SCL III UU Discussion


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Welcome to the Smogon Champions League 3 Discussion Thread -- UU edition! This thread will be used to discuss UU in SCL III related topics, whether it’s about the players, general metagame trends, matches, predictions, etc.

Commencement Thread

Not all of these players necessarily start/play UU in the tour.
umbry - 27.5
mncmt - 23k
Punny - 22.5k
Beraldo - 20k
McMeghan - 18k
Accel - 16k
pdt - 16k
DugZa - 14.5k
Xrn - 14k
Sage - 12k
BIHI - 11k
gum - 11k
Eternal Spirit - 10k
Gilbert arenas - 10k
Lily - 10k
watashi - 8.5k
robjr - 8k
ninjadog - 7.5k
bb skarm - 6k
hariyana grande - 5k
ASKOV - 4.5k
etern - 4k
tko - 4k
z0mOG - 4k
London Beats - 3.5k
Amukamara - 3k
avarice - 3k
Booty - 3k
Cam - 3k
LpZ - 3k
justdrew - 3k
Meru - 3k
vivalospride - 3k
UU Player Cores

Power Plant Dynamos -- Beraldo, BIHI, tko
Indigo Platoon -- McMeghan, Xrn
Uncharted Terrors -- Accel, avarice, Meru
Orange Islanders -- Amukamara, Dugza, pdt, robjr
Studio Gible -- Cam, etern, Eternal Spirit, justdrew, ninjadog, z0m0G
Circuit Breakers -- gum, London Beats, umbry
Arena Spartans -- Lily, Sage
Technical Machines -- Punny, vivalospride
Mt. Silver Foxes -- ASKOV, hariyana grande, mncmt, Xiri
Showdown Shoguns -- bb skarm, Booty, Gilbert arenas, LpZ, watashi


Here's to a fun SCL!​
Last edited:
Crazy draft and we got quite the chaotic pool going on here, honestly really hard for me to rank these cores but i got a hunch on how most of them will be playing out so let's give it a try. Something I think will be especially important this edition is going to be support as the meta is gonna be constantly changing with what we expect to get/the schedule it's going to be running to (biggest reason why i don't regret not signing up tbh), and we've seen already how far grinding gets you this gen, especially in the recent wc. Last thing to mention is that I obviously won't be including Aly in the rankings.

1 - Technical Machines -- Punny, vivalospride.

Feels a bit weird to be ranking Punny first in what is a completely new field for him, but if there is anyone in the pool that i'm 100% sure has no flop potential that's him, or maybe I just jinxed it hard time /shrug. I'm always been really high on his playing capabilities, I think SV is a gen to particularly reward someone with a playstyle like his, I feel like this meta has a lot of options he could like/utilize well and if there is something Punny is known for was until a couple years ago was for his limited team choices, and he has been on the grind for a bit now. He's also paired with viv which I think is good support, provides really fun ideas, open to discussion and has a great hunch on things usually. The only thing I was a bit worried about when it came to viv's support is that I don't fully trust his teambuilding this gen yet since he has been picking it back up for not too long, but him being paired with someone who can build and utilize what he can provide makes for a nice and synergized duo on paper and I'm sure they're gonna do really well.

2 - Indigo Platoon -- McMeghan, Xrn, Star.

I ended up settling for Roro 2nd. A bit contradictory with what I've been mentioning up to this point considering he has no support that has been ever active in the tier up to this point but also we're about to hit a new playing field which evens things out a lot, and not only if there was anyone in this pool that I think could've done it that would've him, but also I fully expect Star and other people within the chat to provide what he needs to succeed. He has been on an insane streak teamtours wise and this UU pool has a great selection of players that I think are going to push his motivation to keep on doing well. Overall, I fully expect him to be on top or near the top, but I'm a bit afraid he might run into troubles with a busy schedule and a tier that constantly changes, afterall they're most likely going to be playing 2 different tiers first 2 weeks so I hope he can find the time to make it work.

3 - Orange Islanders -- pdt, Amukamara, robjr, Dugza, Danny.

