Pet Mod Generation X - The Next Chapter (Region 4: Brunica) [Slate 11: Fossils]

Should we have a Generational Gimmick akin to Mega Evolution, Z-Moves, Dynamax and Terastalizaiton?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
- Wonder Masks & New Items; Round 2 -

:Life Orb: :Leftovers: :Choice Band:

For the keen eye who looked at the results, you may have noticed that we have two pairs of Ice-type Wonder Masks; thus, to keep balance, we're starting the slate again - with minor adjustments.
Wonder Mask Rules
- You may theme a Wonder Mask after any Pokemon, whether they be from the mainline games, or in any Gen X iteration including Brazdo, Loria and of course, Desvega. For obvious reasons, you cannot theme a mask after a Pokemon that already has a mask themed after them.
- You may sub up to six Masks in total.
- Wonder Masks add/replace a secondary typing of the holder, that type being one of the types the Mask Pokemon has (ex. a Charizard mask will add either the Fire or Flying type to the wearer). No Ice-Type Masks can be subbed due to the fact that we have two Ice-Type Wonder Masks already.
- Wonder Masks increase the non-HP stats of their base form by a total of exactly 50 BST; you can buff or reduce any stat that isn't HP, though keep in mind that the total amount of stat reductions is limited to a -10 total decrease altogether. As suggested by Yoshiblaze, the stat increases are usually the same as the Mask Pokemon's highest stats, though this is more of a guideline than a hard rule.
- Wonder Masks change the holder's Ability to one of the Mask Pokemon's possible Abilities. For sake of consistency, the changed Abilities cannot be those that are unable to be copied by Ability-changing moves like Role Play, Skill Swap, and Entrainment, or Ability-changing Abilities like Trace, Receiver, and Power of Alchemy. To avoid any comparisons, any new masks should preferably not have any overlapping Abilities with existing masks.
- Making sure that your subs are competitively balanced is more important in this slate than any other slate, so don't go too crazy.
- We're looking to have another Wonder Mask of (almost) every type, though if there are multiple Mask Subs of the same type, we will have to initiate a voting phase.

Name: [Name of Pokemon, also specify which regional form they are] Mask
Type: (What secondary type will the wearer gain?)
Stat change: (Specify the stat changes the wearer will receive)
Ability Change: (Which Ability the Mask Wear gains)
Justification: (Why this combo of Pokemon, type, stats and ability?)
Standard Item Rules
- You may sub up to three new held items. These items can either be something brand new, or a revamp of an existing item.
Name: [Name of the item]
Effect: [What the item does]
Can Be Removed (Yes or No): (Specify whether or not the item can be Knocked Off.)
Ignored by Klutz (Yes or No): (Specify whether or not the item's effect is ignored by Klutz)
Fling Power & Effect: (The BP of Fling when used with this item and what secondary effect it has, like Light Ball causing paralysis)
Justification: (Explain why this item should be added)

This slate will last for three days (or longer depending on how many subs we have). Let's get down to business!
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Name: Vulguile Mask
Type: Dragon
Stat change: +25 Atk, +10 Def, +15 Spe
Ability Change: Dragon's Maw
Justification: Dragon steroids

Name: Aurumine Mask
Type: Steel
Stat change: +10 Atk, +25 Def, +15 SpD
Ability Change: Keen Eye
Justification: The Heavy-Duty Boots of the gold rush.

Name: Pikachat Mask
Type: Ground
Stat change: +10 Atk, +10 SpA, +30 Spe
Ability Change: Dry Skin
Justification: We have a Eevee Mask, but Pikachu has too much exposure...wait, we have 'Pikachu at home'.

Name: Ironmor Mask
Type: Bug
Stat change: +30 Def, +20 SpD
Ability Change: Heatproof
Justification: Defensive Bug?

Name: Ampalango Mask
Type: Electric
Stat change: +15 Atk, +10 SpA, +25 SpD
Ability Change: Galvanise
Justification: Electric utility

Name: Ogerpon Mask
Type: Grass
Stat change: +10 Atk, +10 Def, +10 SpD, +20 Spe
Ability Change: Defiant
Justification: ...Y'know, considering I put Ogerpon as the Pokemon up in on the slate rules, I should probably make a mask after it. I can't change Embody Aspect without some hard coding, so the base default Teal Mask it is. (Also somewhat predicted by Bloopyghost back before slate 3)

Name: Rulebook
Effect: When the holder switches in, identifies and suppresses the effects of the held items of all opposing Pokémon until the end of the turn; displaying the message "[Holder] is inspecting [Opponent]'s [Opponent's item] by its Rulebook!" in the order of left to right from that team's perspective. Does not affect Wonder Masks.
Can Be Removed: Yes
Ignored by Klutz: Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 50 BP, inflicts Embargo.
Justification: Pseudo Frisk + Magic Room.

