Announcement np: SV OU Suspect Process, Round 8 - Toxic [ Tiering Note Post #2 ]

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Sometimes I think I should switch sides because of a lot of the anti ban posts..
i know how you feel, that's one of the things that got me sold on ghold. (yes, i believe gliscor and gholdengo are both individually banworthy. yes, we exist.) seems that weak arguments from one's own side might be a better opinion-changer than strong arguments from the opposing side. i have to wonder if some of the more toxic users are secretly trying to turn people away from the arguments they seem to support…
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So far, im still not sure what i want to decide. Im not sure :gliscor: is banworthy as is, just the presence of dengo gives the illusion of it being broken.

Thats besides the topic, we have a mon that has an irremovable double leftovers, sets spikes very very reliably (nothing stops it from getting a layer except :hatterene: if the gliscor user positioned and played aggresively enough.), and has great bulk in addition to a variety of support options. Not just that, it has serviceable attacking stats and a fast speed tier as a defensive mon.

Losing roost and defog this gen were still notable nerfs, but its support options remain pretty wide:
- Spikes / Toxic Spikes
- Knock off
- Toxic
- Stealth rock
- Taunt
- U-turn
- Swords Dance

If youre into the offensive sets, this mon got buffs as well. Notably:
- Dual wingbeat (:landorus-therian: getting trolled hard here)
- Crabhammer
- High Horsepower
- Tera Blast
- Psychic Fangs
- etc.

Tera has also boosted this mon's survivability in addition to its offensive prowess if one so desires (another one, shocker. How many have we had this gen?). With options such as Fairy, Dragon, Water, Steel for utility sets, and Normal, Ground, Flying, Water, etc. For offensive sets.

Gliscor also got another indirect buff with the removal of hidden power, allowing it to take on mons it wouldnt otherwise be standing in front of if it were SMOU, allowing it to set up spikes on so much more things.

Ill go into depth of what i'll learn from using/facing gliscor after i attempt to complete my suspect run (and hopefully not fail miserably like when i did :roaring-moon:'s supect). But for now, im leaning to DNB. Because just like moon, i feel like this mon is overperforming due to the metagame conditions in addition to already being excellent on many teams. The mon itself isnt broken by any means, the meta shaping around it is. But hey, you never know until you try it. So ill make a more concrete post later on (probably).
Ill go into depth of what i'll learn from using/facing gliscor after i attempt to complete my suspect run (and hopefully not fail miserably like when i did :roaring-moon:'s supect). But for now, im leaning to DNB. Because just like moon, i feel like this mon is overperforming due to the metagame conditions in addition to already being excellent on many teams. The mon itself isnt broken by any means, the meta shaping around it is. But hey, you never know until you try it. So ill make a more concrete post later on (probably).

For what it's worth, Finchinator has stated many times that players should vote ban on things that are a problem in current metagame conditions as that's what suspect tests are about.

I disagree about Roaring Moon though as I feel it was very, very broken and a much better mon than Kingambit with significantly less counterplay. Gliscor is not at Roaring Moon's level although it's still borderline broken.
For what it's worth, Finchinator has stated many times that players should vote ban on things that are a problem in current metagame conditions as that's what suspect tests are about.

My bad, i haven't really gotten into suspects as much so I'm still pretty new to this stuff. I'll come back with more concrete reasoning after I've attempted my run, maybe even have a change of mind.
Despite it losing defog and roost, I'd like to take a second to congratulate Gliscor for becoming suspect worthy with the likes of *checks notes* Roaring Moon, Iron Bundle, Annihilape, Chi-Yu and Chien Pao. The issue with the current meta as I see it is that you can literally count the number of OU-viable hazard controllers on one hand: Great Tusk, Cinderace, Corviknight, Hatterene and Glimmora. Each of them have their own strengths and weaknesses and I'll list them below.

