Pet Mod Masquerade (Slate 11 Winners!)

Pokemon: Porygon2
Type-changing Move: Tera Blast
Metagame Justification: Mixed Wall, Tank
Description: Would love to add Porygon-Z, but it'd probably be busted with its power and abilities and that's before considering what Masks I'd have to give it, so instead here's Porygon2. Becomes a nice catch-all wall with Eviolite and either decent offensive presence with Download or defensive utility in Trace. Loves the fact that Knock Off theoretically shouldn't be used at all since 99% of the Pokemon in the meta use unknockable items
Mask Name: Zenithbug Mask
New Type:

New Ability: Adaptability
Ability when Tera'd: System Override* - Once per switch-in, this Pokemon's stats are all boosted by 1 stage after this Pokemon attempts to use Conversion
Metagame Justification: Tank, Setup Sweeper
Description: Gen 7 Porygon-Z at home. Acts as a nice tank with a great dual STAB combo and good power from Adaptability, while also being able to attempt a sweep if you commit Tera.

Mask Name: Retrowave Mask
New Type:

New Ability: Electric Surge
Ability when Tera'd: Surge Surfer
Metagame Justification: Tank, Setup Sweeper
Description: Adds a second terrain setter, is another more offensively inclined form that sports STAB on one half of the BoltBeam combo. Surge Surfer is an admittedly generic choice for the Tera ability, but it's really what this form needs to set itself apart, suddenly turning it from a slow bulky attacker into a threatening lategame cleaner with nuclear Thunderbolts. You do have to pick your spot well, though, especially since Porygon2 doesn't learn the more widely-distributed Electric Terrain fsr.

Mask Name: Dreamnet Mask
New Type:

New Ability: Unaware
Ability when Tera'd: Serene Grace
Metagame Justification: Physical Wall, Mixed Wall, Tank
Description: Adds our first defensive Fairy, takes on stuff like SD non-base Drapion, DD Flygons, and Plot Delphoxes. Tera can have some fun with Serene Grace Tri Attack but you'll usually want to stay in base for the defensive utility
Pokemon: Electivire
Type-changing Move: Thunder Punch
Metagame Justification: Physical Wallbreaker, Offensive Pivot
Description: A bit odd that all of our Electric-types are physical attackers and this would be one more, but whatever. Electivire's value mainly comes from its Masks, but it's still a very stronger physical attacker with great coverage and decent enough Speed for this meta, so it's still pretty threatening
Mask Name: Sandsurge Mask
New Type:

New Ability: Mold Breaker
Ability when Tera'd: Reckless
Metagame Justification: Physical Wallbreaker, Offensive Pivot
Description: There are way too many Poison-types in this tier and way too many Pokemon with Ground-immunity abilities in this tier, so let's take them down a peg.

Mask Name: Darkamp Mask
New Type:

New Ability: Iron Fist
Ability when Tera'd: Moxie
Metagame Justification: Physical Wallbreaker, Offensive Pivot, Cleaner
Description: Iron Fist lets each of the elemental punches hit hard, backed up by the decent Wild Charge to make Darkamp EVire a really tough breaker to safely switch into. Can Tera into a good cleaner if you have the right situation

Mask Name: Photoelectric Mask
New Type:

New Ability: Regenerator
Ability when Tera'd: Flower Veil
Metagame Justification: Physical Wallbreaker, Offensive Pivot
Description: I love offensive Regenerator
Pokemon: Kingdra
Type-changing Move: Dragon Pulse
Metagame Justification: Offensive Pivot, Special Wallbreaker, Setup Sweeper
Description: Can serve a number of roles thanks to its well-rounded stats, be it a Sweeper with Rain Dance, Dragon Dance, or Focus Energy, a breaker with Specs or Band, or even something defensive with the right investment and utility like Clear Smog and Scald
Mask Name: Foamflow Mask
New Type:

New Ability: Regenerator
Ability when Tera'd: Competitive
Metagame Justification: Defensive Pivot, Offensive Pivot
Description: Very defensive-focused Mask, poised to be the premier defensive pivot in the tier thanks to Regen, good utility, and amazing typing.

