Draft Zapdos

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**Draft order**: Late round 2 onwards

**Price range**: 15-16 points

**Overview**: Zapdos is a versatile Pokemon that plays many roles. Its Electric and Flying typing is great defensively, and its ability, Static, makes it an annoying switch-in for opposing physical attackers. Its base 125 Special Attack and 100 Speed also make it great at wallbreaking while still being able to run lots of bulk if necessary. However, Zapdos lacks setup options, making it unable to break many defensive Pokemon, and it can be taken advantage of by many Ground-, Rock-, and Ice-types.

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Bulky pivot**: Typically, this set would include Roost, STAB attacks and potentially Heat Wave as coverage, and either U-turn or Volt Switch. Pivoting is great for maintaining momentum on Zapdos's checks and counters. Choosing to use U-turn over Volt Switch is a good option when Zapdos's counters are immune to Electric, such as Ting-Lu. Thunder Wave is also a great option for slowing down wallbreakers or potential switch-ins.

**Offensive pivot**: This is similar to the bulky pivot set, but it runs more offensive EVs in order to deal more damage. This set can be good when opposing teams struggle against Zapdos's coverage or if Zapdos is not needed defensively. Agility can also be run on offensive sets to outspeed faster threats such as Meowscarada or Greninja.

**All-out attacker**: With Zapdos's strong base 125 Special Attack, it can deal massive amounts of damage with EV investment or damage-boosting items. The focus of this set is dealing large amounts of damage rather than providing utility or pivoting. Choice Specs or Life Orb allows Zapdos to deal even more damage, especially against resistances and specially defensive walls.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB moves**: Discharge, Thunderbolt, Hurricane, Volt Switch, Thunder

**Setup moves**: Agility

**Utility moves**: Thunder Wave, Roost, U-turn, Substitute

**Coverage**: Heat Wave, Weather Ball, Ancient Power, Tera Blast

Niche Moves
**Metal Sound**: Metal Sound can be used on opposing switch-ins to half their Special Defense, allowing Zapdos to deal massive damage or force another switch. Combining it with Throat Spray to immediately gain a 1.5x Special Attack boost makes Zapdos even more threatening.

**Rain Dance**: Rain Dance is good for removing opposing weather and making Zapdos a much scarier offensive threat with Weather Ball as well as Hurricane and Thunder.

**Charge**: Charge makes Zapdos's Electric-type moves immediately more threatening while also boosting its Special Defense.

**Eerie Impulse**: Eerie Impulse makes it difficult for specially offensive Pokemon to break through Zapdos.

Common Items
**Heavy-Duty Boots**: By far the most common item on Zapdos, Heavy-Duty Boots allows Zapdos to easily pivot and make switch in multiple times throughout the game without getting quickly worn down by Stealth Rock.

**Choice Specs / Life Orb**: Choice Specs on top of Zapdos's base 125 Special Attack allows Zapdos to become a terrifying wallbreaker.

**Rocky Helmet**: Rocky Helmet paired with Static makes Zapdos a very annoying switch-in against physical attackers, and it can easily punish U-turn and Flip Turn.

**Resistance Berry**: Charti Berry and Yache Berry are both solid options against offensive Rock- and Ice-types, respectively, such as Iron Boulder and Iron Bundle.

Niche Items
**Leftovers**: Leftovers is good for extra longevity, especially when paired with great entry hazard removal or if the opposing team has no Stealth Rock users. It is also useful on Substitute sets to regain health without needing to use Roost.

**Eject Button**: Eject Button allows Zapdos to quickly take a hit and switch out into a wincon or wallbreaker for better positioning.

**Choice Scarf**: Choice Scarf allows Zapdos to outspeed fast wallbreakers and become a fast offensive pivot on its own.

**Covert Cloak**: Covert Cloak is useful against annoying secondary effects, mainly from Dire Claw.

**Throat Spray**: Throat Spray can be combined with Metal Sound to gain a Special Attack boost.

Zapdos generally struggles as a Tera Captain due to its lack of setup options and its already solid typing. If used as a Tera Captain, it would benefit from stronger STAB attacks, additional coverage from Tera Ground, Fighting, or Grass, or defensive Tera types such as Fairy or Steel.

