail walls, like Blissey and Primal Kyogre, and does not lower Special Attack upon use. Moonblast hits Dark Types such as Mega Gyarados, Mega Sableye, and Yveltal, while hitting other common threats such as Giratina as well as OHKOing Mega Rayquaza and Mega Mewtwo X. Secret Sword OHKOes Mega Gyarados after Stealth Rock and Wonder Guard Blissey, and threatens Dialga as well as the rare Registeel; while Searing Shot hits Steel types such as Mega Scizor, and Mega Metagross. Searing Shot can also potentially burn resists, making it a safer bet against teams with switch-ins to any one move Mega Mewtwo Y uses. Trick is a great way to not only give yourself more freedom but also to punish passive Pokemon, in particular Wonder Guard Blissey if Mewtwo lacks Psystrike or Secret Sword. Lastly, Volt Switch acts as a strong scouting move that can punish trappers switching in, though Ground-types like Shadow Tag Primal Groudon potentially block it on a successful predict.
The used EV Spread maximizes special attack and speed to be the most effective wallbreaker, A Timid Nature allows it to outspeed Jolly Mega Mewtwo X and Timid Mega Gengar while a Modest nature allows Mewtwo to hit harder.

For example,
252+ SpA Choice Specs Mewtwo-Mega-Y Psycho Boost vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Giratina: 433-511 (86 - 101.5%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock.

Choice Specs Mega Mewtwo Y works better on teams with additional offensive teammates that appreciate Mewtwo’s breaking ability. Mega Mewtwo Y appreciates Substitute + Baton Pass teammates, like Wonder Guard Xerneas and Magic Bounce Giratina, as with a substitute, it can take advantage of the fact that it forces switches without its fragility being a problem. It also enjoys being paired with sleep move users that give it more free turns to be threatening such as Spore/Dark Void Giratina, Xerneas and Mold Breaker, Gale Wings, and Aerilate Mega Rayquaza. In return, Mega Mewtwo Y can weaken their checks through hitting them hard and pivoting with Volt Switch or baton pass. Additionally, pairing it with a Shell Smash Mold Breaker user will ensure that your team can hit Wonder Guard users reliably without completely fearing Shadow Tag. Substitute + Baton Pass Magic Bounce users can provide Mega Mewtwo Y with the protection of a substitute while also blocking hazards. Wonder Guards that can switch in and take hits for Mega Mewtwo Y are also appreciated, especially those that can set hazards to further chip down its targets.

Other Options
main set

Choice Specs Mold Breaker Mega Mewtwo Y can alternatively run several other moves: Blue Flare is a stronger fire type move, but has 85% accuracy. Earth Power is an option to hit other steel types harder. Grass Knot can be used to hit Wonder Guard Mega Swampert and Primal super effectively, while Sludge Wave hits Mega Audino and Xerneas for more damage. Additionally, Baton Pass is an option to escape Mega Gyarados' pursuit and to pivot without fear of being blocked by Ground Types.

Checks and Counters
**Wonder Guard**: Mega Mewtwo X and Mega Mewtwo Y can only run four moves, so some Wonder Guard users will inevitably wall their coverage. However, many defensive Wonder Guard users must be wary of Trick + Choice Scarf, and all fear the rare Gastro Acid. Choice Specs Mold Breaker Mega Mewtwo Y obviously does not have to worry about Wonder Guard.

**Shed Shell**: Shadow Tag Mega Mewtwo X and Mega Mewtwo Y can struggle to make progress when opposing Wonder Guard users run Shed Shell for said ability.

**Giratina**: Giratina uses its huge bulk and resistance to common attacking types to safely switch into most Mega Mewtwo X and threaten them with Prankster + Will-O-Wisp. Trick + Choice Scarf can cripple most Giratina variants, but it is ineffective if Giratina runs Griseous Orb.

**Faster Offensive Pokemon**: Offensive Pokemon that outspeed or Speed tie Mega Mewtwo X or Mega Mewtwo Y, such as opposing Mega Mewtwo X, opposing Mega Mewtwo Y, and powerful Choice Scarf threats, can force them out. However, most are unable to switch in safely.