Mask Name: Rushwash Mask
New Type:

New Ability: Rock Head
Ability when Tera'd: Scrappy
Metagame Justification: Physical Wallbreaker, Offensive Pivot, Setup Sweeper
Description: click double-edge and wave crash

Mask Name: Frostshot Mask
New Type:

New Ability: Snowcap* - This Pokemon acts as if Snow is active
Ability when Tera'd: Super Luck
Metagame Justification: Special Wallbreaker, Setup Sweeper, Offensive Pivot
Description: Keldeo at home that leans into CritDra strategies and generally trying to stay in to avoid taking Stealth Rock damage multiple times, with Super Luck in Tera making up for not being able to run Scope Lens, and Snowscap pre-Tera letting Kingdra stay in and spam Blizzard
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Pokemon: Keldeo-Resolute
Type-changing Move: Secret Sword
Mask Name: Alloystag Mask
New Type: Water / Steel
New Ability: Sheer Heart (This Pokemon’s Sp.Atk is 1.3x, cannot be raised or lowered)
Ability when Tera'd: Magic Bounce
Description: funky offensive mon that invalidates cm sets completely until you tera. good typing but walled by the arbolivas and swampert. i think resolute form looks cooler
Mask Name: Bulwark Buck
New Type: Water / Rock
New Ability: Valiant Crown (On switch-in, boost the users Sp.Atk by 1 stage. Once per switch-in)
Ability when Tera'd: Purifiying Salt
Description: another offensive mon that runs an offensive ability, but swaps to a defensive ability on tera.
Mask Name: Floradeer Mask
New Type: Water / Grass
New Ability: Grassy Surge
Ability when Tera'd: Field Day (This Pokemon’s Speed is doubled when under Grassy Terrain)
Description: we already have a water / grass, but this is WAY more offensive, and provides grassy surge and field day which can sweep
:cobalion::terrakion::virizion: :)
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Hi everyone!
Slate 3 is now up on dh, thanks again to Yoshiblaze, and with that we will be announcing our first roomtour! The roomtour will be on Friday 7:00PM EST, so be sure to participate, because we havent had a single game on the meta!

We will be also announcing that ViZar has now left the Masquerade council, so we will be opening council applications! Applications will end when the submission phase for Slate 4 ends! Just enter the discord server and dm me on discord!
Pokemon: Rhyperior
Type-changing Move: Drill Run
Custom Move:
Removed Moves:
Supercell Slam

Mask Name: Powerstone Mask
New Type: Electric
New Ability: Soul Battery (When this Pokemon knocks out another Pokemon, it gains the Charge effect.)
Ability when Tera'd: Teravolt
Description: plan: kill something to get charged, tera to gain an infinitely better defensive type, and just absolutely send some poor dude to the third dimension with tera charged wild charge off 140 attack. nothing that's not a fairly bulky resist is safe, especially with Teravolt, but the base is very exploitable, since you have to actually get a kill with the rock-electric form before you can just kill something.

Mask Name: Shipwrecker Mask
New Type: Water
New Ability: Water Veil
Ability when Tera'd: Bulletproof
Description: the abilities the shipwrecker mask give rhyperior are fine, but what it really appreciates is just being rock/water type. rock ground is horrible and it very much appreciates not having to deal with the 4x water weakness anymore. bulletproof and burn immunity are just a bonus.
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Sorry for taking a bit longer, but
Submission Phase is closed!

No subs are vetoed, so voting can start now!