- Great Tusk: Fearsome mon with multiple sets but STAB combination is hardwalled by Flying; coverage helps tho
- Cinderace: Love the utility it got with wisp and such but is too frail to use it effectively. Due to low number of viable hazard control options, it's more or less forced to run boots court change.
- Corviknight: Good mon with right defensive and support traits, but 1v1 abilities leave a lot to be desired.
- Hatterene: Special wallbreaker with enough bulk makes it a threat to anything that doesn't resist both its stabs
- Glimmora: Very fun ability, Mortal spin is a usable move combined with edgequake coverage.

Most mons banished into Ubers were just broken in terms of power output, they had to go because there was no reason to use other mons above it. Annihilape, Espathra and Volcarona have Tera and a set of traits that allow it to snowball out of control. Gliscor doesn't get any of these, but I think it is an overwhelming presence. Gliscor's movepool and other traits such as typing and ability that make it such an effective glue mon on literally any team archetype, especially hazard spam which is at an all-time high. The issue is that Gliscor's movepool and defensive stats are almost too perfectly designed for the current meta in a way not seen before.

Here's how I see Gliscor interacting with each of these mons:
- Great Tusk: Gliscor lives an ice spinner and just clicks Toxic, putting Tusk on a timer.
- Cinderace: Gliscor either hits Earthquake or Toxic, both of which serve to get rid of Gliscor.
- Corviknight: Gliscor can knock off the leftovers or helmet, or U-turns out. Corviknight unless it's a setup set, can't do jack shit back.
- Hatterene: I haven't seen too much Hatterene in action but I can see Hatterene breaking it with STABs or setting up a calm mind or two.
- Glimmora: Gliscor tanks a hit if Glimmora is fast and then returns an earthquake or two. Also poisoning is an issue.

As you can see, I think that Gliscor's ability to reliably win 1v1 scenarios with three out of five hazard removers with one very splashable set is what makes it so unfun to play against. Normally a mon would need different sets to handle different hazard setters, but not in the case of Gliscor. The combination of Toxic, Spikes, and Earthquake allow it to make progress in the game with ease. Most Steel and Poison types that block Toxic are vulnerable to Earthquake. And as for the two that can beat Gliscor in a 1v1? They get bodied by a certain other mon that Gliscor loves as a partner for blocking defog, rapid spin, and mortal spin. Honestly, I would say that it's a tough decision to ban Gliscor, because Gliscor's success is not because of its traits are overwhelming alone. It is more a symptom of an unhealthy metagame with too few viable hazard control options and too many hazard setters.

That said, I am curious if bringing back Chien-Pao to deal with Gliscor and its partner who shall not be named would keep hazard spam in check...
i feel like this mon is overperforming due to the metagame conditions in addition to already being excellent on many teams
What other metagame do w have? What other teams do we have? This suspect is the current metagame and odds are a lot of things will be looked into before DLC2. The premise of any suspect takes place in the current metagame it is suspected into.
Despite it losing defog and roost, I'd like to take a second to congratulate Gliscor for becoming suspect worthy with the likes of *checks notes* Roaring Moon, Iron Bundle, Annihilape, Chi-Yu and Chien Pao.
well, first off, moon was the only one of those who was suspect-worthy. all the others were quickban-worthy (yes, pao got a suspect the first time around, but that thing was broken as shit and definitely worthy of a qb. and then it was a qb after home)

second off, i think losing defog and roost were, paradoxically, both net benefits for gliscor. if it hadn't lost roost, it's likely that we never would have truly rediscovered how annoying protect spam is on a mon that heals that much, especially when roost is much easier to pp-stall than protect this gen. having defog would turn gliscor into the meta's premier defogger due to its general splashability and capability to take on ghold, which would mean it would run spikes less often (because as good as it is, gliscor has a bit of a 4mss problem, so if you're in the market for a defogger you might as well run one of the other ten million spikes setters and use the defogger that matches perfectly into… spikes gliscor), and it matches up so well into other hazard setters that the hazard meta would become less of a problem overall. so my theory is that gliscor managed to find a fucking behelit sometime between gen 7 and the dlc and the loved ones it chose to sacrifice for power were roost and defog
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I want to take this time to really capture this moment.