First resident tryhard on this list and who could've been if not pdt. Another solid year leading up to this, he has done really well last time around and overall there very little things that hint against a runback. but I'm just.. not sure how much SV he has been playing? And in pdt's case to me, that's really important. He has been campaigning in other tiers for the few UU tours he joined this year, and I think pdt in particular needs to find his comfort place in order to succeed in the tier he's playing, with how niche and unique some of his brings tend to be. Now this can just be solved by him playing 300 ladder games in 4 hours so it's not biggie, but my next worry is having 5 people in his channel talking about how his helmet Hoopa or something abomination sucks when all he wants is for them to play games and is gonna get frustrated at that. Oh well, if those are my worries that at least means he's due for another year of success in the tour I guess.

4 - Uncharted Terrors -- Accel, avarice, Meru.

After I robbed him of his throne last year, Accel is back as the Terrors's UUer of choice in what is pretty much just a runback draft or something, or well at least it would've been if they landed icemaster and gama. To get the obvious out of the way: Accel is a strong and solid player and I expect him to go even at worst postbreak or not. The little worries I have for him are pretty much what I mentioned for the 2 people above as well: time on his hands and support. He had a fine UUWC but I felt like there was room for improvement when it came to teamchoices and just overall didn't seem to be super comfy with what was going on his screen, which I wasn't surprised about with how short the tour was for him and he's to me someone that only benefits from time spent on the playing field. I think the first couple of weeks are going to be especially rough for him going in blind back to back, especially when his support to me does not match his style. Don't get me wrong: avarice to me was a great pickup from the Terrors as he does offer exactly what Accel is going to be needing later on in the tournament with the million different options he brings up that hit perfectly on team preview, especially with how stagnant Accel's teamchoices have been in some of his previous tours, but they first need to develop chemistry for that to work and I think their early meta reads could be completely off. I think this is a pair that is going to be stronger as time goes by, and I hope they're able to make it work in their early tournament gauntlet as well. Honorable mention to MERUSTIE's useless ass that is going to be asking for codenames in general every evening, but sometimes could come up with some genius or something.

5 - Showdown Shoguns -- Gilbert Arenas, bb skarm, Booty, LpZ.

And here is the dark horse of the pool in Marcop. Big fan of him, he's obviously really good and his ceiling is up there, I just don't think it's going to go as smoothly as his previous lower tiers campaigns with the amount of threats in this UU pool but i'm open to be proved wrong. I don't have much else to say, I don't recall having seen much of him in SV and I know basically 0 of the people he's paired with, I expect him to be a threat, but is unknown quantity to me atm hence an isolated 5th place on the rankings.

6 - Mt. Silver Foxes -- Hariyana Grande, Askov, mncmt.

This one I'm REALLY looking forward to, and by far the most exciting pair of the pool. FrankJosh is a great player, recently won UU Masters and never failed to put up a good record in UU tournaments, he just suffers from zoomer things such as NOT WANTING TO PLAY and being incapable of putting 6 mons in his builder. I think his ceiling is really high and he has a lot of potential if he's off to a great start, which he will thanks to his support baskov. ASKOV in officials is famous for one thing: Losing. This, however, is the redemption year: ASKOV has been on top of the metagame ever since his strong UUPL campaign and SV in general seems to make his headassery work. I fully expect them to come up with really fun stuff and have a great meta read as mence is busy elsewhere and incapable of vetoing all the teams they post in their channel, I want this pair to succeed so bad and hope they'll be off to a great start because I think this is their year.

7 - Arena Spartans -- Sage, Lily.

Sage returns to UU after a few good runs in OU, and finds herself in a more dangerous field than the one she experienced in the depths of OU2-3. This pair is weird to me: on paper they're long long long time friends that speak everyday and should have great chemistry, in practice I'm afraid they might just get lost. My biggest concern is consistency: I'm not sure their styles actually match that well, I'm not sure how much Sage builds or likes to build, I didn't like neither's UUWC metaread and while Lily has found great success in UU with her own teams this gen, other people haven't been capable of using them to that extent as opposed to what happened during SS, although she found a middle ground in OU throughout WC. I'm not sure, I think they could either do well or find themselves having a really hard time, and I don't think Sage's gap is big enough to make up for that.