We will also extend the council applications until the slate ends!
Pokemon: Feraligatr
Type-changing Move: Splash Bite

90BP | 100% Acc | Water | Physical | 16PP
Gives the user the Aqua Ring effect Flags: Contact, Mirror, Protect, Biting

Mask Name: Volcanic Mask
New Type: Water/Fire
New Ability:
Solid Rock
Ability when Tera'd: Grassy Surge
Metagame Justification: Physical Wallbreaker, Offensive Pivot, Physical Sweeper (Dragon Dance)
Description: Solid sweeper with DDance sets as well as a glue due to its solid defensive profile, helped further by Solid Rock, can heal with Splash Bite giving it the Aqua Ring effect, and can tera to get more healing with Grassy Terrain as well as weaken its weakness to Eq, balanced out by a weakness to Stealth Rock, and mid stats

Mask Name: Irradiating Mask
New Type: Water/Poison
New Ability:
Ability when Tera'd: Water Veil
Metagame Justification: Physical Wallbreaker, Offensive Pivot, Physical Sweeper (Contrary Superpower)
Description: Cant boost with Dragon Dance unless it tera's, but can still boost with the Superpower + Contrary combo, can also tera to get ready to sweep and become inmune to burns, and can pasively heal with Splash Bite's Aqua Ring effect
Feraligatr masks by me!
Pokemon: Porygon2
Type-changing Move: Tera Blast
Metagame Justification: Mixed Wall, Tank
Description: Would love to add Porygon-Z, but it'd probably be busted with its power and abilities and that's before considering what Masks I'd have to give it, so instead here's Porygon2. Becomes a nice catch-all wall with Eviolite and either decent offensive presence with Download or defensive utility in Trace. Loves the fact that Knock Off theoretically shouldn't be used at all since 99% of the Pokemon in the meta use unknockable items
Mask Name: Zenithbug Mask
New Type:

New Ability: Adaptability
Ability when Tera'd: System Override* - Once per switch-in, this Pokemon's stats are all boosted by 1 stage after this Pokemon attempts to use Conversion
Metagame Justification: Tank, Setup Sweeper
Description: Gen 7 Porygon-Z at home. Acts as a nice tank with a great dual STAB combo and good power from Adaptability, while also being able to attempt a sweep if you commit Tera.

Mask Name: Retrowave Mask
New Type:

New Ability: Electric Surge
Ability when Tera'd: Surge Surfer
Metagame Justification: Tank, Setup Sweeper
Description: Adds a second terrain setter, is another more offensively inclined form that sports STAB on one half of the BoltBeam combo. Surge Surfer is an admittedly generic choice for the Tera ability, but it's really what this form needs to set itself apart, suddenly turning it from a slow bulky attacker into a threatening lategame cleaner with nuclear Thunderbolts. You do have to pick your spot well, though, especially since Porygon2 doesn't learn the more widely-distributed Electric Terrain fsr.

Mask Name: Dreamnet Mask
New Type:

New Ability: Unaware
Ability when Tera'd: Serene Grace
Metagame Justification: Physical Wall, Mixed Wall, Tank
Description: Adds our first defensive Fairy, takes on stuff like SD non-base Drapion, DD Flygons, and Plot Delphoxes. Tera can have some fun with Serene Grace Tri Attack but you'll usually want to stay in base for the defensive utility

Pokemon: Kingdra
Type-changing Move: Dragon Pulse
Metagame Justification: Offensive Pivot, Special Wallbreaker, Setup Sweeper
Description: Can serve a number of roles thanks to its well-rounded stats, be it a Sweeper with Rain Dance, Dragon Dance, or Focus Energy, a breaker with Specs or Band, or even something defensive with the right investment and utility like Clear Smog and Scald
Mask Name: Foamflow Mask
New Type:

New Ability: Regenerator
Ability when Tera'd: Competitive
Metagame Justification: Defensive Pivot, Offensive Pivot
Description: Very defensive-focused Mask, poised to be the premier defensive pivot in the tier thanks to Regen, good utility, and amazing typing.

Mask Name: Rushwash Mask
New Type:

New Ability: Rock Head
Ability when Tera'd: Scrappy
Metagame Justification: Physical Wallbreaker, Offensive Pivot, Setup Sweeper
Description: click double-edge and wave crash

Mask Name: Frostshot Mask
New Type:

New Ability: Snowcap* - This Pokemon acts as if Snow is active
Ability when Tera'd: Super Luck
Metagame Justification: Special Wallbreaker, Setup Sweeper, Offensive Pivot
Description: Keldeo at home that leans into CritDra strategies and generally trying to stay in to avoid taking Stealth Rock damage multiple times, with Super Luck in Tera making up for not being able to run Scope Lens, and Snowscap pre-Tera letting Kingdra stay in and spam Blizzard
Porygon-2 masks and Kingdra masks by Yoshiblaze!