Name: Ashball
Effect: If held by Pichat | Pikachat | Raichat, doubles its Attack and SpA and increases its critical hit ratio by two stages.
Can Be Removed: Yes
Ignored by Klutz: Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 30 BP, burns the target.
Justification: The Light Ball to Pikachat, because with its current movepool it's bad.
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Name: Fearow Mask
Effect: Changes holders ability to keen eye, secondary typing to Flying, +15 attack +5 defense +5 special defense +25speed
Justification: heavy duty boots but awesome. Also idk why you made flying types sound move users considering we don’t have any that fit that criteria… kinda cringe

Name: Spinning Top
Effect: Boosts the power of physical and special moves while using a different physical or special move than the one used last turn. Multiplies the offensive stat by 1.5x
Can Be Removed Y
Ignored by Klutz Y
Fling Power & Effect: 60 bp, inflicts torment
Justification: a bit of a unique offensive item, as it holds no immediate power, but can provide immense support to mixed attackers without being chipped by life orb recoil. Not to mention the power boost
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Name: Virulope Mask
Type: Poison
Stat change: +15 Atk, +10 SpD, +25 Speed
Ability Change: Toxic Debris
Justification: Hazard setter. Also it would complete the trio.

Name: Bewear Mask
Type: Fighting
Stat change: +30 Atk, +15 Defense, +5 SpD
Ability Change: Fluffy
Justification: Fluffy's a good ability in the correct circumstances.

Name: Centiskorch Mask
Type: Bug
Stat change: +30 Atk, +10 SpA, +10 SpD
Ability Change: Flash Fire
Justification: Fun bug?

Name: Sandaconda Mask
Type: Ground
Stat change: +10 Atk, +20 Def, +10 SpD, +10 Speed
Ability Change: Sand Spit
Justification: Setter of Sand

Name: Alakazam Mask
Type: Psychic
Stat change:+20 SpA, +10 SpDef, +20 Speed
Ability Change: Magic Guard
Justification: Magic Guard

Name: Gyarados Mask
Type: Flying
Stat change: +25 Atk, +15 SpDef, +10 Speed
Ability Change: Moxie
Justification: Janutcher mask already has Intim, but Moxie is a fun ability too.
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Name: Bombastor Mask (from Loria)
Type: Fire
Stat change: +25 Atk, +15 Def, +10 Spe
Ability Change: Magic Bounce
Justification: We already have a special-side mask of this type, so we need a physical one

Name: Coatrin Mask (from Loria)
Type: Fire
Stat change: +22 Atk, +20 SpA, +8 Spe
Ability Change: Bombardier

Name: Hisuian Samurott Mask
Type: Dark
Stat change: +18 Atk, +20 SpA, +12 Spe
Ability Change: Sharpness

Name: Pawmot Mask
Type: Fighting
Stat change: +27 Atk, +23 Spe
Ability Change: Iron Fist

Name: Bruxish Mask
Type: Psychic
Stat change: +25 Atk, +5 Def, +5 SpD, +15 Spe
Ability Change: Strong Jaw

Justification: I wanted these abilities to be more available to Pokémon with good moves that can use them.
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Name: Coalossal Mask
Type: Fire
Stats: +30 Def, +20 SpD
Ability: Flame Body
Justification: stat stick used for walls

Name: Throh Mask
Type: Fighting
Stats: +20 Atk, +20 Def, +20 SpD, -10 Spe
Ability: Mold Breaker
Justification: wanted another mold breaker mon like mnm, this one being more defensive

Name: Garganacl Mask
Type: Rock
Stats: +20 Atk, +30 Def, +10 SpD, -10 Spe
Ability: Purifying Salt
Justification: its rock but you do get a hefty def boost and status immunity + ghost resist so might be useful

Name: Pelipper Mask
Type: Water
Stats: +25 Def, +15 SpA, +10 SpD
Ability: Drizzle
Justification: needed for rain to exist which is a bit interesting since you have universal drizzle but only 5 turns of it

