Tournament LCWC IV - Lokifan Fanclub

If Lokifan has a million number of fans I am one of them. if Lokifan has ten fans I am one of them. if Lokifan have only one fan that is me. if Lokifan has no fans, that means I am no longer on the earth. if world against Lokifan, I am against the world. I like Lokifan till my last breath. Join East :D
If Lokifan has a million number of fans I am one of them. if Lokifan has ten fans I am one of them. if Lokifan have only one fan that is me. if Lokifan has no fans, that means I am no longer on the earth. if world against Lokifan, I am against the world. I like Lokifan till my last breath.
If Lokifan has a million number of fans I am one of them. if Lokifan has ten fans I am one of them. if Lokifan have only one fan that is me. if Lokifan has no fans, that means I am no longer on the earth. if world against Lokifan, I am against the world. I like Lokifan till my last breath.
Theia I think you should resign from hosting this tour. There are too many things you aren't doing properly.
Why are you the one forcing what teams actually play? In the real WCoP every nation can have a team but in LCWC Theia decides. If a smaller team/a team with not well-know players wanted to play they can't because of some form of elitism made by the host. Italy has 17 signups but can't have a team and is forced in South Europe [side note if you just do a line in the middle of the europe map you don't put a line in the middle of the map just because you think in that way it will be 50/50, that way nations with a similar culture to the north nations are in south (never knew poland/ukraine/belarus were south europe but you learn something everyday I guess)] for some reasons and now neither they can field their full roster neither they want to play with people they don't know since this isn't LCPL but a tour to represent your nation; why user from X should want to team up with user from Y to represent something that doesn't even exist?
Why is Corckscrew the captain of south europe if he signed up for spain and spain has a team? What did you mean by this?
Why when I dm you asking you some informations because I actually wanted to have team italy in the tour and to avoid any problems with the laroxyl case you first dont reply for 2 days until I dm you again and then you just reply with 2 phrases telling me team ita can't play, without any rational reasoning and stopping replying after that. You lack manners, thats neither how you should host a tour neither how you should act as a human being. Its normal to be busy and I didnt expect a 100 lines reply but at least something to know you read and would get to me when you had the time. Instead you just shrug it off and didnt even take the time to write up a normal reply.
Im fine with not having team italy if there is actually a good reasoning but saying team ita cant play because there are 12 teams, only because you split europe in 2 (why again?) and italian players are forced to play for south europe.
Now you will have SE made >50% of italian players, are you alright? Corckscrew litterally told me he either puts a full ita lineup with 3/4 outsider or gives up because he doesnt know what to do. Again, italy cant have a team but can be more than 50% of another team, what did you mean by this?
Italy apart of the first edition problem (another great showcase of good hosting - and some problems I stated there never were corrected) has always been present in this tour, not the best results on paper but we always had good weeks in terms of playing level, you can win or lose but we never been a clown team. We always had motivated people to showcase their will to play and although the activity of the regulars decreased we still have planty of players on a good skill level to put up a decent team.

again, please resign from hosting tours for a bit. from what ive heard you host too many tours, these tours may look like just something random but people actually care about these and want to play, you not caring enough ruins the experience, no feedback between the host and the players is terrible

lokiFAN = angry react
lilyAC = sad react
ty to all who helped btw
Sv rankings:

1. team Spain ( Eric (1,3) + KSG (3.0)+ DVS (5.5))

Spain showed up big time in the current gen. With Eric leading the helm after a great SCL season, followed closely by 2 other players who need no intro, my favourite players favorite player, ksg, and professional full time hater DVS. This core has great builders and players and will surely be a menace to fight for anyone brave enough to try.

2. Team france (lokifan (2.0) + Welliou (11.7) + scirocco (12.2)

France got a big buff from the star power of recent glow up artist lokifan, whos hot of a couple hot tours, mainly building for scl finalist hacker (and winning a couple games vs some trash players in scl himself too). With him is top tour player welliou, who is certain to pilots Loki's team with almost flawless accuracy if he can bring himself to learn to play this kinda weird meta. French veteran sciro rounds out the roster with his own unique style, most likely building for himself. All 3 of these players are quite respectable but all eyes will be on loki for sure to see if he can make sure all his teammates understand the meta as well as he does

Also 2. team canada ( Fc (7.3) + elfe (8.0) + aleaniled ( 10.8)

Somehow getting an exact tie with france, although with a much more balanced roster, its the other French speaking team, featuring: Old retired frenchman Elfuseon, hot of his scl season, fc ( short for French Canadian), and alea, who lives in Quebec. This team is well rounded and has 3 very competent players, supported by the train wreck that is the Canadian building machine. This core is sure to show up with the unique "fuck you' style of Canadian play

4. South Europe (sylveon is so cute (6.7) + corck (7.2) + Fran17 (14.3) )

The core of corkscrew and sylveon is something I could only imagine in my wildest dreams, the two madmen will certainly bring absolutely insane teams all tour. Fran17 somewhat lags behind according to the voters, however, they are an experienced lc player In side tours like teamballo, so they can definitly hold their own. My goat laroxyl is also supporting here and I think he's fire so surely this is gonna well for the Italians and the one German on the team.

