Smogon Masters I - Top Cut Round 2 [REPLAYS NEEDED]

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" On Smogon " as the policy states.

Mind quoting the part where it specifies smogon for me? I don't see it.
we were scheduling on PS in my time alala...I understand Leru wanting to keep his smogon aesthetics but I found a new way to be improving it :
I tagged the one I wanted to schedule with on...MY wall hehehe now i have soulwind
my goal is to collect them all Soulwind Abr Trick.. oops not this one, BKC, KSr, Empo...ect ect

Maybe you're not intetrested in them so you can do the same trick on Zoyotte 's wall for example ! no even number issue you see there's alway a solution
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Yes, we all know Larry has anxiety, he shivers in his sleep at the thought of playing me in a game of Pokémon.

edit: bottom text

As someone with medically diagnosed severe anxiety and struggles to maintain healthy relationships with very normal things in my life, anxiety does make me shiver instead of sleeping at the thought of a high pressure game. Is that how our relationship with a hobby and a game should be? No. Is it a reality that many users struggle with mental health in their day to day lives and that affect normal interactions? Yes. Should that prevent them from being able to participate in the community under the rules? Of course not. I understand this is not what you are arguing, but making light of these things strikes a huge nerve with me and isn’t funny at all.

I don’t know either you or Larry personally very well, but from the limited information in the posts that I read, I think you are not approaching the situation well. I have been guilty of this in the past, where I missed the scheduled time and made a fool of myself trying to get the game rescheduled and played. I understand your frustration but instead of insensitive jokes, just go next.
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