The outburst in this forum are mainly because Gliscor is a defensive/utility pokemon. This is -- if not -- the FIRST very implied banning of a defensive pokemon since Mega Sableye in ORAS. Now before any of you people say or quote it, yes I'm aware defensive pokemon are at most annoying. Toxapex and Garganacl are prime examples of defensive pokemon getting many players on the ban wagon. But just think about it: this is the first time in.. what, 7 years that a defensive pokemon is getting banned? I might be wrong tho. But still, of course people are going to defend it. They will do everything in their power to protect and keep the chain going.

Unfortunately, the time is now. Gliscor is more of a problem then Garganacl and Toxapex. Whereas Garganacl needs tera to be a sweeper, Gliscor can just do it. No other defensive pokemon has the tools of Gliscor because of the HOME move shortages. And I will say it again: we have got to get this thing out of the tier. You can cry and pray all you want, but I promise you with a bold passion, Gliscor is going to be banned.
Hmm. Tbh, the fact that Gliscor might POTENTIALLY get banned due to personal opinion is absurd. If you don't like Gliscor, cool, but for those who ARE nay sayers, can you at least provide a REAL reason for banning Gliscor instead of just trolling? Thanks!
there are plenty of real, logical, and coherent arguments for banning gliscor in this thread—in fact, they significantly outnumber the dnb arguments
Aye, man. I don't usually double post, so this can be deleted if y'all see fit, but cut that "Haha" shit out. Like, real talk. Knock it off. Not sure if y'all be tryna troll or what, but it's not cute. Makes you come off as an imbecile. That is all.
you're accusing everyone on the ban side of bias and trolling, i think that's worth a haha react. even i don't go that bad-faith

…also, you posted that almost immediately after the first haha react came in. were you camping this thread for nearly an hour waiting for someone to react to your post?

(edit: looks like someone's a little upset about the haha reacts)
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Hmm. Tbh, the fact that Gliscor might POTENTIALLY get banned due to personal opinion is absurd. If you don't like Gliscor, cool, but for those who ARE nay sayers, can you at least provide a REAL reason for banning Gliscor instead of just trolling? Thanks!

Aye, man. I don't usually double post, so this can be deleted if y'all see fit, but cut that "Haha" shit out. Like, real talk. Knock it off. Not sure if y'all be tryna troll or what, but it's not cute. Makes you come off as an imbecile. That is all.

Did you even read all the pages of discussion? If you had, you'd realize why everyone is hahaing your posts and if anything, you're the only one that comes off as an imbecile
Hmm. Tbh, the fact that Gliscor might POTENTIALLY get banned due to personal opinion is absurd. If you don't like Gliscor, cool, but for those who ARE nay sayers, can you at least provide a REAL reason for banning Gliscor instead of just trolling? Thanks!

I don't even think Scor should be banned but you have to have just not read any of the thread at all if you think it's all personal opinion - there are real coherent arguments either way as to whether it should be banned or not, you're being purposefully obtuse.

Aye, man. I don't usually double post, so this can be deleted if y'all see fit, but cut that "Haha" shit out. Like, real talk. Knock it off. Not sure if y'all be tryna troll or what, but it's not cute. Makes you come off as an imbecile. That is all.

No, your first post is inflammatory and that's what makes you look like an imbecile - it's fucking weird to insinuate as you did.
That said, I am curious if bringing back Chien-Pao to deal with Gliscor and its partner who shall not be named would keep hazard spam in check...

good call, lets unban an even more broken pokemon to deal with this one broken pokemon when we could simply ban the latter and be done with it all. great idea!

