Metagame SV Monotype Metagame Discussion [Indigo Disk]

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Thinking about it shed tail in a way just exceeds the breaking threshold for many of mushamu’s outlined threats and notably the controversial Baxcalibur from DLC1 as it warranted a suspect test. I’m still pro no ban because I don’t see Baxcalibur as the centralized issue. The negative this item brings to Monotype is it enables abusers like Teragapo, Baxcalibur, and [Insert Boosting Energy Mon] to pretty much Superman through a handful of select-typings depending on the abuser.
What I see as priorities are Solgaleo, Booster Energy, Smooth Rock, and Kyurem-B.

Not gonna beat the dead horse about Solga/Booster/K-B points, but from making Sand Rush Ground I can say 8 turns, as always, is way too much fucking sand. Exca cleans so much right now and I'd say that using Sand Rush ground even once is enough to see how much of an issue it is. Especially since we have the first week of DLC2 in MWP next week, Smooth Rock 100% should go before then. Exca is insane in this meta with how HO it is, and tons of types don't have natural ground immunities not to mention the existence of grav Lando support. I'm not sure how much it's flown under the radar with people mostly spamming like Dragon and Psy right now, but Smooth Rock stands out to me as far too problematic to keep in.

Shed Tail/Cyclizar I agree there's something that needs to go here. Cyclizar I see as the main perpetrator of the move, especially now that normal got the perfect abuser in terapagos, and I think it's a big part as Roxie pointed out of many problematic pokemon in our tier. Bax the main example, and we're seeing more than ever right now how good and powerful partners - booster energy Roaring Moon and K-B for example - can fully decimate teams with shed tail support.

Maybe controversial but it doesn't make sense to me to ban Blaziken yet. I've seen it 0 times. Why unban it at all if it's gonna kicked out when nobody's using it. I agree it's a problematic pokemon in the tier, but honestly I'm more pro ogerpon ban at this point in time till I see more meta interactions.

Gouging Fire doesn't seem as broken as Solgaleo/K-B but when I ask "is this mon unhealthy", 100% yes. I don't know if a heat rock ban is enough to limit it, though I wish it could stay for the support it offers dragon. That being said it's such a potent sweeper, I run pretty much max special defensive bulky dd and this thing just takes advantage of so much.
Shed Tail OR Cyclizar :cyclizar:- might be a controversial discussion to some but we discussed about this a bit in the council chat as well but I think there's mutual agreement that Shed Tail support is unhealthy and needs to go; Pokemon like Kyurem-B, Gouging Fire, Roaring Moon and Terapagos to a lesser extent, getting a pivot and free sub is far from healthy. However, the point of contention if the move as a whole is problem or if its just Cyclizar's access to the move that's overbearing. Personally, I'm of the opinion that Cyclizar is the only Pokemon that abuses it to an unhealthy extent given all the Pokemon I listed above are Pokemon that share the same type as Cyclizar and I am yet to see any Steel or Grass-type teams abuse Shed Tail support from Orthworm or Sceptile to the same degree. Curious to see how others feel about Shed Tail vs. Cyclizar right now.

Gouging Fire - I've seen people use all kinds of sets on it, having access to Sun in tandem with Sun-boosted Protosynthesis and 75% Morning Sun by default along with Dragon Dance feels a bit much. I haven't used it as much as I'd like to but from the little bit I've used it and based on what I've seen so far it treads the line of unhealthy. Slight preference to ban it but don't feel that strongly either way, for now.

I'm predisposed towards thinking the issue is Cyclizar rather than Shed Tail in this specific meta context given that:
  • Orthworm into Kingambit and Gholdengo is cheesy but not nearly as free or spammable as Cyclizar is given Cyc's immense utility and role compression (Regenerator, Knock Off, Rapid Spin). You could run Sceptile to set the table for Torterra or Liligant-Hisui but I have yet to see this in practice and Grass is both a) bad and b) already really constrained for slots to run a mon which offers nothing besides Shed Tail.
  • Shed Tail Cyclizar has been here and was never really an issue independent of threats (Baxcalibur) that were already borderline broken themselves. Sure, Baxcalibur becomes notably less silly on Dragon without Shed Tail support, but hitting Cyclizar would have done nothing to address the strength of the SnowVeil engine.
I think a decision on Cyclizar should wait until action has resolved regarding Kyu-B and Booster, given that Kyu and the paradoxes are the biggest beneficiaries of the free sub. As roxie pointed out above Roaring Moon has generally proven to be a fraud when stripped of Booster so citing it as an example of a mon broken by Shed Tail doesn't really hold water to me, especially when Roaring Moon is currently quite silly on Dark as well. Shed Tail into Terapagos, however, is undoubtedly uncompetitive and would be the main example I'd cite in calling for action if not for how weird of a type Normal is.

