Resource PU Old Gens Reservation Index + QC Teams


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PU Old Gens Reservation Index + QC Teams
Welcome to the official PU Old Gens Reservation Index! Over here, you are able to reserve Pokemon that you are knowledgeable about to contribute an analysis to any of the tiers. You will also find information about the QC Teams of each of the tiers in this thread!

If you are new to C&C and analysis writing standards, look over these threads before posting:
All analyses must be approved by the PU C&C Moderators or a member of the QC Team you wish to write for. RBY PU C&C is done here and is effectively separate.

PU C&C Moderators


Reservation Rules
  • Make your reservation by posting in this thread. Check the index to make sure your Pokemon hasn't been taken yet, and check the recent posts in this thread in case the index isn't fully updated.
  • Only reserve a Pokemon if you have a good amount of knowledge about it and experience with the metagame. C&C moderators can reject your reservation if they feel you are not prepared to write a good analysis.
  • Do not edit your reservation posts. If you change your mind about a reservation, make a new post instead.
  • If a Pokemon is not on the reservation list and you strongly believe it deserves a PU analysis, or if you think a Pokemon deserves a revamp, contact avarice with a thorough explanation as to why, and the QC team for the tier in question will address it.
Analysis Thread Tags
When you post your thread, be sure to use the appropriate tags for each stage of the analysis. Update your thread's tags and stamp number as you move through the process. Let us know if you're unable to meet any time limit.

[WIP] - Work in Progress: The skeleton is incomplete and is not ready for the QC team to evaluate. Keep in mind that the longer your analysis stays in WIP stage, the greater the chance of it being reassigned. Please avoid making comments in these threads until they are ready unless it's something very important.

[Quality Control] - Quality Control Ready: In the thread title, include [QC: 0/3]. The preview is complete and now needs to seek approval from the QC Team. Make sure you update the thread title with the number of QC checks you currently have. If you are writing a Mini or Preview Analysis, you will only need 2 QC checks.

- Grammar-Prose Ready: In the set title, include [GP: 0/2]. The three required QC approvals have been met. The Grammar-Prose team now takes over. When you are ready for a GP check, please post in the Grammar-Prose Queue with a link to your analysis. If you are writing a Mini or Preview Analysis, you will only need 1 GP check.

- After the analysis gets its GP stamp(s), it is ready for upload.
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:minun: QC Team :duskull:

Gangsta Spongebob

:mawile: Reservation Index :houndour:

Arbok (Wallbreaker)
Charmeleon (Substitute)
Charmeleon (Setup)
Dragonair (Offensive)
Dragonair (Defensive)
Duskull (Defensive)
Furret (Choice Band)
Furret (SubPunch)
Graveler (Substitute)
Kingler (Swords Dance)
Lickitung (Support)
Lickitung (Curse)
Magcargo (Offensive Tank)
Marshtomp (Defensive)
Marshtomp (Offensive)
Mawile (Baton Pass)
Mawile (Swords Dance)
Minun (Offensive)
Minun (Support)
Seadra (Offensive)
Sealeo (Tank)
Seviper (Mixed Offensive)
Swalot (Offensive)
Swalot (SpDef)
Tangela (Defensive)
Tangela (Sun)
Togetic (Support)
Trapinch (The Pinch)
Abra (Calm Mind)
Beedrill (Swords Dance)
Chinchou (Defensive)
Clamperl (Offensive)
Combusken (Special Biased Offensive)
Combusken (Reversal)
Combusken (Swords Dance)
Gastly (Offensive)
Grovyle (Anti-Lead)
Houndour (Pursuit)
Ivysaur (Defensive)
Ivysaur (Swords Dance)
Lairon (Tank)
Lombre (Rain)
Mightyena (Support)
Mightyena (Howl)
Omanyte (Defensive Spikes)
Omanyte (Rain)
Parasect (Support)
Pineco (Spikes)
Shedinja (Swords Dance)
Shuckle (Tank)
Vibrava (Choice Band)
Wigglytuff (Defensive Wish)
Seaking (Rain)
Snorunt (Spikes)
Sunflora (Defensive)
Wartortle (Defensive)
Yanma (Reversal)
None yet!
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:stunfisk: QC Team :frillish:


:dwebble: Reservation Index :swanna:

These require mini analyses.
High Priority:


Low Priority:

Duosion - UberSkitty
Monferno - SergioRules
Shiftry - Akir
Purugly - Akir
Beheeyem - Akir
Stunfisk - Akir
Natu - Akir
Dwebble - Akir
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I'll take Zangoose and Tangela for DPP

Zangoose @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Immunity
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Double-Edge
- Close Combat
- Shadow Claw
- Pursuit

Zangoose @ Life Orb
Ability: Immunity
Happiness: 0
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Frustration
- Shadow Claw / Quick Attack
- Close Combat

Tangela @ Leftovers
Ability: Chlorophyll
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 2 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe
- Leech Seed / Sleep Powder
- Giga Drain / Energy Ball
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Synthesis

Tangela @ Choice Specs
Ability: Chlorophyll
EVs: 36 HP / 252 SpA / 220 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 2 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe
- Leaf Storm
- Energy Ball
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Sludge Bomb / Sleep Powder

approved, drop the specs tangela though
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imma grab dpp misdreavus and metang

approved by ava
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Taking BW Natu

edit: I'm also taking Stunfisk

edit2: It is time for Beheeyem.
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new SM analyses up for reservation:

choice scarf lanturn - taking myself
silvally-ghost revamp
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