Signups: Multifaction Recruitment Mafia - Any # of Players, Signups end 12/21 3pm EST

NOC or OC?

  • NOC

    Votes: 7 14.0%
  • OC

    Votes: 43 86.0%

  • Total voters


Banned deucer.
This game design will be a redux of Viva la Mafia - Game Over. Corleone Family wins! | Smogon Forums, but with some simplifications due to likely smaller number of players.

There will be 3 factions, each faction starting off with a meager 1 member, and they will have to build their own teams. Every other person will be a neutral freelance mercenary. There will be no other neutral third parties. During the day as well as night, the faction leader will recruit one person to their team. Recruitment has the highest action priority in the game, and the recruitment action cannot be tampered with in any way. The power to recruit can be passed down if the faction leader is killed.

Recruiting to a team cannot be rejected by a mercenary. If 2 different teams try to recruit the same mercenary, priority will take place in the order of Fire > Grass > Water > Fire. If all 3 teams try to recruit the same mercenary, the recruit will fail. If a team tries to recruit a user who is not a mercenary, the recruit will fail, so beware who you are trying to recruit! You'll fall behind the other teams if you recruit the wrong person! Kill priority will also work on the same priority system if two opposing team members try to kill each other.

Overall role power level should be considered high. Nobody will be vanilla (or close to vanilla), and some roles will be rare to find in normal games!

Volunteers will be accepted for the 3 faction leaders if you want to try your hand at building your own team! Direct message me privately if you wish to volunteer to be a faction leader. Just beware of angleshooting should you choose to volunteer! If there are more than 3 volunteers, the leaders will be chosen randomly from the volunteers. If there are less than 3 volunteers, some non volunteers will be chosen randomly.

After some discussion with the mods on NOC vs. OC, I've decided to leave it up to the players to decide in a poll. OC definitely works better for the nature of this game, but NOC is also the more popular format, so it will be decided in a vote.

The remaining rules will be standard rules. Screenshotting is banned.

1. a fairy
2. joey
3. NightEmerald
4. Blazade (OC only)
5. CaffeineBoost (OC only)
6. skippergamez
7. Laurel
8. Aura Guardian
9. pulsar512b (OC prio)
10. Celever
11. HydrogenHydreigon
12. ImaginaryNeon
13. Da Letter El
14. Pidge
15. iamveryhappy
16. Ditto
17. tigershark/genius1
18. Duskfall98
20. UncleSam
21. Mekkah (discord signup)
22. Bass
23. Gmax (discord signup)
24. Lrr
25. Clouds
26. LightWolf
27. Yeti
28. Ampharos
29. master oden
30. Ehmcee
31. shade (discord signup)
32. Matieu
33. Reinfleche
34. LonelyNess
35. SirFish
36. Drookez
37. apricity
38. Thunder ~ Ballz
39. chaosninjagaming
40. olivia7
41. Whydon
42. rssp1
43. Wolv
44. jumpluff
45. billymills
46. Former
47. Crystal Methyd
48. internet
49. Cancerous
50. Ailura
51. Martin
52. Agape
53. Blue_Tornado
54. shubaka17 (discord signup)
55. SB.
56. earl
57. Bluedoom
58. Spiderz
59. dak
60. Sogs
61. zorbees (discord signup)
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noc vs oc, will factions have oc contact regardless or is that the subject of the poll
Players in general, for the purposes of secret alliance making/deal breaking/back stabbing, vs. all negotiations taking place in the thread. The factions are not intended to start with any OC abilities with other factions.

If this is OC, oh hell yeah