**Pursuit Trappers**: Pursuit trappers, like -ate users and Huge Power Mega Gyarados, Mega Tyranitar, and Regigigas threaten Mega Mewtwo X and Mega Mewtwo Y with Sucker Punch and Pursuit.

**Revenge Killers**: Revenge killers like -ate Speed users and Huge Power Mega Gyarados force out Mega Mewtwo X and Mega Mewtwo Y—unless they have King's Shield—with their priority attacks. Variants without Shadow Tag or Shed Shell may also be trapped and KOed by Shadow Tag users such as Regigigas, Choice Scarf Primal Groudon, and Choice Scarf Mega Mewtwo Y.

**Mega Beedrill**: Mega Beedrill is a good offensive check to both Mega Mewtwo X and Mega Mewtwo Y, as it outpaces both and can use U-turn to escape from Shadow Tag variants not holding a Choice Scarf, chipping Mega Mewtwo X and threatening to OHKO Mega Mewtwo Y.

**King's Shield**: Some King's Shield users, such as Primal Groudon and Wonder Guard Mega Audino, can use King's Shield to both scout Mega Mewtwo X's moves and lower its Attack.

**Passive Damage**: All Mewtwo sets are vulnerable to passive damage, including status, Stealth Rock, and Spikes, which hamper their ability to switch in repeatedly throughout a game. Specs Mega Mewtwo Y is especially vulnerable to passive damage due to its tendency to get forced out if it locks into an undesirable move.
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name: Choice Specs Mold Breaker
move 1: Psystrike / Psycho Boost / Psystrike psycho boost is scarier
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Searing Shot / Secret Sword / Searing Shot sword works better with psycho boost, also ohkoes gyarados after rocks / Psystrike dual psychic seems good enough Trick
move 4: Volt Switch / baton pass? your call
item: Choice Specs
ability: Mold Breaker
nature: Timid / Modest
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Choice Specs Mega Mewtwo Y boasts absurd power and speed, making it a dangerous wallbreaker. is a fast Pokemon with the highest special attack stat in the game, being able to further boost to absurd levels of power thanks to Choice Specs. fluff This allows it to throw out devastating STAB
moves like Psystrike and Psycho Boost and Psystrike. The former is much more dangerous overall spammable because it doesn't lower the special attack of the user while hitting Pokemon such as Blissey and Primal Kyogre on their weaker physical defense, while the latter they know you’re specs then go gyarados or scizor or something does significant damage to anything that doesn't resist it, while the latter threatens physically frail walls, like Blissey and Primal Kyogre, and does not lower Special Attack upon use at the cost of causing a two stage special attack drop that it easier for the opponent to retaliate shortened & reordered. Moonblast is a great coverage move that hits Dark Types that would otherwise freely switch in, such as Mega Gyarados (ohkoes after rocks if modest/still has a good chance to if timid), Mega Sableye (dies) and Yveltal (defensive sets usually die after rocks if modest), while hitting other common threats such as Giratina, Mega Rayquaza and Mega Mewtwo X you do ohko the latter two mons iirc so mention that somewhere. Searing Shot or Secret Sword OHKOes Mega Gyarados after Stealth Rock and Wonder Guard Blissey, and threatens Dialga and the occasional Registeel (if you wanna mention it); Searing Shot hits can be used to have coverage against Steel types such as Mega Scizor, Registeel, and Mega Metagross and Dialga. Searing Shot can also potentially burn resists, making it a safer bet against teams with switch-ins to any one move Mega Mewtwo Y uses. you’re the bookworm so you can reword if needed has the added benefit of having a good chance to burn while Secret Sword is better at targetting the defense stat of special walls and hitting Dark Types. If one already has other ways of dealing with steel types, Trick is a great way to not only give yourself more freedom but also to punish passive Pokemon, in particular Wondrr Guard Blissey if Mewtwo lacks Psystrike or Secret Sword such as Mega Audino, Cresselia, and non-Griseous Orb Giratina. Lastly, Volt Switch acts as a strong scouting move that can punish trappers switching in, though Ground-types like . Unfortunately, Shadow Tag Primal Groudon potentially block it on a successful predict. can mention that stag don traps choice locked mmy, couldn’t find a good place to add that in s this move while trapping and KOing, but it will doesn't really want to switch into Mega Mewtwo Y as it's too scared of its other moves.
(delete lines)

The used EV Spread maximizes special attack and speed to be the most effective wallbreaker, A Timid Nature allows it to outspeed Jolly Mega Mewtwo X and Timid Mega Gengar while a Modest nature allows Mewtwo to hit harder include key calcs, like having a good chance to ohko gira with psycho boost after rocks.