8 - Power Plant Dynamos -- tko.

After a strong UUWC, memshow finds himself in UU.. without support? I was super hyped for the memshow UU campaign, he has shown great signs in WC and think with time he could only get better but I think he might have a hard time now unless he's able to get someone on his case. I would've loved a QoB pickup from this team and I would've put them 2 places higher than this, I still like his value as wildcard but ehh. We shall see how things work out for him.

9 - Studio Gible -- Eternal Spirit?, Cam?, justdrew, Ninjadog, z0mOG.

Whatever the heck is going on here, I don't have good expectations but I'm happy Cam and justdrew got picked up as they fully deserve it, and I hope whoever ends up being the pilot gets some fire from the drew. Good luck Gibles on Head, I hope you're able to find success but I have a hard time imagining it as of now.

Really exciting pool and looking forward to some great games, gl! to all the people involved and hope you can all have fun in this SCL.
1-roro: looked good in wcop+can use grifafai
2-umbry: she plays all, prolly good
3-punny: good player. Uses strange shit. Italianx
4-Sage: good nose for the game.
5-hariyama: cool name. may have scheduling issues week 1.
6-accel: helped christo the great achieve legendary status.
7-pdt: dk much abt them. Called me an old man once.
8-gama: your favorite players favorite player; o mago. Can’t use arkenes.
9-tko: been around for a minute never seen em around.
my own power ranking

1- punny
2- umbry
3- pdt
4- roro
5- marcop
6- sage
7- hariyana
8- accel
9- tko
10- gama

no i'm not further elaborating, cope harder. use this as a fuel tho if you disagree. good luck to everyone, i'm excited for these upcoming matches =).
total: mystery

[ISL] pdt vs BIHI [DYN] - i dont actually think pdt has played much sv uu this year besides helping (attempting to throw, wont ever forget the stalk scizor bro) the core sv out in uupl. both good tho and probably the biggest toss-up of w1 since bihi can beat just about anyone if he puts his mind to it
[BRE] umbry vs Punny [TMS] - pretty even excited to see what each brings, leaning aly since she plays it more but wouldnt be surprised if punny wins
[PLA] McMeghan vs Eternal Spirit [GIB] - better pure player, if last scl can be used for anything its clear that roro can build in tiers hes unfamiliar with, i think sv uu is the type of tier that matches well with his kind of play
[FOX] hariyana grande vs Gilbert arenas [SHO] - plays more but marcop has mainer killer energy
[TER] Accel vs Sage [SPA] - cant get a read here, probably sage