Gouging from a design standpoint is quite obviously just too good of a mon for Monotype but should be allowed the opportunity to prove that independent of Booster Energy and Kyu-B/Blaziken as teammates.
Shed Tail OR Cyclizar :cyclizar:- might be a controversial discussion to some but we discussed about this a bit in the council chat as well but I think there's mutual agreement that Shed Tail support is unhealthy and needs to go; Pokemon like Kyurem-B, Gouging Fire, Roaring Moon and Terapagos to a lesser extent, getting a pivot and free sub is far from healthy. However, the point of contention if the move as a whole is problem or if its just Cyclizar's access to the move that's overbearing. Personally, I'm of the opinion that Cyclizar is the only Pokemon that abuses it to an unhealthy extent given all the Pokemon I listed above are Pokemon that share the same type as Cyclizar and I am yet to see any Steel or Grass-type teams abuse Shed Tail support from Orthworm or Sceptile to the same degree. Curious to see how others feel about Shed Tail vs. Cyclizar right now.
I think Shed Tail the move itself is broken rather than any particular abuser. Yes, Cyclizar is clearly the best Shed Tail due to Regenerator, its high Speed, and other valuable utility, but the other Shed Tail mons have their own strengths too. Orthworm is an incredibly physically bulky Ground immune that restores HP when hit with a Ground attack and a Spikes setter, while Sceptile has the exact same Speed as Cyclizar but with better special bulk, Sitrus Berry + Unburden to give it a free opportunity to pass Shed Tail, direct healing with Synthesis, and Leech Seed access to either force switches or further enable sweepers. As mushamu pointed out, Steel and Grass also have plenty of powerful abusers of Shed Tail in Kingambit, Gholdengo, Ogerpon-H, and Hydrapple who can easily take a game behind a free substitute. The way I see it, Shed Tail is a support move that is way too easy to abuse and far too strong for enabling sweepers, with a wrong choice of leads or a lack of Speed/priority having the potential to rapidly spiral into an automatic loss. I think simply banning Cyclizar while keeping these other abusers is only a piecemeal solution that does not really solve the fundamental problem, which is the move itself; the cheese will be less prevalent for sure, but still very much present in the tier. I therefore favour banning Shed Tail itself over Cyclizar.
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Hello team, I finally sat down and took the time to play the new meta. Gonna be sharing my thoughts on everything so far. Gonna be 2 parts to the post, first is stuff I think is problematic and second is stuff that I think is flying under the radar

still playing as I write this, so the rating may go up or down


:smooth-rock: - super brainless. Doesn't even feel broken, just absurdly easy to use and is extremely capable of turning games that would otherwise be lost into wins. Would not be opposed to tiering action (though, I would not be opposed to just letting it stay) but I think there are some other things that need to go first.

:kyurem-black: - not really sure how we went from suspecting Baxcalibur to allowing the guy Baxcalibur tells you not to worry about. I voted ban on Bax so it shouldn't be a surprise I want this gone too. If it were almost any other type it might be fine, but veil / shed tail is just too good. Definitely think there's also a conversation to be had when it comes to veil / shed tail as well, but Kyurem-Black is obviously the issue here.

:booster-energy: - we were fine without this. I believe it'll become more of a prominent issue once the more egregious things are taken care of, but I am not a fan.

:solgaleo: - Let me preface this by saying I don't think Solgaleo immediately needs to go, it feels a little underwhelming so far but I expected it to be an unkillable world beater. I do however think there is a broken set just waiting to be discovered and that will be the one to push it over the edge. Whether it's Dragon Dance Weakness Policy behind screens or Cosmic Power stuff, I believe there are a lot better alternatives to what I've seen so far.