Pokemon: Galvantula
Type-changing Move: Thunderbolt

Mask Name: Webcrawler Mask
New Type: Bug/Steel
New Ability: Steelworker
Ability when Tera'd: Oblivious
Metagame Justification: Webs, Pivot
Description: Steelworker for Thunderbolt, while Oblivious stops Galvantula from being Taunted.

Mask Name: Pyrefang Mask
New Type: Bug/Fire
New Ability: Mold Breaker
Ability when Tera'd: Infiltrator
Metagame Justification: Webs, Pivot
Description: Mold Breaker Sticky Web, and Infiltrator to attack through subs.

Mask Name: Widowmaker Mask
New Type: Bug/Ghost
New Ability: Sheer Force
Ability when Tera'd: Purifying Salt
Metagame Justification: Webs, Pivot, Spinblocker
Description: Sheer Force-boosted Thunderbolt/Bug Buzz/Thunder if you're feeling daring, and Purifying Salt gets rid of the weakness to the Ghost-type it has.
Galvantula masks by flareth13!

Feraligatr: 4
Porygon-2: 4
Galvantula: 3
Kingdra: 3

Electivire: 1
Excadrill: 1
Exeggutor-Alola: 1
Keldeo: 1
Rhyperior (Totally_Odette): 1
Alcremie: 0
Rhyperior (flareth13): 0
Again, yall have time to discuss the winners!
After a small rest, we are now back to bring Slate 5 of the mod!:

Slate 5

:sv/venusaur: :sv/heliolisk: :sv/lickilicky:
:sv/haxorus: :sv/aurorus: :sv/bastiodon:

For this slate, we will be using Pokemon from the Monster Egg Group, aside from those who have already won!

Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Nidoking, Slowbro, Marowak, Kangaskhan, Lapras, Snorlax, Meganium, Ampharos, Slowking, Tyranitar, Sceptile, Exploud, Aggron, Tropius, Torterra, Rampardos, Bastiodon, Garchomp, Abomasnow, Lickilicky, Rhyperior, Haxorus, Druddigon, Heliolisk, Tyrantrum, Aurorus, Avalugg.

Slate lasts 5 days.

In addition, we would like to announce Yoshiblaze joining the Masquerade council!

Pokemon: Lapras
Type-changing Move: Sparkling Aria

Mask Name: Freighter Mask
New Type: Ice/Steel
New Ability: Competitive
Ability when Tera'd: Stamina
Description: Competitive Sweeper/Stamina + Body Press

Mask Name: Monoxide Mask
New Type: Ice/Poison
New Ability: Toxic Debris
Ability when Tera'd: Merciless
Description: Oh boy Toxic Spikes

Mask Name: Siren Mask
New Type: Ice/Ghost
New Ability: Punk Rock
Ability when Tera'd: Thick Fat
Description: I love Punk Rock and Fire doing neutral damage.


Pokemon: Torterra
Type-changing Move: High Horsepower

Mask Name: Mossrock Mask
New Type: Grass/Rock
New Ability: Skill Link
Ability when Tera'd: Rock Head
Description: Bullet Seed/Rock Blast. Tera and hit Wood Hammer

Mask Name: Kindling Mask
New Type: Grass/Fire
New Ability: Aroma Veil
Ability when Tera'd: Flame Body
Description: always (until you tera) be shell smashing.

Mask Name: Mindshell Mask
New Type: Grass/Psychic
New Ability: Dazzling
Ability when Tera'd: Psychic Surge
Description: avoid priority


Pokemon: Lickilicky
Type-changing Move: Strength

Mask Name: Healthspawner Mask
New Type: Normal/Steel
New Ability: Prankster
Ability when Tera'd: Misty Surge
Description: Priority Wish/Heal Bell/Rest (I would've used Triage but then I remembered it only works on HP healing moves ): ) and Misty Surge prevents against non-volatile status conditions.