many friends have fun all may do a metagame post at the end of the week if stuff intrigues me
[ISL] pdt vs BIHI [DYN] - plays the tier
[BRE] umbry vs Punny [TMS] - closest one for this week probably, small edge to umbry for playing the tier more but could go either way
[PLA] McMeghan vs Eternal Spirit [GIB] - idt gama knows what is a hisui-goodra or a lokix
[FOX] hariyana grande vs Gilbert arenas [SHO] - frankjosh
[TER] Accel vs Sage [SPA] - both are prob close skillwise but sage has been more involved w sv uu
[ISL] pdt vs BIHI [DYN] - mainer + better player + more impactful results overall.
[BRE] umbry vs Punny [TMS] - i'd say punny is the better player, but aly doesn't come off too far from him, she's obviously talented and makes up for it in the teambuilder as well, whereas punny here is working with viv's teams (he's great support, and even though he's not as active, i don't doubt his capacity to adapt and pick up trends quickly, but to what extent does that go? we can only see that from how it goes throughout the tournament), which makes me think umbry is gonna have the matchup advantage here. if that were week 5-6, depending on previous results, the result could be distinct from my current opinion, but getting umbry, who's got the teambuilding advantage + more in touch with the metagame / the game itself (while also displaying extraordinary results), at the very first week seems just too much of a challenge. 55-45.
[PLA] McMeghan vs Eternal Spirit [GIB] - gama is not very good and i don't think i've ever seen him win a game in some time now. his ''choose the worst option possible from chat gpt'' plays used to work at some point beyond the extinction of the dinosaurs, giving the impression of skill. even though he's got support, he's likely to use a team of his choice, carrying on to playing with some diarrhea. mcm's playing, on the other hand, hasn't aged like milk. next.
[FOX] hariyana grande vs Gilbert arenas [SHO] - same as (umbry vs punny), getting someone who mains the tier and has excelled at uu master/other individuals right off the bat seems too much of an insurmountable obstacle for marcop. i do give him a lot of credit though and the opposing result isn't unimaginable, i've heard he did well in the last scl, quickly adapting to the adverse situations and new metagame, he's just a good player in general. but to me, hariyana has the upper hand.
[TER] Accel vs Sage [SPA] - yes, i put him on 8th and i'm going to be bolding him against sage. i feel it in my veins. he's got what he needs to win this, the nerve, pulling the trigger at the right times, and the hard work, even though he's not that close to sage in terms of activity and time spent in the metagame.
[ISL] pdt vs BIHI [DYN] - think it'll be closer than most people expect, looking forward to seeing team choices from both
[BRE] umbry vs Punny [TMS]
[PLA] McMeghan
vs Eternal Spirit [GIB] - better at finding his way in unknown territories
[FOX] hariyana grande vs Gilbert arenas [SHO] - prove me wrong, frankjosh
[TER] Accel vs Sage [SPA] - feel this matchup happening week1 highly favors sage, wouldn't be surprised if accel took it though
[ISL] pdt vs BIHI [DYN] - mainer + better player + more impactful results overall.
[BRE] umbry vs Punny [TMS] - i'd say punny is the better player, but aly doesn't come off too far from him, she's obviously talented and makes up for it in the teambuilder as well, whereas punny here is working with viv's teams (he's great support, and even though he's not as active, i don't doubt his capacity to adapt and pick up trends quickly, but to what extent does that go? we can only see that from how it goes throughout the tournament), which makes me think umbry is gonna have the matchup advantage here. if that were week 5-6, depending on previous results, the result could be distinct from my current opinion, but getting umbry, who's got the teambuilding advantage + more in touch with the metagame / the game itself (while also displaying extraordinary results), at the very first week seems just too much of a challenge. 55-45.
[PLA] McMeghan vs Eternal Spirit [GIB] - gama is not very good and i don't think i've ever seen him win a game in some time now. his ''choose the worst option possible from chat gpt'' plays used to work at some point beyond the extinction of the dinosaurs, giving the impression of skill. even though he's got support, he's likely to use a team of his choice, carrying on to playing with some diarrhea. mcm's playing, on the other hand, hasn't aged like milk. next.
[FOX] hariyana grande vs Gilbert arenas [SHO] - same as (umbry vs punny), getting someone who mains the tier and has excelled at uu master/other individuals right off the bat seems too much of an insurmountable obstacle for marcop. i do give him a lot of credit though and the opposing result isn't unimaginable, i've heard he did well in the last scl, quickly adapting to the adverse situations and new metagame, he's just a good player in general. but to me, hariyana has the upper hand.
[TER] Accel vs Sage [SPA] - yes, i put him on 8th and i'm going to be bolding him against sage. i feel it in my veins. he's got what he needs to win this, the nerve, pulling the trigger at the right times, and the hard work, even though he's not that close to sage in terms of activity and time spent in the metagame.
Cheers for the predicts! I didn’t read though
[ISL] pdt vs BIHI [DYN] - pdt will probably ladder a whole bunch (probably already has) and will be very in tune with what's good i think. BIHI is a hard worker too tho, so we'll see.
[BRE] umbry vs Punny [TMS] - Punny might bring something unexpected and catch umbry slightly off guard? Very close one, hard to predict.
[PLA] McMeghan vs Eternal Spirit [GIB] - Both are good players, but mcm has shown he is adept at the whole pick up a lower tier and win thing, and i haven't seen Eternal Spirit do this before.
[FOX] hariyana grande vs Gilbert arenas [SHO] - I can't help but root for hari a bit but I know Gilbert arenas has been putting in work to learn the tier and he has a lot more experience on this stage.
[TER] Accel vs Sage [SPA] - Only thing giving sage an edge is slightly more activity, another very even mu.