Name: Spidops Mask
Type: Bug
Stats: +15 Atk, +20 Def, +15 SpD
Ability: Stakeout
Justification: makes up for being bug by having a pretty broken ability

Name: Cyclizar Mask
Type: Normal
Stats: +15 Atk, +10 SpA, +25 Spe
Ability: Regenerator
Justification: i love offensive regen
New Wonder Masks:

: Charparoll Mask
Type: Ground
Stat Changes: +20 Atk, +20 SpA, +10 Spe
Ability: Dust Devil
Justification: Sandstorm, destroyer of worlds

Name: Caverlisk Mask
Type: Steel
Stat Changes: +5 Atk, +25 Def, +5 SpA, + 25 SpD, -10 Spe
Ability: Sturdy
Justification: Armor for days!

Name: Swaunted Mask
Type: Ghost
Stat Changes: +5 Atk, +15 Def, +5 SpA, + 15 SpD, +10 Spe
Ability: Queenly Majesty
Justification: Priority goes bye-bye

Name: Hawlucha Mask
Type: Fighting
Stat Changes: +15 Atk, +10 Def, +25 Spe
Ability: Mold Breaker
Justification: Abilities? What are those?

Name: Tractipede Mask
Type: Water
Stat Changes: +5 Atk, +5 Def, +5 SpA, + 5 SpD, +30 Spe
Ability: Swift Swim
Justification: Rain Team goes nyoom

New Items:

: Noxious Gauntlet
Effect: Contact moves succeeding against a Pokémon that carries this item will result in a 25% chance of the attacker becoming Poisoned unless they are immune to poisoning. If they were already poisoned, the status is replaced with Badly Poisoned.
Can Be Removed (Yes or No): Yes
Ignored by Klutz (Yes or No): Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 60 BP, causes poisoning unless the target is immune
Justification: Rocky Helmet needed a friend :(

Name: Heated Cuirass
Effect: Contact moves succeeding against a Pokémon that carries this item will result in a 25% chance of the attacker becoming Burned unless they are immune to burns.
Can Be Removed (Yes or No): Yes
Ignored by Klutz (Yes or No): Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 60 BP, causes burning unless the target is immune
Justification: Another to add to the "harm upon contact" armor set. This one is the breastplate!

Name: Shocking Pauldron
Effect: Contact moves succeeding against a Pokémon that carries this item will result in a 25% chance of the attacker becoming Paralyzed unless they are immune to freezing.
Can Be Removed (Yes or No): Yes
Ignored by Klutz (Yes or No): Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 60 BP, causes paralysis unless the target is immune
Justification: And one more status-causing armor piece, for luck!
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Name: Lamiamp Mask
Type: Grass
Stat change: +20 Def, + 20 SpA, +20 SpD, -10 Speed
Ability Change: Snow Coat
Justification: This Grass-type Pokémon is unique in that it have Snow Coat without being Ice-type. Helps dealing with Boltbeam coverage for bulky Pokémon while giving increase of bulk and Special Attack.

Name: Kecleon Mask
Type: Normal
Stat change: +20 Atk, +10 Def, +25 SpD
Ability Change: Protean
Justification: Giving various Pokémon a way to get rid of their bad typing further once per switch-in. Protean is nerfed as of SV which only works once per switch-in, so keep that in mind.

Name: Gallade Mask
Type: Psychic
Stat change: +25 Atk, +25 SpD
Ability Change: Sharpness
Justification: Provide Sharpness-boosted moves more uses on Pokémon that have it, at cost of mediocre defensive type in Psychic.

Name: Carbink Mask
Type: Fairy
Stat change: +30 Def, + 30 SpD, -10 Speed
Ability Change: Clear Body
Justification: More defensive part of Fairy, with Clear Body blocking Intimidate, Fire Lash‘s Defense reducement, and the likes.

Name: Noivern Mask
Type: Dragon
Stat change: +5 Def, +10 SpA, +5 SpD, +30 Speed
Ability Change: Frisk
Justification: High Speed boost and useful Scouting Ability in Frisk, but doesn’t offer much power boost.

Name: Rampardos Mask
Type: Rock
Stat change: +15 Atk, +10 Def, +15 SpA, +10 SpD, -10 Spe
Ability Change: Sheer Force
Justification: Offer powerful wallbreaking prowess as many moves are boosted by Sheer Force, but gives Rock-related weaknesses and lower Speed.