Draft Strategy
Zapdos does not win games on its own, but it provides excellent support to the team as a strong defensive or offensive pivot with many different options. It also checks many of the format's biggest threats, such as Great Tusk, well.

**Physical wallbreaker**: Zapdos's high Special Attack forces its checks to run special bulk, which allows it to pivot into a strong physical wallbreaker, such as Iron Valiant or Meowscarada, to be immediately threatening.

**Entry hazard removal**: Drafting a high-price Flying-type without Defog is a major downside of Zapdos, especially with its weakness to Stealth Rock. Be sure to have a good hazard removal option on the team. Good examples include Great Tusk and Iron Treads.

**Wincons**: Zapdos is great at enabling offensive threats, such as Greninja or Iron Valiant, as it can pivot to them with U-turn or Volt Switch, weaken checks with its strong base Special Attack, or slow down faster cleaners with Thunder Wave or Static. Since Zapdos isn't reliant on Tera, a solid Tera Captain like Latios or Ogerpon-W would be a great option.

Checks and Counters
**Defensive Ground-types**: Ground-types are immune to Zapdos's Volt Switch, forcing it to run U-turn to pivot, and it forces Zapdos to rely on Hurricane to hit them. Examples include Landorus-T, Ting-Lu, and Clodsire.

**Electric-types**: Electric-types resist both of Zapdos's STAB attacks, and some can block Volt Switch via abilities, such as Thundurus-T and Jolteon. Bulky Electric-types that check Zapdos include Raging Bolt and Bellibolt.

**Stealth Rock**: Zapdos lacks entry hazard removal, making Stealth Rock very annoying for it to handle, especially if its Heavy-Duty Boots get removed via Knock Off.

**Specially defensive Pokemon**: Zapdos cannot increase its Special Attack, so it struggles a lot with breaking through specially defensive walls, especially ones with recovery. Some good options are Clefable, Galarian Slowking, and Deoxys-D.

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**Draft order**: Late Round 2 - Round 3

**Price range**: 15-16

**Overview**: Zapdos is a versatile Pokemon that plays many roles. Its Electric and Flying typing is great defensively, and its Static ability makes it an annoying switchin for opposing physical attackers. Its base 125 Special Attack and 100 Speed makes it great at wallbreaking as well, while still being able to run lots of bulk if necessary. However, Zapdos lacks setup options, making it unable to break many defensive Pokemon, and it can be taken advantage of by its weaknesses. (i would reword this last part to be specific about its weaknesses)

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Bulky Pivot**: Typically this set would include Roost, STAB attacks and/or Heat Wave as coverage, and either U-turn or Volt Switch. Pivoting is great for maintaining momentum on Zapdos's checks and counters. U-turn over Volt Switch is a good option when Zapdos's counters are immune to Electric moves, such as Ting-Lu. Thunder Wave is also a great option for slowing down wallbreakers or potential switchins.

**Offensive Pivot**: Similar to the Bulky Pivot set, but runs more offensive EVs in order to deal more damage. This set can be good when opposing teams struggle against Zapdos's coverage or if Zapdos is not needed as a defensive Pokemon. Agility can also be run on offensive sets to outspeed faster threats, such as Meowscarada or Greninja.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB moves**: Discharge, Thunderbolt, Hurricane, Volt Switch, Thunder

**Setup moves**: Agility

**Utility moves**: Thunder Wave, Roost, U-turn, Substitute

**Coverage**: Heat Wave, Weather Ball, Ancient Power, Tera Blast

Niche Moves (i think an eerie impulse mention here would be good but dont feel strongly about it)
**Metal Sound**: Metal Sound can be used on opposing switchins to half their Special Defense, and in return, deal massive damage or force another switch. Bonus points for combining it with Throat Spray to immediately gain a 1.5x Special Attack boost.

**Rain Dance**: Rain Dance is good for removing opposing weather and making Zapdos a much scarier offensive threat with Water-type Weather Ball and accurate Hurricane and Thunder.

**Charge**: Charge makes Zapdos's Electric-type moves immediately more threatening while also boosting its Special Defense.

Common Items
**Heavy-Duty Boots**: By far the most common item on Zapdos, Heavy-Duty Boots remove its 25% entry damage from Stealth Rock. They allow Zapdos to easily pivot and make multiple switchins through the game without getting quickly worn down by Stealth Rock.