:ogerpon-hearthflame: :ogerpon-wellspring: - I hope for Christmas Santa removes these two idiots from the tier. Scarfire already said everything worth saying but I hate these dudes.


:latios: - for those who might not know, both Latios and Latias had their signature moves (Luster Purge and Mist Ball) buffed to 95 base power. Latios also gained Flip Turn. I think Latios has the potential to be a super solid pick for Dragon teams, a 95 base power move with a 50% chance to drop Special Defense is super strong. Latias is good too but I am more interested in Latios

:deoxys-speed: - there has to be something here, and no I don't mean sash spikes. Meteor Beam + Expanding Force seems like a great combination in my head, and I am curious to see if anybody is able to make it work. 95 base Special Attack might not seem great but Meteor Beam gives +1 Special Attack. Psychic Terrain also protects Deoxys from priority moves, making it only able to be picked off by a select few scarfers.

:blaziken: - haven't tried it and this is my first generation playing monotype so I want to see what all the hype is about. I really don't think it'll be too much but I'm newer so idk.

don't really know how to wrap this up but I don't really have an opinion on anything else, very interested to see how mwp week 5 plays out (whether or not there are bans before it, which seems unlikely at this point). I think the optimal way to go is to qb Kyurem-Black and then spam suspect tests so we can have everything figured out before our 2024 circuit kicks off. Happy monotyping
Is there a reason why "stellar tera" is not allowed? It does not change defensive matchups, and it is a one-time type boost(which is only 1.2 x for non-stab type), also self-counters itself with 2x damage on terrastalized targets.
Is there a reason why "stellar tera" is not allowed? It does not change defensive matchups, and it is a one-time type boost(which is only 1.2 x for non-stab type), also self-counters itself with 2x damage on terrastalized targets.
This would fall more under simple questions but it would likely be for the same case of regular Tera. All it takes is for one boost to push something that lives normally into range of dying or not being able to wall/kill an important mon still alive on the other side which is especially important in Monotype where types generally only have 1 or 2 neutralities/immunities to their weaknesses.
Terastal is banned.
I feel like this is not a valid argument as you can simply unban tera and restrict the type to stellar.

Now let's address an actual argument
This would fall more under simple questions but it would likely be for the same case of regular Tera. All it takes is for one boost to push something that lives normally into range of dying or not being able to wall/kill an important mon still alive on the other side which is especially important in Monotype where types generally only have 1 or 2 neutralities/immunities to their weaknesses.
I agree this is indeed a problem but I don't believe this boost is significant enough. Since both players have access, both players can equally push through. I feel like for the losing type, it could be key as often, there is exactly one pokemon standing in front of your dedicate pokemon to break through a type. Now, I have to admit, this may be true for the advantage type moreso because the lesser type often have fewer pokemon to check the advantage type but I feel this is worth the trade off. One of the main reason(and I would argue much more crucial reason) tera was banned before was the type change. For example, tera-fire-ing skeledirge would prevent bugs like lokix to push through. Making the ghost vs bug MU much more one sided.

My conclusion is that after all the dumb stuff is out of the way. We should suspect test this mechanic and then conclude.
I feel like this is not a valid argument as you can simply unban tera and restrict the type to stellar.
Saying "this is not a valid argument" doesn't make it not a valid argument. Implementing Stellar would be pretty much 2 complex bans at once. It'd basically change mono from having a single type clause, and tera ban. To "single type clause with the exception of turning into a stellar type" and "tera is banned apart from Stellar", every tier very much tries to avoid these complex bans and I'll agree it makes no sense to have an exception made at least in my opinion.

To add to this. Allowing tera would mean we have to ban Terapagos, it's stellar form would be way too cracked to keep in and we can't just say "this one mon isn't allowed to tera but every other mon is". It has multiscale in it's base form and 160/110/110 bulk in it's stellar form with a 130 special a.

The effects of stellar terra are as follows:
What the Stellar type does is give a special boost to Same Type Attack Boost of your move. Every move of a type gets a small boost for the first time that type move is used by the Pokémon in battle. This is in addition to any STAB that the Pokémon has.

If a move doesn't match the Pokémon's base types it will get a 20% boost in the damage for the first time that move's type is used. So if a Galarian Zapdos uses Throat Chop, it'd get a 20% boost for that first usage but no extra boost for any other usage, and if it then went to go for Knock Off, Knock Off also wouldn't get the boost.
If a move matches the Pokémon's base type, then like standard Terastallization, it will get a 100% boost bringing it to double, much like when you Terastallize into the type the Pokémon already is. After the first use it will return to its standard 50% boost.