Name: Refraction Pad
Effect: If the holder is hit by a a move that does not make contact, damage the attacker by 1/6th of maximum HP.
Can Be Removed (Yes or No): Yes
Ignored by Klutz (Yes or No): Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 30 BP
Justification: Back in Gen 2 to 4, it makes sense that there are more measures against physical moves due to more consistent power and accuracy in comparison to special moves. However, later generations prove that Blissey, Snorlax and the Assault Vest item can’t keep all the special attacking powerhouses by themselves. This item may help potential special walls to punish Special Attackers more.
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Name: Thunder Orb
Effect: Paralyzes the user. If held by a Pokémon with Quick Feet, it does not prevent them from moving.
Can Be Removed (Yes or No): Yes
Ignored by Klutz (Yes or No): Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 30 BP and Paralyzes the target.
Justification: This should have existed to begin with. Enables Quick Feet users to automatically take advantage of their ability. I realized it might be pretty unreliable due to Paralysis sometimes preventing you from moving, so I changed the item accordingly.
Name: Thunder Orb
Effect: Paralyzes the user. If held by a Pokémon with Quick Feet, it does not prevent them from moving.
Can Be Removed (Yes or No): Yes
Ignored by Klutz (Yes or No): Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 30 BP and Paralyzes the target.
Justification: This should have existed to begin with. Enables Quick Feet users to automatically take advantage of their ability. I realized it might be pretty unreliable due to Paralysis sometimes preventing you from moving, so I changed the item accordingly.
just remember that the paralysis debuff counteracts with the 1.5x boost, making your speed 0.75x.

Name: Ursabluna Mask
Type: Water
Stat change: +30 Atk, +30 Def, -10 Speed
Ability Change: Bulletproof
Justification: ursabluna the goat.

Name: Lycanroc-Dusk Mask
Type: Rock
Stat change: +25 Atk, +5 Def, +5 SpD, +15 Spe
Ability Change: Tough Claws
Justification: this would be a very powerful mask at the cost of a mid typing
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Name: Hindrance Policy
Effect: An item to be held by a Pokémon. If the holder is afflicted with a status condition, this policy sharply boosts its Defense and Sp.Def stats. (Consumable similarly to the Weakness and Blunder Policies)
Can It Be Removed: Yes
Ignored By Klutz: Yes
Fling Effect: 80 Power
Justification: A conditionally effective item to use on a set-up sweeper, allowing it to somewhat mitigate being affected by a status condition, though it could become very threatening in combination with a move like Rest.

Name: Element Orb
Effect: If the user attacks with a not very effective move, the damage is increased by 30%.
Can It Be Removed: Yes
Ignored By Klutz: Yes
Fling Effect: 30 power
Justification: A situational item that could potentially help Pokemon with otherwise heavily resisted type combinations to see some use.
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If you've lost track of time like I have, you may be surprised to find that it already should be time for the veto phase! As consolation, it will last for 48 hours, during which you may also change your current subs.
As of the latest count, the Mask types that will be available to be worn without another vote are Poison, Dark, Ghost & Fairy. Keep this in mind if you wish to improve your chances of a winning sub.
In other news, a few Items have sparked enough concern for me to veto them, specifically:
Name: Spinning Top
Effect: Boosts the power of moves while using a different move than the one used last turn. Multiplies the offensive stat by 1.5x
Can Be Removed Y
Ignored by Klutz Y
Fling Power & Effect: 60 bp, inflicts torment
Justification: a bit of a unique offensive item, as it holds no immediate power, but can provide immense support to mixed attackers without being chipped by life orb recoil. Not to mention the power boost
From the wording, it would appear that the holder can just use a status move every other turn to continue the boost. I did notice you also subbed this in Vapormons, so I'd prefer it if you kept this version the same as that one.
Name: Gross Gauntlet
Effect: Contact moves succeeding against a Pokémon that carries this item will result in the attacker becoming Poisoned unless they are immune to poisoning. If they were already poisoned, the status is replaced with Badly Poisoned.
Can Be Removed (Yes or No): Yes
Ignored by Klutz (Yes or No): Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 60 BP, causes poisoning unless the target is immune
Justification: Rocky Helmet needed a friend :(

Name: Scorching Shield
Effect: Contact moves succeeding against a Pokémon that carries this item will result in the attacker becoming Burned unless they are immune to burns.
Can Be Removed (Yes or No): Yes
Ignored by Klutz (Yes or No): Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 60 BP, causes burning unless the target is immune
Justification: Another to add to the "harm upon contact" armor set. This one is the breastplate!