I'm very very excited to watch these, should all be very good and probably close games :)
week 2 is up!
[SPA] Sage vs umbry [BRE] - umbry's game was my favorite watch last week, really great stuff. I think she'll continue to do well even with the massive shift. Sage is no pushover though and with Lily support could totally see them pulling out a unique offense that has more oomph than the basic Weavile BO from last week.
[SHO] Gilbert arenas vs pdt [ISL] - I think this will be the most fun watch of the week. Both players are pretty creative and can be aggressive. Definitely looking forward to each one's approach to the fresh (but certainly shortlived) meta we have this week. Have to bold my fellow Sandaconda with his extensive sv experience though.
[GIB] Eternal Spirit vs hariyana grande [FOX] - frankjosh has more Brazilians in his corner and I think he will have an easier time prepping for Gama than marcop. Gama is certainly capable of having a surprise factor set that fucks frankjosh up though a la Scarf Cloyster, but I think it's less likely since I kinda doubt he meshes super well with his support justdrew.
[TMS] Punny vs McMeghan [PLA] - Honestly I think this game will go down matchup a bit. Both players are top end of the pool and will be trying to bounce back this week so I think they'll bring some cool teams. Would've still liked to see this mu in a later week when the tier is a bit more stable unfort. Still bolding Punny since I liked his team way more in the previous week. I think having vivalospride support on TMs outmatches Xrn and Star (?) support and can really make a difference here.
[DYN] Bihi vs Accel [TER] - go terrors!!
[SPA] Sage vs umbry [BRE]
[SHO] Gilbert arenas vs pdt [ISL]
[GIB] Eternal Spirit vs hariyana grande [FOX]
[TMS] Punny vs McMeghan [PLA]
[DYN] Bihi vs Accel [TER]
[SPA] Sage vs umbry [BRE] - Sage
[GIB] Eternal Spirit vs hariyana grande [FOX]- mago? Hard to say frank played fine v me gama also a veteran.
[TMS] Punny vs McMeghan [PLA] - wrong move on subsd sciz lop. Ro
[DYN] Bihi vs Accel [TER]-accel prolly wins this.
[SPA] Sage vs umbry [BRE]
[SHO] Gilbert arenas vs pdt [ISL] - Betting against pdt after last week's beatdown would be criminal, marcop should make it close though and it wouldn't be surprising if he ends taking this one with another strong showing, should be fun to watch.
[GIB] Eternal Spirit vs hariyana grande [FOX] - Feel like it's almost impossible to predict this game, we will likely see many creative sets and plot twists from both sides. I'll bold hariyana as I don't want to see my friend start 0-2 :( good luck!
[TMS] Punny vs McMeghan [PLA] - Punny is still top 1 in my eyes and while roro is very a tough opponent, it seems like he still needs some time to adjust to some building dynamics. Also I liked what the machines core came up with last week and expect them to still have a better read on the metagame. Sad one of them has to start 0-2 but we'll probably see both finish with respectable/great records late in the season.
[DYN] BIHI vs Accel [TER] - Hard to judge bihi off of his first game alone as there was little he could have done about that matchup, I did find his team kind of shaky so that's why I trust accel to load into the game with a more cohesive squad. I think he has a good eye when it comes to picking teams/prep in uu and terrors also have better uu support to back that up so leaning on them.
[SPA] Sage vs umbry [BRE] | go team