It's on pokemon like Iron Valiant where we'll see that a 20% boost on nonstab, on top of other items, is a hell of a lot, not to mention the extra power to stab, even if it's a one time thing this'll be more than enough to push pokemon over the edge. SD Pao is my first thought there, as the boost from tera means it's a favored ohko roll on corv at +2 after rocks. I don't see this being implemented without turning some potential suspects into guaranteed bans while some less threatening mons become more dangerous.

Personally I think the complex ban portion alone is enough to keep it out of the tier, but the fact it guarantees that mons that would otherwise be fine like terapagos need to go is where I really see it as an unnecessary implementation to make.
The results of the first quick ban voting slate for the brand new Indigo Disk DLC metagame is HERE!

After much deliberation within the council, following community feedback both on forums and discord we ultimately opted to vote on seven different Pokemon, items and moves in this slate. As a result, Booster Energy, Smooth Rock, Shed Tail, Blaziken, Kyurem-Black and Solgaleo are now banned from Monotype. More information on the votes including reasonings can be found on the above thread.

Have fun with the new metagame everyone, looking forward to seeing more posts!
Great first banwave, easily the best of the gen so far I'd say. Didn't miss a beat on the day 1 issues and also slapped down the more seemingly divisive discussion on shed tail with a quickban there as well. Pretty much everything that could be classified as making the metagame unplayable is now out, so I'm excited to see what pops up as strong/problematic in these future weeks. 3 ongoing tournaments should bring a great sample size, and i hope people keep discussing in this thread about their experiences in this meta. Noteworthy pokemon for discussion I'd say are :Ogerpon-Wellspring: :Baxcalibur: :Deoxys-Speed:. Really curious on how water shines now after a big typechart shift, how Baxcalibur feels without shed tail, and how Deospeed psychic is without solgaleo. Terapogos and Gouging Fire also should be kept well within sight as we see the new shed tailless meta unfold.

As for personal predictions; I'd still say Dragon, Steel, and Psychic are farrrr from out of the game with these hefty nerfs, and even fire still has its big hitters. Flying is opened up significantly with the death of shed tail + kyub/terapogos, and water should be able to climb back on top. Ground might be cooked momentarily as its kind of back to "I lose to Ogerpon" type, with 5 turn sand possibly not being enough to offensively pressure it, but we shall see where those matchups go. Dark and Fairy look probably the fucking same as always and are probably as good as always. Ghost might be okay...fighting might be alright..about as alright as its been in dlc1 (The 'zama wins or I lose' type). Poison seems kind of boned but every single ban did help a lot; if it helped enough we will need to see. And lastly; normal. No predictions on normal, could be anywhere from great to ass, hard to say.
Still of the opinion Gouging Fire may need to go, it's really a mon that you can't afford a misplay against and especially when facing fire with neutrals it can feel super unhealthy.

I don't know if it's Deoxys-s or something else like expanding force that needs to go but I literally send in indeedee, double to e-button slowbro, then click expanding force with specs deo s and any team with no dark is losing mons.

Still not a fan of ogerpon, think it's just overshadowed right now.
wait for it tier
:terrain extender: OR :deoxys-speed:: these cant coexist

I don't know if it's Deoxys-s or something else like expanding force that needs to go but I literally send in indeedee, double to e-button slowbro, then click expanding force with specs deo s and any team with no dark is losing mons.
^ Nor is it particularly hard to get rid of Darks given the amount of support you have from mons like Gallade (also beats most Steels) Hatterene, Gardevoir, and Iron Boulder, the last of which creeps both Greninja and Meowscarada.

If you find that Regieleki Deoxys-S isn’t dumb enough alone you can run it alongside fellow notable crackhead Espathra for style points. If you get greedy and mess up your free W just click Healing Wish or even Revival Blessing (the strat is degenerate enough to make even Rabsca worth it) because Deoxys is very hard to kill while terrain is up.

It’s a really unhealthy porting of the Psyspam strat into Monotype IMO and I think Deoxys-S should absolutely be on the next slate as probably the best abuser of Expanding Force we’ve ever seen.