Name: Polar Pauldron
Effect: Contact moves succeeding against a Pokémon that carries this item will result in the attacker becoming Frozen unless they are immune to freezing.
Can Be Removed (Yes or No): Yes
Ignored by Klutz (Yes or No): Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 60 BP, causes freezing unless the target is immune
Justification: And one more status-causing armor piece, for luck!
To be able to instantly spread status sounds problematic. I'd recommend for you to lower the likelihood of the former two status to occur; as for the Polar Pauldron, freeze is simply too much of a risk to play against. Change it to another status ailment.
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To be able to instantly spread status sounds problematic. I'd recommend for you to lower the likelihood of the former two status to occur; as for the Polar Pauldron, freeze is simply too much of a risk to play against. Change it to another status ailment.

Would a 50% chance of causing the status to occur still be too much, or would I have to lower it further still to, say, 25%?
Voting Time!
The following masks, due to being the only ones of their type, are available to be worn from the get go:
Name: Ampalango Mask
Type: Electric
Stat change: +15 Atk, +10 SpA, +25 SpD
Ability Change: Galvanise
Justification: Electric utility
Name: Virulope Mask
Type: Poison
Stat change: +15 Atk, +10 SpD, +25 Speed
Ability Change: Toxic Debris
Justification: Hazard setter. Also it would complete the trio.
Name: Swaunted Mask
Type: Ghost
Stat Changes: +5 Atk, +15 Def, +5 SpA, + 15 SpD, +10 Spe
Ability: Queenly Majesty
Justification: Priority goes bye-bye
Name: Hisuian Samurott Mask
Type: Dark
Stat change: +18 Atk, +20 SpA, +12 Spe
Ability Change: Sharpness
Name: Carbink Mask
Type: Fairy
Stat change: +30 Def, + 30 SpD, -10 Speed
Ability Change: Clear Body
Justification: More defensive part of Fairy, with Clear Body blocking Intimidate, Fire Lash‘s Defense reducement, and the likes.