**Leftovers**: Leftovers are good for extra longevity, especially when paired with great removal or if the opposing team has no Stealth Rock users. (would mention lefties working especially well on sub sets)

**Rocky Helmet**: Rocky Helmet paired with Static makes Zapdos a very annoying switchin against physical attackers, and can easily punish U-turn and Flip Turn.

**Resist Berries**: Charti Berry and Yache Berry are both solid options against offensive Rock- and/or Ice-types, such as Iron Bundle or Iron Boulder.

**Choice Scarf**: Choice Scarf allows Zapdos to outspeed fast wallbreakers and become a fast offensive pivot on its own. (i would move this to niche, i think we see it about as common as we see specs if not even less common)

Niche Items
**Eject Button**: Eject Button allows Zapdos to quickly take a hit and switch out into a wincon or wallbreaker for better positioning.

**Choice Specs**: Choice Specs on top of Zapdos's base 125 Special Attack allow Zapdos to become a terrifying wallbreaker, but it can allow opponents to take advantage of it being locked into one move.

**Covert Cloak**: Covert Cloak is useful against annoying secondary effects, mainly from Dire Claw and Salt Cure. (i would find something not salt cure as you dont really want zapdos in on garg anyways)

**Throat Spray**: Throat Spray can be combined with Metal Sound to gain a Special Attack boost.

**Adrenaline Orb**: Adrenaline Orb gives Zapdos a speed boost when an Intimidate user switches in, such as Landorus-T or Salamence. (i would probably delete this mention)

Zapdos generally struggles as a Tera captain due to its lack of setup options and its already solid typing. If used as a Tera captain, it would benefit from stronger STAB attacks, or additional coverage such as Ground, Fighting, or Grass.

Draft Strategy
Zapdos does not win games on its own, but provides excellent support to the team as a strong defensive or offensive pivot with many different options. It also checks many of the format's biggest threats well, such as Great Tusk.

**Physical Wallbreaker**: Zapdos's high Special Attack forces its checks to run special bulk, which allows it to pivot into a strong physical wallbreaker such as Iron Valiant or Meowscarada to be immediately threatening.

**Hazard Removal**: Drafting a high-price Flying-type without Defog is a major downside of Zapdos, especially with its weakness to Stealth Rock. Be sure to have a good hazard removal option on the team. Good examples include Great Tusk and Iron Treads.

**Wincons/Wallbreakers**: Zapdos is great at enabling offensive threats, since it can get them on the field with U-turn or Volt Switch, weaken checks with its strong base Special Attack, or slow down faster cleaners with Thunder Wave or Static. Since Zapdos isn't reliant on Tera, a solid Tera Captain would be a great option. Examples include Iron Valiant, Greninja, or Ogerpon-W. (find better examples than valiant/greninja as valiant is tera banned and you typically dont tera gren)

Checks and Counters
**Defensive Ground-types**: Ground-types absorb Zapdos's Volt Switch, forcing it to run U-turn to pivot, and it forces Zapdos to rely on 70% accurate Hurricane to hit them. Examples include Landorus-T, Ting-Lu, and Clodsire.

**Stealth Rock**: Zapdos lacks removal, making Stealth Rock very annoying for it to handle, especially if its Heavy-Duty Boots get removed from Knock Off.

**Specially Defensive Pokemon**: Zapdos cannot increase its Special Attack, so it struggles a lot with breaking through specially defensive walls, especially ones with recovery. Some good options are Clefable, Galarian Slowking, and Deoxys-Defense.
**Draft order**: Late Round 2 - Round 3

**Price range**: 15-16 points

**Overview**: Zapdos is a versatile Pokemon that plays many roles. Its Electric and Flying typing is great defensively, and its Static ability makes it an annoying switchin for opposing physical attackers. Its base 125 Special Attack and 100 Speed makes it great at wallbreaking as well, while still being able to run lots of bulk if necessary. However, Zapdos lacks setup options, making it unable to break many defensive Pokemon, and it can be taken advantage of by many Ground-, Rock-, and Ice-types.