“It’s too easy.” — Fylkir Pudin
After playing extensively against the DLC2 additions, I can confidently say that bug has absolutely 0 reasonable answers to gouging fire.
Gamefreak has once again decided that the bug type should not have access to special-sided ground, rock or dragon coverage (ancient power yanmega xd), so you're left with answers that conveniently get crippled by bulwark, which is a guessing game in and of itself on whether they even run the move. My wins against this pokemon have boiled down to catching it off guard with a HDB forretress with counter (and praying they immediately attack) or twave (and praying it hits), or my opponent electing to let me set up quiver dance 3 times on volcarona while gouging fire is not in play, before switching to an answer. It feels absurd, having to rely on my opponent misplaying to have a chance at winning a game.
Fire used to be at least a winnable matchup for bug with turn-by-turn predicts and some stone miss luck, but now it's just hopeless.
After playing extensively against the DLC2 additions, I can confidently say that bug has absolutely 0 reasonable answers to gouging fire.
Gamefreak has once again decided that the bug type should not have access to special-sided ground, rock or dragon coverage (ancient power yanmega xd), so you're left with answers that conveniently get crippled by bulwark, which is a guessing game in and of itself on whether they even run the move. My wins against this pokemon have boiled down to catching it off guard with a HDB forretress with counter (and praying they immediately attack) or twave (and praying it hits), or my opponent electing to let me set up quiver dance 3 times on volcarona while gouging fire is not in play, before switching to an answer. It feels absurd, having to rely on my opponent misplaying to have a chance at winning a game.
Fire used to be at least a winnable matchup for bug with turn-by-turn predicts and some stone miss luck, but now it's just hopeless.
Does Gouging Fire consistently run Burning Bulwark? If so, I'd be surprised - it usually wants Dragon Dance / Fire STAB / Dragon STAB / Morning Sun. Kleavor can revenge kill it, but if it's Choice Band (which I run), it really sucks for Bug teams. I mean...Fire always sucked as an MU for Bug.
Does Gouging Fire consistently run Burning Bulwark? If so, I'd be surprised - it usually wants Dragon Dance / Fire STAB / Dragon STAB / Morning Sun. Kleavor can revenge kill it, but if it's Choice Band (which I run), it really sucks for Bug teams. I mean...Fire always sucked as an MU for Bug.
While bulwark is less common than standard set you named, I have seen it often enough for it to not be discarded as a possibility. Also gouging fire outspeeds and OHKOes scarf kleavor after 1 DD and Stone axe does not OHKO.
There's also a difference between a bad and an impossible matchup caused by 1 pokemon.
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Roast me:

Skarmory @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Weak Armor
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Brave Bird
- Rock Slide
- Swords Dance
- Drill Run
"But if you close your eyes."
252+ Atk Skarmory Hidden Power Ground vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Magneton: 255-300 (105.3 - 123.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO
"Does it almost feel like Nothing changed at all."
+2 252+ Atk Skarmory Drill Run vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Magnezone: 492-580 (175 - 206.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Probably complete garbage, but history has a funny way of repeating itself, doesn't it? (It needs the +2, otherwise it is only a 18.8% chance to OKHO.) Might see some weird niche usage in threat as a sweeper if you can find away to get it going but otherwise, probably clear away from this and just run the iconic set established back in ADV (with a few modern enchantments).

Skarmory @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
Careful Nature
- Spikes
- Roar
- Roost
- Brave Bird
"But if you close your eyes."
252+ Atk Skarmory Hidden Power Ground vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Magneton: 255-300 (105.3 - 123.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO
"Does it almost feel like Nothing changed at all."
+2 252+ Atk Skarmory Drill Run vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Magnezone: 492-580 (175 - 206.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Probably complete garbage, but history has a funny way of repeating itself, doesn't it? (It needs the +2, otherwise it is only a 18.8% chance to OKHO.) Might see some weird niche usage in threat as a sweeper if you can find away to get it going but otherwise, probably clear away from this and just run the iconic set established back in ADV (with a few modern enchantments).

Skarmory @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
Careful Nature
- Spikes
- Roar
- Roost
- Brave Bird
I really want acrobatics on skarm/birds with weak armor in general. Like that I can run weak armor with white herb + acro but sigh.
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