Pokémon Reuniclus


Que vida ingrata
is a Top Team Rater

Normal ability:
Overcoat: This Pokemon is immune to powder moves, Sandstorm damage, and Effect Spore.
Magic Guard:This Pokemon can only be damaged by direct attacks.

Hidden ability:
Regenerator: This Pokemon restores 1/3 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when it switches out.


HP: 110
Attack: 65
Defense: 75
Special Attack: 125
Special Defense: 85
Speed: 30

moves of interest

Calm Mind
Energy Ball
Expanding Force
Focus Blast
Future Sight
Iron Defense
Knock Off
Psychic Noise (New)
Shadow Ball
Stored Power
Tera Blast (new)


2 fucking great abilities in magic guard and regenerator, which allows reuni to change its play style based on whatever it wants to do

this thing is the fat balance god, it can absorb knock off, is a super bulky win con with calm mind, with recover, with a good movepool to use, which lets him roll all over opposing fat teams


it's slow, which means free encore, and its slow setup nature can make it set up fodder

outside fat balance, there's no room for reuni in such fast metagames, so it's a mon you build around

potential sets

Awyp was here (Reuniclus) (M) @ Life Orb / Leftovers / Grassy Seed
Ability: Magic Guard
Tera Type: Fairy / Fighting / Thunder
EVs: 248 HP / 216 Def / 44 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Thunder / Focus Blast / Tera Blast / Shadow Ball
- Psyshock
- Recover

the fat balance god, you tank the knock off, you set up, you get forced out, doesn't matter, just come back 100 turns later and try again. Thunder alongside tera electric gets corv, the waters, and you become immune to paralyzes, focus miss or tera blast fighting gets kingambit. psyshock is for blissey or clodsire. evs are to outspeed the 106 stooges (pex, garga, bozo and quagsire). Shadow ball can also be used but sounds like cope for the dengo matchup. Consider also tera fairy because of the naturally good defensive typing. As for the items, LO provides good damage alongside the immunity to recoil with magic guard, leftovers can secure you more passive healing considering the recover nerf, and grassy seed can be used if using rillaboom alongside it

why this thing has knock off (Reuniclus) (M) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 248 HP / 24 SpA / 236 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Focus Blast / Tera Blast / Knock Off / Shadow Ball
- Future Sight
- Focus Blast / Tera Blast / Knock Off / Shadow Ball
- Psyshock​

bro, this thing has baby mushy arms, what do you mean it kept knock off. Anyway, I took the AV set straight out of the gen 8 dex, this could potentially use some ev tweaking. tera fighting for gambit, the moves are gambit bait, dengo bait, knock off for utility, future sight for pressure, and psyshock for stall

Closing thoughs

While not a proper OU mon, as long as fat as a style gets a chance to live, you will see reuniclus making waves and walling your team​
While not a proper OU mon, as long as fat as a style gets a chance to live, you will see reuniclus making waves and walling your team​
I think I've seen this guy once. Mono-Psychic isn't great anymore since Pursuit was axed, especially because it has no other STAB to use. I might try this guy out again, but I think it's over. If it still had Teleport, it would be good. But right now, it's outclassed by both Clefable (Magic Guard) and Glowking (Regenerator)
I think I've seen this guy once. Mono-Psychic isn't great anymore since Pursuit was axed, especially because it has no other STAB to use. I might try this guy out again, but I think it's over. If it still had Teleport, it would be good. But right now, it's outclassed by both Clefable (Magic Guard) and Glowking (Regenerator)
When did Reuniclus have Teleport