As for the rest, the rules as follows:
  • Each Mask type will be voted for separately, the mask types are the twelve that are not listed above. Any Mask votes that are Dark, Electric, Fairy, Ghost or Poison will be ignored.
  • This will be a ranked vote, with the highest voted mask(s) to be made accessible. There is no limit on the amount of submissions you can vote for, the amount of points of your votes correlating to how many subs of that type there are available. Ex. If there are four masks in one type and you vote for all of them, first place will be worth four points and last place will be worth one; if you only vote for two then first place will only be worth two points.
  • When casting your vote, please use the Pokemon the mask is themed after and the type it will give the wearer.
This vote will take place over 48 hours. Let's try and not have another phase to end up as a draw. Have fun!
Bug: Ironmor, Centiskorch, Spidops,
Dragon: Vulguile, Noivern
Fighting: Bewear, Pawmot, Hawlucha, Throh
Fire: Bombastor, Coatrin, Coalossal
Flying: Gyarados, Fearow
Grass: Ogerpon, Lamiamp,
Ground: Pikachat, Sandaconda, Charparoll
Normal: Kecleon, Cyclizar
Psychic: Alakazam, Bruxish, Gallade
Rock: Garganacl, Dusk Lycanroc, Rampardos
Steel: Aurumine, Caverlisk
Water: Pelipper, Ursabluna, Tractipede
Bug: Ironmor, Spidops, Centiskorch
Dragon: Vulguile, Noivern
Fighting: Hawlucha, Bewear, Pawmot
Fire: Bombastor, Coatrin, Coalossal
Flying: Gyarados, Fearow
Grass: Ogerpon, Lamiamp
Ground: Pikachat, Sandaconda, Charparoll
Normal: Kecleon, Cyclizar
Psychic: Alakazam, Bruxish, Gallade
Rock: Dusk Lycanroc, Rampardos, Garganacl
Steel: Aurumine, Caverlisk
Water: Pelipper, Ursabluna, Tractipede
Bug: Spidops, Centiskorch, Ironmor
Dragon: Vulguile, Noivern
Fighting: Hawlucha, Throh, Bewear, Pawmot
Fire: Bombastor, Coatrin, Coalossal
Flying: Gyarados, Fearow
Grass: Ogerpon, Lamiamp
Ground: Sandaconda, Charparoll, Pikachat
Normal: Cyclizar, Kecleon
Psychic: Alakazam, Bruxish, Gallade
Rock: Lycanroc-Dusk, Garganacl, Rampardos
Steel: Aurumine, Caverlisk
Water: Pelipper, Tractipede, Ursabluna
Bug: Ironmor, Centiskorch
Dragon: Vulguile, Noivern
Fighting: Bewear, Hawlucha
Fire: Bombastor, Coatrin
Flying: Fearow, Gyarados
Grass: Ogerpon, Lamiamp
Ground: Sandaconda, Charparoll
Normal: Cyclizar, Kecleon
Psychic: Alakazam, Bruxish
Rock: Rampardos, Garganacl
Steel: Aurumine, Caverlisk
Water: Pelipper, Tractipede
Bug: Ironmor, Spidops, Centiskorch
Dragon: Noivern, Vulguile
Fighting: Bewear, Pawmot, Hawlucha, Throh
Fire: Coalossal, Bombastor
Flying: Gyarados, Fearow
Grass: Ogerpon, Lamiamp,
Ground: Sandaconda, Pikachat, Charparoll
Normal: Kecleon, Cyclizar
Psychic: Alakazam, Bruxish, Gallade
Rock: Garganacl, Rampardos, Dusk Lycanroc
Steel: Aurumine, Caverlisk
Water: Pelipper, Ursabluna, Tractipede
Bug: Ironmor 12 Centiskorch 7 Spidops 8
Dragon: Vulguile 9 Noivern 6
Fighting: Bewear 15, Pawmot 8, Hawlucha 12, Throh 5
Fire: Bombastor 12, Coatrin 7, Coalossal 4
Flying: Gyarados 10, Fearow 5
Grass: Ogerpon 10 Lamiamp 5
Ground: Pikachat 9 Sandaconda 12 Charparoll 6
Normal: Kecleon 8 Cyclizar 7
Psychic: Alakazam 14 Bruxish 10 Gallade 6
Rock: Garganacl 10 Dusk Lycanroc 9 Rampardos 7
Steel: Aurumine 10 Caverlisk 5
Water: Pelipper 14 Ursabluna 7 Tractipede 6
Our final masks are as follows:
Name: Vulguile Mask
Type: Dragon
Stat change: +25 Atk, +10 Def, +15 Spe
Ability Change: Dragon's Maw
Justification: Dragon steroids

Name: Aurumine Mask
Type: Steel
Stat change: +10 Atk, +25 Def, +15 SpD
Ability Change: Keen Eye
Justification: The Heavy-Duty Boots of the gold rush.

Name: Ironmor Mask
Type: Bug
Stat change: +30 Def, +20 SpD
Ability Change: Heatproof
Justification: Defensive Bug?

Name: Ogerpon Mask
Type: Grass
Stat change: +10 Atk, +10 Def, +10 SpD, +20 Spe
Ability Change: Defiant
Justification: ...Y'know, considering I put Ogerpon as the Pokemon up in on the slate rules, I should probably make a mask after it. I can't change Embody Aspect without some hard coding, so the base default Teal Mask it is. (Also somewhat predicted by Bloopyghost back before slate 3)
Name: Bombastor Mask (from Loria)
Type: Fire
Stat change: +25 Atk, +15 Def, +10 Spe
Ability Change: Magic Bounce
Justification: We already have a special-side mask of this type, so we need a physical one
Name: Bewear Mask
Type: Fighting
Stat change: +30 Atk, +15 Defense, +5 SpD
Ability Change: Fluffy
Justification: Fluffy's a good ability in the correct circumstances.

Name: Sandaconda Mask
Type: Ground
Stat change: +10 Atk, +20 Def, +10 SpD, +10 Speed
Ability Change: Sand Spit
Justification: Setter of Sand

Name: Alakazam Mask
Type: Psychic
Stat change:+20 SpA, +10 SpDef, +20 Speed
Ability Change: Magic Guard
Justification: Magic Guard

Name: Gyarados Mask
Type: Flying
Stat change: +25 Atk, +15 SpDef, +10 Speed
Ability Change: Moxie
Justification: Janutcher mask already has Intim, but Moxie is a fun ability too.
Name: Garganacl Mask
Type: Rock
Stats: +20 Atk, +30 Def, +10 SpD, -10 Spe
Ability: Purifying Salt
Justification: its rock but you do get a hefty def boost and status immunity + ghost resist so might be useful