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Bulky Pivot**: Typically this set would include Roost, STAB attacks and/or Heat Wave as coverage, and either U-turn or Volt Switch. Pivoting is great for maintaining momentum on Zapdos's checks and counters. U-turn over Volt Switch is a good option when Zapdos's counters are immune to Electric moves, such as Ting-Lu. Thunder Wave is also a great option for slowing down wallbreakers or potential switchins.

**Offensive Pivot**: Similar to the Bulky Pivot set, but runs more offensive EVs in order to deal more damage. This set can be good when opposing teams struggle against Zapdos's coverage or if Zapdos is not needed as a defensive Pokemon. Agility can also be run on offensive sets to outspeed faster threats, such as Meowscarada or Greninja.

add all out attacker as discussed in discord

Common Moves
**Primary STAB moves**: Discharge, Thunderbolt, Hurricane, Volt Switch, Thunder

**Setup moves**: Agility

**Utility moves**: Thunder Wave, Roost, U-turn, Substitute

**Coverage**: Heat Wave, Weather Ball, Ancient Power, Tera Blast

Niche Moves
**Metal Sound**: Metal Sound can be used on opposing switchins to half their Special Defense, and in return, deal massive damage or force another switch. Bonus points for combining it with Throat Spray to immediately gain a 1.5x Special Attack boost.

**Rain Dance**: Rain Dance is good for removing opposing weather and making Zapdos a much scarier offensive threat with Water-type Weather Ball and accurate Hurricane and Thunder.

**Charge**: Charge makes Zapdos's Electric-type moves immediately more threatening while also boosting its Special Defense.

**Eerie Impulse**: Eerie Impulse lowers the opposing Pokemon's Special Attack by 2, making it difficult for Specially offensive Pokemon to break through Zapdos.

Common Items
**Heavy-Duty Boots**: By far the most common item on Zapdos, Heavy-Duty Boots remove its 25% entry damage from Stealth Rock. They allow Zapdos to easily pivot and make multiple switchins through the game without getting quickly worn down by Stealth Rock.

**Leftovers**: Leftovers are good for extra longevity, especially when paired with great removal or if the opposing team has no Stealth Rock users. They are also useful on Substitute sets to regain health without needing to use Roost. cant lie this is niche in sv - boots/helmet outclass it nearly all the time, can put it at the top of niche

**Rocky Helmet**: Rocky Helmet paired with Static makes Zapdos a very annoying switchin against physical attackers, and can easily punish U-turn and Flip Turn.

**Resist Berries**: Charti Berry and Yache Berry are both solid options against offensive Rock- and/or Ice-types, such as Iron Bundle or Iron Boulder.

Niche Items
**Eject Button**: Eject Button allows Zapdos to quickly take a hit and switch out into a wincon or wallbreaker for better positioning.

**Choice Scarf**: Choice Scarf allows Zapdos to outspeed fast wallbreakers and become a fast offensive pivot on its own.

**Choice Specs**: Choice Specs on top of Zapdos's base 125 Special Attack allow Zapdos to become a terrifying wallbreaker, but it can allow opponents to take advantage of it being locked into one move. id slash lo here and move it to above helmet

**Covert Cloak**: Covert Cloak is useful against annoying secondary effects, mainly from Dire Claw.

**Throat Spray**: Throat Spray can be combined with Metal Sound to gain a Special Attack boost.

Zapdos generally struggles as a Tera captain due to its lack of setup options and its already solid typing. If used as a Tera captain, it would benefit from stronger STAB attacks, or additional coverage such as Ground, Fighting, or Grass. can also mention tera fairy/steel as defensive options

Draft Strategy
Zapdos does not win games on its own, but provides excellent support to the team as a strong defensive or offensive pivot with many different options. It also checks many of the format's biggest threats well, such as Great Tusk.

**Physical Wallbreaker**: Zapdos's high Special Attack forces its checks to run special bulk, which allows it to pivot into a strong physical wallbreaker such as Iron Valiant or Meowscarada to be immediately threatening.

**Hazard Removal**: Drafting a high-price Flying-type without Defog is a major downside of Zapdos, especially with its weakness to Stealth Rock. Be sure to have a good hazard removal option on the team. Good examples include Great Tusk and Iron Treads.

