Pokémon Terrakion


Notable Items:Choice Scarf, Choice Band, Life Orb, Loaded Dice, Leftovers
Notable Tera types:Normal, Water, Ground, Fighting, Rock, Ghost
Notable Moves(In Order):
-Close Combat
-Stone Edge
-High Horsepower
-Quick Attack
-Stealth Rock
-Swords Dance
-Rock Blast
-Iron Head
-Poison Jab
-Tera Blast
Lost Megahorn
Offensively threatening STAB combination
Great speed tier
High attack stat to take advantage of move pool

Choice sets are prediction reliant
Speed tier not quite good enough without scarf
Defensively vulnerable typing
Generally better options


Terrakion @ Choice Scarf / Choice Band
Ability: Justified
Tera Type: Normal / Water
EVs: (252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe) or ( 232 Hp / 252 Atk / 20 Spe)
Jolly Nature
- Stone Edge / Rock Blast
- Close Combat
- Earthquake / High Horsepower
- Quick Attack / Stealth Rock
With Terrakion's offensively threatening STAB combination, choiced sets are the recommended way to use it. Specifically Choice Scarf. It's able to get attacks off more easily thanks to it having an abnormally fast speed tier for a scarfer. Choice Scarf allows Terrakion to check faster mons that are threatened by its stabs such as Cinderace, Meowscarada, Darkrai, Weavile, etc. Tera normal can be run if you want to boost up the power of your Quick Attacks but, it's not the best use of your tera. Tera water is great if you want to get a second hit in against a bulky mon. The first EV spread is your standard offensive mon EV spread while the second one focuses on optimizing your stats. A jolly nature and 20 speed evs is enough to outspeed +speed max speed dragapult. Alternatively, 220 Speed IVs can be run if you want to outspeed max speed +speed nature Deoxys-S. Stone Edge / Rock Blast, Close Combat, and Earthquake / High Horsepower are a must on choiced sets while the 4th move slot can be up to the user. Quick Attack for useful priority, Stealth Rock to capitalize on switches, Iron Head / Poison Jab to hit fairies, etc. An important option to mention is the use of Rock Blast on Scarfed sets in order to deny webs from Sash Ribombee which can be important on teams without much hazard removal.

Swords Dance
Terrakion @ Loaded Dice / Life Orb / Blunder Policy
Ability: Justified
Tera Type: Ground / Rock
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Taunt / Earthquake / High Horsepower
- Rock Blast / Stone Edge
- Close Combat
Swords Dance Terrakion is his third best set but this is outclassed by his future self Iron Boulder. Boulder has better speed, a better rock move and even better coverage moves than Terrakion. The only reason why you'd use this over Boulder is for the fighting stab but even then, Valiant, Tusk, etc. do that role better. For those wanting to use Swords Dance Terrakion, High Horsepower, Earthquake, and Taunt can be used depending on the situation. If your team needs an offensive check to Gholdengo, then use Earthquake or High Horsepower. Otherwise, Taunt is useful for preventing debilitating status or preventng hazards. Rock Blast + Loaded Dice or Stone Edge + Life Orb can be used depending on whether you want higher accuracy or more power. For the 4th move, Close Combat is a must. As for Blunder Policy, it's a potentially lethal option that can make Terrakion threatening under the right circumstances but Life Orb or Loaded Dice is preferred.

Checks and Counters
-Physically Defensive Pokemon
Greak Tusk, Toxapex, Dondozo, Alomamola, etc. easily switch in to Terrakion STABs and threaten it with an OHKO or crippling status. They do have to be wary of Earthquake and Close Combat on the switch from banded sets.
-Balloon Gholdengo
Switches in to both STABs and Earthquake and easily threatens an OHKO with Make it Rain
-Any faster pokemon with super effective moves
Meowscarada, Iron Valiant, etc.
-Strong priority
Scizor's Bullet Punch, Breloom's Mach Punch, Crawdaunt's Aqua Jet, etc. easily KO Terrakion with chip

Terrakion, unfortunately doesn't have that many viable sets. It's limited by its defensively vulnerable typing and lack of other good attacking moves besides its STABs. Choiced sets are quite prediction reliant but are good in end game scenarios where most opposing Pokemon have been chipped. Scarf Terrakion is definitely the best use of this with its amazing speed tier as a scarfer. Being able to outspeed even some weather boosted Pokemon with max speed investment. Band Terrakion can deal good damage on defensive Pokemon on the switch but is more easily threatened by faster offensive threats. Swords Dance, is the only other set that's worth running on Terrakion but is outclassed by Iron Boulder and Valiant who function better as boost sweepers with their better speed. Terrakion basically doesn't provide anything unique enough that the other Sword Dancers have.
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wish there was a way to cook with terrak in gen9 man(especially since its my 4th fav mon of all time :psysad:), maybe choice sets might be ok still with the right prediction and/or in the end game?