Name: Pelipper Mask
Type: Water
Stats: +25 Def, +15 SpA, +10 SpD
Ability: Drizzle
Justification: needed for rain to exist which is a bit interesting since you have universal drizzle but only 5 turns of it
Name: Kecleon Mask
Type: Normal
Stat change: +20 Atk, +10 Def, +25 SpD
Ability Change: Protean
Justification: Giving various Pokémon a way to get rid of their bad typing further once per switch-in. Protean is nerfed as of SV which only works once per switch-in, so keep that in mind.
Thus conclude the creation of the Desvega region.
Thank you all for participating. We will find someone willing to code the Pokémon, moves, abilities, items and the Wonder Mask mechanic. For the time being, you may discuss the potentials of the new Pokémon and the 36 Wonder Masks.

It was a long journey to say the least, but it isn’t the end of Desvega. Once the Pet Mod become coded, it will be playtested to see how the metagame shapes up, and emergency buffs or nerfs to the new Pokémon will be provided if deemed necessary.
Before anyone ask, no, this is not an update on coding, though we will appreciate any volunteers.

There is an important note that will take effect on future iterations of Generation X and other Pet Mods involving Fakémon. This is technically Indigo Disk spoiler regarding Archaludon, so those not in the know, you may turn back unless you are curious or until data about Indigo Disk Pokémon becomes available in Showdown’s Pokédex.
As you can tell back in the Expansion Pack reveal, Duraludon of all Pokémon gain an evolution called Archaludon in the Indigo Disc. Until today (as of this writing), many theorized Archaludon’s possible BST is 550 akin to Ursaluna and Kingambit, or less favorably, a Scyther situation where Duraludon and Archaludon’s BST are the same, but with Archaludon’s stat spread modified to be slower but harder hitting and tankier.

What if I told you that I myself once thought that 600 BST is possible, as unlikely as it sounds? Game Freak already reached the 550 “threshold” starting with Ursaluna, but then they decided to go further and give Archaludon 600 BST. But to be honest, I expected that GF will eventually make a cross-gen evolution with 600 BST at some point, though much earlier than I expected.

550 BST, while rare, isn’t exclusive to special Pokémon. Arcanine already reached 555 which very few matched, and 550 itself is reached by Volcarona. That BST became more frequent starting at the eighth Generstion with Urshifu and Ursaluna, and then two more in the form of Kingambit and Gholdengo reached 550 BST as well. Such a high BST, while best used on rare occasion, is allowed for submissions in Gen X so long the stat distribution doesn’t make the submission too strong, since it’s still far away from 600.

So what makes Archaludon’s 600 BST such a big deal? Because 600 BST, before, was strictly reserved to special Pokémon, including Legendary and Mythical Pokémon, as well as final stage of pseudo-legendary Pokémon. The latter group is also called “600 club” by Japanese fans or “Late Bloomers” by official merchandise.

Now, it is also given to a cross-gen evolution. And now it’s unlikely that we go higher without handicap Abilities or situational form change. What does that mean for Generation X though?

I will say this; it is very likely that I would still disallow any higher than 550 BST regular submissions outside of dedicated ones without flavour to justify it. We do not want to raise the power level to an even more worrying extent.

But, if the submitters wouldn’t mind, we might modify the Pseudo-Legend slate and minor Legends Pokémon to also allow 600 BST Cross-Gen Evos, akin to Archaludon. I would personally call 600 BST Cross-Gen Evos as Exceptional Evolutions, but you would call Archaludon and any possible cross-gen evos with 600 BST is up to you.

Do note this is not completely unprecedented in Smogon’s history; disregarding my Solomods, I did requested a 600 BST evolution for any two-staged Pokémon, which the giver makes a Laturn evolution. That happened in Secret Santa. Still, it’s an idea that seems out of the way until Game Freak showed us that yes, 600 BST new evos aren’t out of the realm of possibilities.

If you have anything to add, let me know.
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The Desvega Region is now (mostly) coded!

This means most new, Pokémon, forms, Abilities, moves, items and the Wonder Masks are programmed in the Dragon’s Heaven server. This mean the Pet Mod is now playable.

I unfortunately have a busy time with university and I never hosted a tournament in a long time, but Ayecrusher can host one if they won’t mind. A double elimination tournament may be preferable for increased battles.

If there’s anything missing or bugged, let the coders know ASAP.