[SHO] Gilbert arenas vs pdt [ISL] | both kinda smoked week 1, marcop's game a lot closer on paper but honestly it was a lock the moment cloyster killed lokix. bc of that it's kinda hard to tell who looked stronger, so I'm just defaulting to pdt. would not at all be surprised to see it go the other way

[GIB] Eternal Spirit vs hariyana grande [FOX] | sorry frank :( i have no real justification its just gut feeling

[TMS] Punny vs McMeghan [PLA] | both lost in close games last week and both are players of legendary status, will just roll with roro bc his year has been stupid good

[DYN] Bihi vs Accel [TER] | i can never bold against pompom users, bihi is gonna need better teams than the one he had last week to stay competitive i think. np tect hydrei is obviously not common and is the worst thing to run into when you're slither winging but it still had too many issues. mind you accel's weavile counterplay was scald so who knows, i still favour him here i think
[SPA] Sage vs umbry [BRE] Hoping sage can bounce back since she looked pretty solid last week iirc despite losing, but umbry looked super good so she gets the bold. I do think sage and lily might cook something cool for the new meta and figure out what's good, so maybe it will be close.

[SHO] Gilbert arenas vs pdt [ISL] It just seems wrong to bold against pdt, even with Gilbert arenas playing well and bringing cool stuff last week.

[GIB] Eternal Spirit vs hariyana grande [FOX] Can't put a dpp uu player in a tier with shell smash torterra and expect him to lose.

[TMS] Punny vs McMeghan [PLA] Hard to see either of these players starting off 0-2 but somehow mcm will find some great mon that people have forgotten to prepare for and win is my prediction.

[DYN] Bihi vs Accel [TER] Accel is more experienced with having to adapt to lower tier shifts so I think he'll have the upper hand this week.

Another week of scrumptious match ups that were hard af to predict and will be exciting to watch :]
Not usual for me to do predicts but I thought it'd be cool to try and revive this thread.

[FOX] hariyana grande vs umbry [BRE] - I liked what hari brought last week to be honest, solid breaker in specs hoopa+punisher for physical attacks while also lowering speed by getting them paralyzed in bellibolt, and I also think he played the game pretty solidly. However, I think umbry really stepped up as a player lately, I mean she's always been good but I think she's just top tier status in my eyes rn and also has a very good understanding of the meta. I wouldn't be too surprised if the foxes cooked something nasty and managed to get a good MU, but I think umbry will be able to play well enough to overcome that. Hoping to see a cool match

[TER] Accel vs McMeghan [PLA] - Close call, I think both have been struggling this tour. Accel has the best record out of the two, but his two wins are against the only two slots without a win in this tour, and he's looked a bit lost in team choice last week. Feel like roro is also struggling with teams here, especially during week 1, but he's been an amazing player across multiple tiers/gens so im going with him.

[ISL] pdt vs Lily [SPA] This is the most interesting game this week. I think they're pretty close playing-wise, with pdt having a slight edge over lily, imo. What I believe to put lily in a much worse spot than pdt are her metagame takes. That said, I think she can definitely pull this one but pdt has been very consistent between his last years run and even this year, so I think he has the edge here.

[DYN] tko vs Punny [TMS]

[SHO] Gilbert arenas vs Eternal Spirit [GIB] - I believe that both of them are playing their games well, especially marcop, who has been a strong player for a while now, and that's mostly why I think he's gonna take this. Another good reason for me to believe marcop is gonna win this game are ES' brings, which have been quite weird, especially his team against pdt two weeks ago. That said, I can totally see him take this game instead of marcop.

[FOX] hariyana grande vs umbry [BRE]
[TER] Accel vs McMeghan [PLA]
[ISL] pdt vs Lily [SPA]
[DYN] tko vs Punny [TMS]
[SHO] Gilbert arenas vs Eternal Spirit [GIB]
Not usual for me to do predicts but I thought it'd be cool to try and revive this thread.

[FOX] hariyana grande vs umbry [BRE] | Sunday 4pm gmt+1, glhf frankjosh...