Choice Specs Mega Mewtwo Y works better on offensive teams with additional offensive teammates that appreciate Mewtwo’s breaking ability. mmy just gets revenged after koing something with stab so you want teams that don’t mind it dying that much where it can benefit from Substitutes recieved by Wonder Guard Xerneas, Mega Gengar and Deoxys-Attack. Mega Newteo Y appreciates Substitute + Baton Pass teammates, like Wonder Guard Xerneas and Magic Bounce Giratina, as w gengar and
deo-a are both dark weak and too frail for my liking to be paired w another frail mon
ith a substitute, it can take advantage of the fact that it forces switches without its fragility being a problem not sure if you need this bit tho since you do wanna repeatedly come in and click funny moves. It also enjoys being paired with sleep move users that give it more free turns to be threatening such as Spore/Dark Void Giratina, Xerneas and Mold Breaker, Gale Wings, and Aerilate Mega Rayquaza. In return, Mega Mewtwo Y can weaken their checks through hitting them hard and pivoting with Volt Switch or baton pass. Some of these pokemon also benefit from Mega Mewtwo's wallbreaking capabilites as it leaves their would be checks weak enough to be finished, creating a powerful offensive core.
add smash molds in particular (less vulnerable to stag), bouncers (can bounce hazards and subpass; aegi improofs secret sword sets), and support wgs which can come in on most revengers. Hazard setters are also nice since you wanna force switches

Other Options
Mega Mewtwo Y can decide to run both Psystrike and Psycho Boost by missing out on either coverage for steel types or Volt Switch thus being able to hit with strong psychic moves in both defenses. main set

i will assume you thought this section only encompasses this particular set (it’s not supposed to)

Add blue flare, earth power, grass knot, sludge wave, baton pass (if not in main set), hazards, dark void/spore

Checks and Counters
again, this is supposed to encompass all Mewtwo sets (mmx and mmy). I will check once you’ve edited
**Trappers**: Trappers such as Shadow Tag Primal Groudon, Shadow Tag/Huge Power Regigigas and Huge Power Mega Gyarados can easily trap and KO Mega Mewtwo Y after it has used a move they resist or KOd a Pokemon.

**Passive Damage**: Choice Specs makes Mega Mewtwo Y a prediction reliant Pokemon, meaning that it will sometimes lock itself into an undesirable move if a prediction is incorrect, forcing it to switch out. This can be taken advantage of with passive damage, including hazards and status, which will slowly rack up on it throughout a game.

**Priority Moves**: Because of its relative frailty, Priority move users such as Pixilate Extreme Speed Mega Diancie and Gale Wings Oblivion Wing Mega Rayquaza threaten Mega Mewtwo Y out, specially Mega Diancie, which can create mindgame situations if it's running Pursuit.

**Bulky Psychic Types**: Bulky Psychic Types such as Cresselia, Shadow Tag Lugia and even Imposter Chansey are able to resist and deal with Mega Mewtwo Y's psychic moves. However, Chansey will fail to switch in repeatly and Lugia fears Volt Switch, which 2HKOs it while escaping its trap.

**No Guard**: Any Pokemon lacking Wonder Guard or Sturdy will be most likely unable to beat No Guard users, and this is the case for Mega Mewtwo Y. No Guard users threaten to OHKO and force it out. However, no No Guard user is able to switch in against Mega Mewtwo Y more than once.

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Other Options & Checks and Counters are supposed to encompass ALL Mewtwo sets, I will edit this check when you revise those sections w that in mind