Multifaction Recruitment Mafia - Night 13 (Deadline: 17/01 10:00pm GMT/5:00pm EST)



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Suddenly, another mysterious unidentifiable Pokemon roars from somewhere, “Die Laurel! HYPER BEAM!!!” as a gigantic Hyper Beam shoots straight for Laurel, who is unable to dodge in time. This time, after it strikes him, Laurel drops dead on the spot and his role PM drops alongside him. You all sense that this must be some sort of limited ability that was used… again...

Dear Laurel, you are Stunfisk, the Trapper.

You’re a Pokemon that specializes in preparing traps for your enemy. During the Night, you can PM the host Night X - Building Trap for Player, and you will build a trap on that player’s house that night. You cannot trap for yourself. Speed tier: 5. Starting from the next night, the trap will protect that player from any killers, and that trap will instead kill the attacker. However, non killing visits to your protected target without a killer’s visit on the same night will break the trap. You may only have one trap at a time. If you build a new trap, your previous trap will be removed. If you die, your trap will still remain in effect if not yet triggered.

You are allied with the Fire Faction.

You all continue on with the day's lynch vote regardless.
To nobody's surprise, ImaginaryNeon was voted out today.

Final vote count:

ImaginaryNeon (13) - Bass, Former, internet, master oden, Matieu, Clouds, UncleSam, CaffeineBoost, dak, iamveryhappy, a fairy, zorbees, olivia7
Bass (1) - skippergamez
UncleSam (1)- Lrr
Master oden (2) - NightEmerald, Yeti
a fairy (1)- ImaginaryNeon

You all descend upon ImaginaryNeon and mob him in a frenzy.
Dear ImaginaryNeon,

You are Sableye, the Bus Driver.

You just love to prank others. During the Night, you may PM the host with Night X - Prankster Player and Player. All actions targeting these two players, kills included, will be swapped. You may not Prankster yourself. Speed tier: 90.

You are allied with the Fire Faction.

It is now Night 7. Deadline: 1/7/24, 10:00pm EST/3:00am UTC.
As you all wake up, you check as always for who died during the night...

dak died due to a burst of electricity.
Dear dak, you are Magnezone, the magnetic lynchproof Announcer.

Thanks to your passive ability Sturdy, the first time that you are lynched, you will instead survive the attempt on your life, if just barely. With your control over the powers of magnetism, you can hack into the radio waves at night to make anonymous announcements any time you wish by PMing the host Day/Night X - Announce. This is an instant resolving ability that cannot be tampered with.

You are allied with the Fire Faction.

Someone drowned Aura Guardian to death last night.
Dear Aura Guardian,

You are Pawmot, the Reviver.

You are well known for being one of the first to pioneer Pokemon revival techniques with your new signature move Revival Blessing. During the Day, you can PM the host with Day X - Revive Player, and that player will be resurrected from death starting from the beginning of the next night. If they had any limited use abilities, their ability charges will be the same as they were before death. This ability can only be used once.

You are allied with the Fire Faction.

Ampharos was strangled to death by grass last night.
Dear Ampharos,

You are Mr. Mime, the Mimic.

As a mime, you are known for your special ability to Mimic others. During the Night, you may PM the host with Night X - Mimic Player, and you will receive a one time use copy of your target’s role that you can use on the next night. You can use the copied role and Mimic a new target on the same night, but you cannot Mimic the same target two nights in a row. If your target has a limited use ability, you will not be able to copy your target’s ability, but you will still learn what your target’s ability is.

You are allied with the Fire Faction.

In addition, BlueDoom was burned to death last night.

Dear BlueDoom, you are Toucannon, the Parroter.

You specialize in the move Mirror Move to copy whatever your target is doing. At Night, you may PM the host with Night X - Mirror Move Player, and you will use a copy of your target’s actions at your target. You will be informed what the actions were. This does not work on kills.

You are allied with the Grass Faction.

It is now Day 8. Deadline: 1/8/24, 10:00pm EST / 3:00am UTC.