this thread has just been a complete dumpster fire where far too many people against a gliscor ban have based their arguments off nonsense, listing fake gliscor checks (no patrick, hatterene is not actually a good long-term check to gliscor) and saying "well gholdengo should be banned instead!" as if A) gliscor doesnt overwhelm every other form of hazard control in the game by itself and B) this isnt a direct violation of the rules of this suspect thread. and like the above you all just saw someone suggest to unban one of the most broken pokemon ever released into OU just to deal with gliscor as if simply banning it isnt an objectively better and more simplified way of improving the metagame. its just insane to me how far some of you are willing to go to keep this absurdly broken and meta-warping pokemon in the tier, as if it wont excel in ubers too as it already is now. and all of this is not actually qualified DNB voters for the most part, its mostly rather just low-ladder players asserting their opinions into this thread and ridiculing everyone who disagrees with them. you all have nothing to lose from having it removed from the tier. unless more of you start to provide legitimate reasoning for keeping this thing in the tier then just let it go and stop wasting time here. because otherwise you are all just wasting the time of the moderators and wasting the time of everyone else. (this is not directed at those providing valid reasoning for their stance or the person i quoted)
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Ban voters want to keep driving this narrative that the dnb side brought no real checks and counters to the table and then when we do instantly discredit them the go "Look no checks cause we said their not checks woohoo."

This debate is going in circles and im pretty sure both sides have exhausted each other's points, lets just wait to see what the people vote for in the end.
good call, lets unban an even more broken pokemon to deal with this one broken pokemon when we could simply ban the latter and be done with it all. great idea!

this thread has just been a complete dumpster fire where every DNB voter barring two have based their arguments off nonsense, listing fake gliscor checks (no patrick, hatterene is not actually a good long-term check to gliscor) and saying "well gholdengo should be banned instead!" as if A) gliscor doesnt overwhelm every other form of hazard control in the game by itself and B) this isnt a direct violation of the rules of this suspect thread. and like the above you all just saw someone suggest to unban one of the most broken pokemon ever released into OU just to deal with gliscor as if simply banning it isnt an objectively better and more simplified way of improving the metagame. its just insane to me how far the DNB side is willing to go to keep this absurdly broken and meta-warping pokemon in the tier, as if it wont excel in ubers too as it already is now. you all have nothing to lose from having it removed from the tier. just let it go unless you have actual reasoning for keeping it in the tier.
In defense of the specifically quoted poster, they did say it was a joke in a reply soon after one response and well before this one.

Ban voters want to keep driving this narrative that the dnb side brought no real checks and counters to the table and then when we do instantly discredit them the go "Look no checks cause we said their not checks woohoo."

This debate is going in circles and im pretty sure both sides have exhausted each other's points, lets just wait to see what the people vote for in the end.
And posts like this are similarly inflammatory from the other side. Even if what is said is the case, this feels like Ad Hom and doesn't do anything to disprove the position being accused.

The big issue I think the arguments around Gliscor entail lies in Defensive Pokemon being less "overtly" broken than offensive ones. Offensive bans are most often clear on their face with the Pokemon consistently slamming down opponents across multiple games, while defensive Pokemon can usually be adapted to such that the game is "playable," and their effect instead hinges on discussing/observing if the game being played is bad or "balanced-but-unfun" so to speak. Gliscor for example MASSIVELY pushes Hyper Offense and Superman teams, but some could argue those were already strong styles for reasons that preceded him, so the argument then involves whether Gliscor exacerbated them to an egregious level.
In defense of the specifically quoted poster, they did say it was a joke in a reply soon after one response and well before this one.
I was meming but ok

i genuinely did not see this and will apologize for my harshness in response to a joke, but i have seen anti-ban arguments legitimately advocate for unbanning pokemon such as chien-pao and urshifu in the recent past so i was quite reprehensive upon seeing that at first. but i was wrong on that and will apologize for my mistake.

Ban voters want to keep driving this narrative that the dnb side brought no real checks and counters to the table and then when we do instantly discredit them the go "Look no checks cause we said their not checks woohoo."

