Smogon Masters I - Round 3, Bracket B [1-1 bracket, REPLAYS NEEDED]

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Le vilain petit Wooloo
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Art by Blazenix

Welcome to the first edition of Smogon Masters! This is a Swiss bracket, Bo3 tournament with each set consisting of ORAS OU, SM OU, and SS OU. Players will decide which metagame to play first, then the loser picks a different generation for the following game. If both players cannot agree on a metagame to play first, each round will have a default generation randomized at the start of each round. After several rounds of the swiss bracket, a top cut according to record and resistance will be created and a Bo3 single elimination tournament will determine who wins Smogon Masters and the trophy

Rules & Tournament Format

General Tournament Rules

  • This is a tournament that will employ the standard rulesets for ORAS OU, SM OU, and SS OU.
  • Smogon Masters I will be a swiss tournament.
    • Players will be automatically dropped when they hit three losses as they are no longer in contention for top cut.
    • Players will be assigned a random opponent out of the pool of players with the same record as you each round.
    • More information on the specifics of the swiss will be placed in the HIDE tag below.
  • Rounds will be Best of Three -- one game of each tier.
  • Matches are to be played on Pokemon Showdown!. If you can't agree on which server to play on, the Smogtours server is the default option.
  • Saving replays is required and must be posted in each winpost starting in the second round
  • There are no extensions due to the nature of a swiss tournament, so please get your games done on time.
  • Finchinator is the primary host of this tournament while Lady Salamence, Eledyr, and Frozoid will be the co-hosts.
Activity Decisions / Coin Flips: In the event that there is an uncompleted match at the deadline, it will be coin flipped unless one or both of the players involved in the match specifically request an activity win and explain sufficiently why they deserve to win over their opponent. Attempting to schedule a battle is required in order to receive the win by activity. To make it clear that you are requesting an activity win when you post, you must open your post with "Activity Win Request" in bold.

For example, if you believe your opponent is making an unfair request and that they don't deserve the activity win over you, you can either make your own request or quote their post and explain why they don't deserve it. You should try to make your activity win request posts at least 24 hours before the deadline to give your opponent a reasonable opportunity to contest it with their own activity win request.

In case of disconnections, if you played in the SmogTours server, call a Tournament Director as soon as possible and we'll see about the possibility of having a rematch.

This was written by Lady Salamence -- thank you!

This tournament uses a Swiss format, where everyone plays until they lose three times, or until Play-Ins / Top Cut begins after Round 9. The Top Cut will be single elimination and based on a 64-player bracket. All matches will be a Best of 3, involving ORAS OU, USUM OU, and SWSH OU.

In the first three rounds, a number of Byes will be placed in the tournament to hit the 768-participant number, to ensure a participant count that works well with Swiss tournament structure. These Byes will exist until Round 3, successively lowering in the Swiss structure – in Round 2, some number of 0-1 players will receive Byes, and in Round 3 some number of 0-2 players will receive Byes.

During the final round, Round 9, three players will have an 8-0 score. These three players have the option to play a Round Robin to lock in their seedings. They may choose to forfeit their games and receive the worst Resistance seeding of the three. Should a Round Robin be fully played and end in 1-1 for each player, their placings/resistance scores would stay identical to before the Round Robin.

Once Round 9 concludes, there will be 69 players qualified (7-2 score or better) for Playoffs. These players will be ranked by Resistance, which is the cumulative win percentage all of their opponents throughout the Swiss phase. The ten 7-2 players with the lowest Resistance (the smallest cumulative win percentage) will play against each other for the final 5 slots, with the first 59 going to the players with higher resistances and scores. Once Play-Ins are finished, Top Cut begins.

Round 3
-Frexa- vs Santu
-Howkings vs jus
A Hero's Destiny vs Zokuru
Adri vs ncalathes
airfare vs Lazuli
Airi vs Vkhss
Akboss13 vs dex
Alkione vs thundersparksdown
ApacheRomero vs yokoisop
Ash KetchumGamer vs Aurella
Avendesora vs ZDen
BaitWiz vs PJB
basaninho vs Jefozz
Beleth vs Tanish
Bundy300 vs LustfulLice
Caesarr vs Sibwind
cDoogle vs Quinn
Chicos vs MetroGloomin
Cureja vs hariyana grande
Davidoar15 vs za Josephiroth Jetray
DugZa vs maroon
Ecca vs MTB
eliana. vs Ken_jaspher
Evil vs Luthier
Fakee vs FlygonNo.1
fran17 vs Squirtle Nornor
HaxxSel vs RichardMillePlain
hi.naming is hard vs Xrn
jackuzzler vs QWILY
jetou vs Shadow2054
Jisoo vs PureJules
JustFranco vs kenny
Lacks vs PA
LudwigFrog vs Raahel
Luigi vs mj
Mako vs TerrorFang
Mr.Bossaru vs TLTK
patrick robertson vs Tuthur
robjr vs Twixtry
SBPC vs UGaming
Sieeeffmon vs spellcaster
TDR vs Weaselfie
tko vs Éric
Uta The Clown vs Vaictador
Wesleyy vs Void
1LDK vs Forestz
2HP vs SoulWind
46m ツ vs Yahoodles
691 vs Yippie
A Welcome Guest vs Tytohbird
Abbehat vs Splash
Abele01 vs EntryHazardous
AgenteDino vs zSoulx
Ainzcrad vs Rubixe
Albret vs BMG
Altthiel vs Kaboom
Always Edgy vs h4g
anique vs bigboygrimace
Astrø vs sunsets
Autistic Soviet vs MANNAT
avarice vs Elfuseon
Baloor vs Divine10
bharathraj240 vs Chaitanya
bhkg vs Leru
Blox vs Cat food and
BlueLobster vs Metallica126
boris69 vs Strat8246
Bowlii- vs rocky2024
Brigtel vs pokem1399
Call me PK vs Igniizard
Cao Jie vs Longestbanana
Captain Funk vs Clementine
CDW Enrique vs Kerthwack
chapado de ivern vs Mada
Churielix vs ImperialH
clean vs giove97
Clorodulce vs WhoDatMan
Cristian Jimenez vs yakarimseni
cyberas vs GGTC
Danny vs Frania
DarmanitanDLuffy vs Mandibuladel5555
deku216 vs Tempo di anguria
devin vs malefic
Drachenkeule vs Fantos13
Drud vs Quartosa
E-create vs Ev_Evan
egalvanc vs ziloXX
Elrog vs Trickster7
etern vs Vholtninja
ETJX vs Mister Magnus
Euglena vs UBstachel
EviGaro vs HikozaruGG
Exotic64 vs Trout In Space
Fakes vs realaccountami?

There are no extensions in this tournment and no exceptions to this whatsoever, so please do your best to get your games done by Sunday, October 15th at 10 PM GMT-4. Start this round in SM OU if you cannot decide. Thanks

Replays are required to be saved all tournament and posted.
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was given the w


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