5. Australia + asia ( Enigma (5.2) + drifting (11.2) + etern (15.2)

Far from bad, this roster combines the craziness of eniigmas build and the insanity of drifting insanely high ego to create an interesting core. While not bad, it somewhat lacks in star power compared to other teams, with no real cohesion in therms of building in my opinion. Im unsure what to think of this, I like enigma but am not sure on drifting and have never seen Etern play lc before so idk.

6. Latam ( Lazuli (16.0) + raichy (16.2) + huarguensy (17.3)

Voters seem to really not like this core, and I dont know them all to well, im sorry guys, I hope u do well tho

SS Rankings

1. Wail warlord (1.2)

At an almost unanimous 1st, wail wailord makes his return of sorts to ss, after mostly playing oras and sm for a while. He was an scl player at the end of the gen, which makes him the undisputed favorite for this pool. His building might not be the flashiest but he certainly is going to be the most consistent player in this pool. He also has really good support on team Spain so thats something to look out for as well.

2.Cmdoge (2.2)

Mostly known for inventing that really annoying team everyone spammed, cmdoge is sure to once again revolutionize little cup with his creative team building and solid piloting. He once again has strong support on his team, so I think he will be a tough opponent for everyone in his pool.

3. Papillon (2.6)

Oh hey thats me! Id I prob am most well known for supporting, being mostly in the back lines and feeding ss teams to pilot, as such, id expect to mostly get good mu and then choke the end games due to anxiety.

4. Mohamedall (4.6) and Gasaiyunosan (4.6)

Mohamed is easily one of the best lc posters, however, some ppl may forget that he does in fact play pokemon quite well I hope he does well.
Gasai is mostly known for doubles but iirc they did do quite well in the last ss open. I think both of these players are quite good personally and wont be taking them lightly

5. Grankie (5.8)

Shitmons expert Grankie returns, his teams are sure to be intersting, if he wins tho is still to be determined.

This post is still in writing, stay tuned for old gen ranks!

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Since we are out figured I'd write some shoutouts. Not usually one to do these, but this team was one of the more enjoyable team environments. Lots of people I've had the pleasure of teaming w/ for the first time. Hopefully we keep the young core and run it back next year.

Coconut Glad we were able to work together this season. You've been a pillar of LC, and regardless of how I feel about certain things over the years, you're a massive difference maker. Damn good manager too. Thanks for letting me out of the BW box, even if some of the weeks just didn't fall in my favor.

Hacker Current monster at Pokemon, future LC goat. Don't let the recent unfortunate finishes define your career. You're trophy caliber, and capable of putting ppl on your back. Can imagine you playing any tier to massive success, but glad you're in LC making waves first.

reggg Since I came back a year ago you've been one of my closest friends on the site, so glad we got to be on the same team. Great player, someone I can always joke around w/ even in rough situations. Expecting things from you this LCPL, even if there were some bumps this tour.

gali We go way back, but I gotta continue to sing praise. After giving me the opportunity to prove that I'm still a high level player in LCPL, we got another opportunity at a win this tour. Sadly, wasn't meant to be, but never any regrets teaming up w/ someone as talented as you. Keeping up for this long in a harsh metagame like ORAS LC, and being a great presence/support elsewhere as always.

Taka The effort you put in to learn the meta, and be self-sufficient was top notch. You weren't stuck thinking in the mental box or stereotypes for viability, and I regret not letting you explore some of the unorthodox options brought up over the season. Great presence, fantastic player, hope to see you do well in future LC tours.

Fragments Winpost extraordinaire, CHESPIN lover, SM goat. You were a rock the whole season, handling the prep mostly solo, and killing it in-game. Envious of how little timer you use to play so well.

Kingler Been lord knows how many years since we've talked to eachother, but was a nice surprise to see you still kicking around. Wish we got to see more of you gaming, but you kept the chat entertaining throughout the weeks.

PigWarrior19 We didn't see eye to eye on a lot of topics, but I truly do respect ur confidence and willingness to explore out of the box options. Keep innovating and hope to see you starting in LCPL

robjr , Finchinator Despite being busy w/ SPL ya'll showed up and got the job done with what you were given. Appreciate having the opportunity to team w/ two players who've sustained high lvl success for years.