[TER] Accel vs McMeghan [PLA] | Both are coming off a loss bringing rather standard teams last week featuring flavor of the month okidogi and are looking to bounce back here. I'd say roro is slightly better playing wise, while accel has better support on the terrors. This is mostly a gut feeling, I believe accel is going to try and step out of his comfort zone to try a more creative approach this week which will pay off with a matchup advantage, it will then be up to him to convert into a win, which isn't going to be easy against an experienced veteran like roro. Overall a pretty close match, can see this one go either way but gotta predict one so.

[ISL] pdt vs Lily [SPA] | pdt has looked quite good and has gone into every game with solid team choices, whereas the spartans building department has been lackluster so far. Lily is certainly able to build something unique to take advantage of pdt's often one dimensional style but it's gonna take a bit of grinding to reach the same level of understanding of the meta pdt has right now, and the spartans dont seem a highly motivated bunch right now. I rate them similarly in playing skills but I'd give a slight advantage to pdt for this game.

[DYN] tko vs Punny [TMS] | Punny so far has looked amazing, bringing good teams and executing with accuracy, this is everything you would expect from him and it inspires confidence. On the other hand we have tko, who is definitely a competent player, however, dynamos' team choices so far inspire...well...far less confidence, it doesn't look like dynamos are equipped with an adequate support team to help tko, perhaps an unexpected bring can level the field, but I find it unlikely punny falls for any tricks here. Dynamos have to step up their building or it looks like yet another uphill battle for them starting from teams' preview.

[SHO] Gilbert arenas vs Eternal Spirit [GIB] | My personal highlight for the week, I am excited to see how they both approach this one in the builder. Neither canonically resides within the UU playerbase, and both lean towards heavily offensive structures which have worked for them so far, it's great to see forgotten threats like arcanine rise up again on the big stage, feel like I haven't seen one since UUWC days. In my opinion marcop has looked a little better in game and his teams hold up much better defensively if it happens he is put on the back foot so I'd favor him here, but this match may very well be over within 20 turns so that could end being irrelevant. Expecting some explosive teams at preview, if I see fat I know I'll be massively disappointed.
Last week of regular season is up, got some fun mus

[SHO] Gilbert arenas vs McMeghan [PLA] - Two big names with positive records. Throughout the tour I've liked gilbert's teams more and I think he just has a better feel for the tier at this point. Platoon is guaranteed in for playoffs while Shoguns need tryhard asw, so I imagine it'll be some weird offense from McMeghan with a rough matchup against Weavile or something.

[DYN] Separation vs hariyana grande [FOX] - go frankjosh!! It's impressive how Separation has been able to shore up their record with a 3-0 here after a tough start in their usual OU. Proving that beating Lily wasn't solely a free win with Spartans morale gone by getting some solid Ws over umbry and McMeghan. I rate the ASKOV prep really highly though and think hariyana grande will get a W "for the mainers" despite Dynamos' best efforts to gatekeep foxes. Definitely the highlight of the week.

[GIB] Eternal Spirit vs Sylveon used calm mind [BRE] - Sylveon will probably just load some cheese offense in which case I think gama will be more than prepared to win comfortably. If the series gets wrapped up earlier than whenever this is scheduled (Breakers are out) it'd be cool to see justdrew in over gama should gama not want to secure the positive record

[TMS] Punny vs Lily [SPA] - hoping the spartans go full gatekeep mode this week, this will be a really interesting game between two European greats to watch if Lily doesn't just load up terrain or w/e. both are pretty creative builders and have done very well in sv as a whole. Punny has had the most unique mons (in terms of repeating) I think so won't be too easy to prep for. Even with "narrowing it down" to cheese Lily can pull off some cool sets to make it difficult for Punny still.

[SHO] Gilbert arenas vs McMeghan [PLA]
[DYN] Separation vs hariyana grande [FOX]
[TER] Accel vs pdt [ISL]
[GIB] Eternal Spirit vs Sylveon used calm mind [BRE]
[TMS] Punny vs Lily [SPA]