Mask Name: Tunneltongue Mask
New Type: Normal/Ground
New Ability: Analytic
Ability when Tera'd: Bulletproof
Description: Embrace your 50 Speed and then avoid Focus Blast.

Mask Name: Glycol Mask
New Type: Normal/Poison
New Ability: Corrosion
Ability when Tera'd: Serene Grace
Description: Toxic Everything or be Skymin but bad (relatively speaking).
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Pokémon: Aurorus
Type-changing move: Diamond Glow
Changing type: Rock

Type: Rock
Category: Special
Base Power: 70
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 15 (max 24)
Secondary Effect: 100% chance to increase Special Attack by one stage.
Description: This Pokémon releases energy from the diamonds on its back. This always raises the user's Special Attack.
Justification: Aurorus has no way to boost offensively and needs the help to be viable in a higher power level, considering it was ZUBL last generation. Oh yeah, it also gets no reliable special Rock STAB. It's forced to run either Ancient Power or Meteor Beam. Yikes.

Mask Name: Freezeflame Mask
New Type: Fire/Ice
New Ability: Mountaineer (CAP ability)
Ability when Tera'd: Sheer Force
Description: Good offensive typing, and Aurorus also gets access to Earth Power, meaning that it has great wallbreaking potential after it Tera's, especially if it can accumulate boosts from DG. It can switch in more than the average Ice/Fire type thanks to Mountaineer, but if you Tera, you take 50% on switch in, so you better be ready to go for game. The abilities combined with the signature seem strong, but remember we're working off of Aurorus. I'm aware Fire/Ice already exists thanks to Frostbite mask, but this gives a special variant on that.

Mask Name: Glacier Mask
New Type: Ground/Ice
New Ability: Earth Eater
Ability when Tera'd: Water Absorb
Description: Ground/Ice is famously good offensive STAB, something I thought would be fun to give Aurorus. Has two healing immunity abilities that allow it to switch in on moves, giving this the most defensive utility of the Aurorus forms. Originally had a custom signature, but realized that Water Absorb not only already exists but was a straight upgrade, so I'll save the coders some time even if it makes less thematic sense lol
Pokémon: Sceptile
Type-changing move: Leaf Storm
Changing type: Grass
Mask Name: Enguarde Mask
Leaf Storm type: Fighting
New Type: Grass/Fighting
New Ability: Regenerator
Ability when Tera'd: Moxie
Description: Although there are already two Grass / Fighting fully evolved starters, Enguarde Sceptile is primarily a Special oriented Pokémon, and is faster than both Chesnaught and Hisuian Decidueye. Fighting Leaf Storm is not only more accurate than Focus Blast, but is 10 BP more powerful which can make a difference between 2HKO and OHKO, but have a harsh drawback of -2 Special Attack on successful use. Vacuum Wave can be used instead as Sceptile’s Special priority move. Moxie is instead for mixed attacking, with boosted Fighting Leaf Storm for Special Attack, and Sceptile’s selection of Leaf Blade, Crunch, Brick Break / Drain Punch, Upper Hand, Thunder Punch, Rock Slide and Scale Shot for physical Attack and sweep at lategame.

Pokemon: Druddigon
Type-changing Move: Scale Shot

Mask Name: Rubyhead Mask
New Type: Dragon/Rock
New Ability:
Ability when Tera'd: Sheer Force
Description: wip

Mask Name: Sharpshot Mask
New Type: Dragon/Dark
New Ability:
Skill Link
Ability when Tera'd: Technician
Descriprion: wip
Sorry for the wait, wasnt able to write the veto post on time but now im able to so...



Pokemon: Lapras
Type-changing Move: Sparkling Aria

Mask Name: Freighter Mask
New Type: Ice/Steel
New Ability: Drizzle
Ability when Tera'd: Stamina
Description: Rain Setter

Rain seems very strong right now, with very scary possible rain sweepers like Kingdra and Feraligatr on the meta, we are not really keen on adding rain to the meta, just change Drizzle to other ability.

You have 24 hours to apply the changes!