TheShoddyStrawman You seemed super busy w/ IRL throughout the tour, but the time you did spend helping with tests was beneficial to the teams overall preformance. Hopefully stuff clears up and people get to see you preform in future tours.
Edit: I forgot my goat Flou. if we had a 13th slot bro I wouldn't have let anyone else make it in over you. Teams gotta take a chance on you, they will see the potential you have and they'll never look back.
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ty to all who helped btw
Sv rankings:

1. team Spain ( Eric (1,3) + KSG (3.0)+ DVS (5.5))

Spain showed up big time in the current gen. With Eric leading the helm after a great SCL season, followed closely by 2 other players who need no intro, my favourite players favorite player, ksg, and professional full time hater DVS. This core has great builders and players and will surely be a menace to fight for anyone brave enough to try.

2. Team france (lokifan (2.0) + Welliou (11.7) + scirocco (12.2)

France got a big buff from the star power of recent glow up artist lokifan, whos hot of a couple hot tours, mainly building for scl finalist hacker (and winning a couple games vs some trash players in scl himself too). With him is top tour player welliou, who is certain to pilots Loki's team with almost flawless accuracy if he can bring himself to learn to play this kinda weird meta. French veteran sciro rounds out the roster with his own unique style, most likely building for himself. All 3 of these players are quite respectable but all eyes will be on loki for sure to see if he can make sure all his teammates understand the meta as well as he does

Also 2. team canada ( Fc (7.3) + elfe (8.0) + aleaniled ( 10.8)

Somehow getting an exact tie with france, although with a much more balanced roster, its the other French speaking team, featuring: Old retired frenchman Elfuseon, hot of his scl season, fc ( short for French Canadian), and alea, who lives in Quebec. This team is well rounded and has 3 very competent players, supported by the train wreck that is the Canadian building machine. This core is sure to show up with the unique "fuck you' style of Canadian play

4. South Europe (sylveon is so cute (6.7) + corck (7.2) + Fran17 (14.3) )

The core of corkscrew and sylveon is something I could only imagine in my wildest dreams, the two madmen will certainly bring absolutely insane teams all tour. Fran17 somewhat lags behind according to the voters, however, they are an experienced lc player In side tours like teamballo, so they can definitly hold their own. My goat laroxyl is also supporting here and I think he's fire so surely this is gonna well for the Italians and the one German on the team.

5. Australia + asia ( Enigma (5.2) + drifting (11.2) + etern (15.2)

Far from bad, this roster combines the craziness of eniigmas build and the insanity of drifting insanely high ego to create an interesting core. While not bad, it somewhat lacks in star power compared to other teams, with no real cohesion in therms of building in my opinion. Im unsure what to think of this, I like enigma but am not sure on drifting and have never seen Etern play lc before so idk.

6. Latam ( Lazuli (16.0) + raichy (16.2) + huarguensy (17.3)

Voters seem to really not like this core, and I dont know them all to well, im sorry guys, I hope u do well tho

SS Rankings

1. Wail warlord (1.2)

At an almost unanimous 1st, wail wailord makes his return of sorts to ss, after mostly playing oras and sm for a while. He was an scl player at the end of the gen, which makes him the undisputed favorite for this pool. His building might not be the flashiest but he certainly is going to be the most consistent player in this pool. He also has really good support on team Spain so thats something to look out for as well.

2.Cmdoge (2.2)

Mostly known for inventing that really annoying team everyone spammed, cmdoge is sure to once again revolutionize little cup with his creative team building and solid piloting. He once again has strong support on his team, so I think he will be a tough opponent for everyone in his pool.

3. Papillon (2.6)

Oh hey thats me! Id I prob am most well known for supporting, being mostly in the back lines and feeding ss teams to pilot, as such, id expect to mostly get good mu and then choke the end games due to anxiety.

4. Mohamedall (4.6) and Gasaiyunosan (4.6)

Mohamed is easily one of the best lc posters, however, some ppl may forget that he does in fact play pokemon quite well I hope he does well.
Gasai is mostly known for doubles but iirc they did do quite well in the last ss open. I think both of these players are quite good personally and wont be taking them lightly

5. Grankie (5.8)

Shitmons expert Grankie returns, his teams are sure to be intersting, if he wins tho is still to be determined.

This post is still in writing, stay tuned for old gen ranks!

will This post ever finish writing? Hope my grandsons can read sick LCWC predictions
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If Loki has a million number of fans I am one of them. if Loki has ten fans I am one of them. if Loki have only one fan that is probably Lokifan because my health sucks. if Loki has no fans, that means Lokifan is no longer on the earth. if world against Loki, I and Lokifan am against the world. I like Loki till my last breath (and so does Lokifan).