This debate is going in circles and im pretty sure both sides have exhausted each other's points, lets just wait to see what the people vote for in the end.

because all the checks and counters mentioned all either risk getting horribly crippled switching into it, arent actually long-term checks to gliscor, can easily be taken advantage of (by either gliscor itself or one of its teammates) or are just unviable in OU. the exception to all of this is gliscor itself and having yourself be your own best counter is obscene.
It’s kingambit suspect numero uno all again. I have the feeling that gliscor is going to get majority votes, but no enough to get banned.
thing is, though, gliscor got very high votes on the survey from the qualified side. 3.99 is almost as much as firepon's 4.02, far more than gambit ever scored from qualified players on a survey. the support for action was so high that it triggered an immediate council vote, which is how we got this suspect in the first place. what this says to me is that the prevailing opinion among the people who are most likely to get reqs is that gliscor should go, which means that it's very likely that gliscor will go. also, the gambit suspect was marred by a group of people who wanted a tera suspect first and voted dnb because of it even though they believed gambit banworthy, but now that it's been stated in no uncertain terms that a tera suspect won't happen until dlc2, that group knows that voting that way won't accomplish anything
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I finished up my reqs for the suspect and just wanted to leave my thoughts on gliscor after playing a bunch of games.

Gliscor as a pokemon is very interesting since it puts a lot more strain in play than it does on the builder. The biggest changes gliscor brought on was ice spinner tusk becoming a staple, which has uses beyond hitting scor, and having a tera poison/steel pokemon, which also has perks beyond the scor matchup.

In game however, it becomes a very frustrating pokemon to deal with. Scouting the set becomes a pain because you either risk getting toxic'd, knock'd or having a spike being set up and nothing in the tier sans clef and opposing gliscors safely switch into that. Once you figure out its moveset, you can devise a game plan but a) anything that does not ohko it will be threatened with a toxic or knock and glisc will heal back up like it always does and b) with how easy it is to get up hazards and how little distribution toxic has this generation + its access to knock off, the amount of progress scor forces on a misplay/failed read is far greater than anything else in the tier. And on top of this, SD sets take advantage of the fact that all of scor's checks are weak to ground minus corv, clef, gus and scor itself which don't really threaten it back or lose 1v1. Additionally, it's good speed tier and access to taunt and u-turn give it the option to shit down slower set-up/defensive mons while being slower than pokemon like sneasler, pult and val which let's you scout and capitalize when they try to take advantage of a protect.

Gliscor does have its flaws though. The biggest one is its 4mss. Protect is guaranteed to take a slot, leaving 3 slots to build around. SD sets are forced to carry eq + either facade or knock to deal with ghold, bulky sets have to choose between knock/eq/spike or toxic, toxic/spike/knock or eq or drop one of those to tech in taunt/u-turn. This makes it somewhat easy to play around in theory as there are pokemon that 1v1 each of those sets pretty easily, especially when gliscor's teammates are whittled down.

Ultimately, gliscor does feel very unhealthy in the current meta and I will most likely vote BAN. It's ability to force hazards up and keep them there is unlike any other pokemon. Pre-home glim and lu and pre-dlc hamm relied on ghold to ensure hazards stayed up while gliscor sees a huge amount of success even without ghold being on the squad to block spin/defog since it can just set them uo again on the remover. It's combination of knock+toxic is also much, much more problematic this generation due to a notable lack toxic switch-ins that can generate pressure compared to gen 8 along with the fact that pretty much every pokemon last gen had this combo of moves anyway, so you had to build teams with that in mind. This generation's lack of common toxic users plus less reliable answers to the move causes every game with a gliscor to completely warp around, not too dissimilar to gambit, but this stress is seen from early game to late game and not just mid-late to late game like with gambit.
late night thoughts: gliscor is one of the only pokemon who is worse off in a tera metagame. If tera becomes banned in the future it probably improves. This is the result of having possibly the best defensive typing already, but also because others can't murk it with terablast anymore. Clefable also sits in this group, but i know better than to veer off topic. I'm undecided whether it should go or stay. I just wish it was suspected second. goodnight
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