**Wincons/Wallbreakers**: Zapdos is great at enabling offensive threats, such as Greninja or Iron Valiant, as it can put them on the field with U-turn or Volt Switch, weaken checks with its strong base Special Attack, or slow down faster cleaners with Thunder Wave or Static. Since Zapdos isn't reliant on Tera, a solid Tera Captain like Latios or Ogerpon-W would be a great option. name this just wincons

Checks and Counters
**Defensive Ground-types**: Ground-types absorb Zapdos's Volt Switch, forcing it to run U-turn to pivot, and it forces Zapdos to rely on 70% accurate Hurricane to hit them. Examples include Landorus-T, Ting-Lu, and Clodsire. can also mention most electrics can check it

**Stealth Rock**: Zapdos lacks removal, making Stealth Rock very annoying for it to handle, especially if its Heavy-Duty Boots get removed from Knock Off.

**Specially Defensive Pokemon**: Zapdos cannot increase its Special Attack, so it struggles a lot with breaking through specially defensive walls, especially ones with recovery. Some good options are Clefable, Galarian Slowking, and Deoxys-Defense.

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**Draft order**: Late Round round 2 onwards

**Price range**: 15-16 points

**Overview**: Zapdos is a versatile Pokemon that plays many roles. Its Electric and Flying typing is great defensively, and its Static ability, (ac) Static, (ac) makes it an annoying switch-in (ah) for opposing physical attackers. Its base 125 Special Attack and 100 Speed makes also make it great at wallbreaking as well (rc) while still being able to run lots of bulk if necessary. However, Zapdos lacks setup options, making it unable to break many defensive Pokemon, and it can be taken advantage of by many Ground-, Rock-, and Ice-types.

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Bulky pivot**: Typically, (ac) this set would include Roost, STAB attacks and/or potentially Heat Wave as coverage, and either U-turn or Volt Switch. Pivoting is great for maintaining momentum on Zapdos's checks and counters. Choosing to use U-turn over Volt Switch is a good option when Zapdos's counters are immune to Electric moves, such as Ting-Lu. Thunder Wave is also a great option for slowing down wallbreakers or potential switch-ins (ah).

**Offensive pivot**: Similar This is similar to the bulky pivot set, but it runs more offensive EVs in order to deal more damage. This set can be good when opposing teams struggle against Zapdos's coverage or if Zapdos is not needed as a defensive Pokemon defensively. Agility can also be run on offensive sets to outspeed faster threats (rc) such as Meowscarada or Greninja.

**All-out attacker**: With Zapdos's strong base 125 Special Attack, it can deal massive amounts of damage with EV investment or damage-boosting items. The focus of this set is dealing large amounts of damage rather than providing utility or pivoting. Choice Specs or Life Orb allows Zapdos to deal even more damage, especially against resists resistances and specially defensive walls.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB moves**: Discharge, Thunderbolt, Hurricane, Volt Switch, Thunder

**Setup moves**: Agility

**Utility moves**: Thunder Wave, Roost, U-turn, Substitute

**Coverage**: Heat Wave, Weather Ball, Ancient Power, Tera Blast

Niche Moves
**Metal Sound**: Metal Sound can be used on opposing switch-ins (ah) to half their Special Defense, and in return, allowing Zapdos to deal massive damage or force another switch. Bonus points for combining Combining it with Throat Spray to immediately gain a 1.5x Special Attack boost makes Zapdos even more threatening. we can workshop this if you don't like the change, just @ me on discord

**Rain Dance**: Rain Dance is good for removing opposing weather and making Zapdos a much scarier offensive threat with Water-type Weather Ball and accurate as well as Hurricane and Thunder. removed dex info-"accurate" isn't 100% correct, since they bypass accuracy checks (with the exception of semi-invulnerability) in rain as well

**Charge**: Charge makes Zapdos's Electric-type moves immediately more threatening while also boosting its Special Defense.

**Eerie Impulse**: Eerie Impulse lowers the opposing Pokemon's Special Attack by 2, making makes it difficult for specially offensive Pokemon to break through Zapdos. removed direct dex info

Common Items
**Heavy-Duty Boots**: By far the most common item on Zapdos, Heavy-Duty Boots remove its 25% entry damage from Stealth Rock. They allows Zapdos to easily pivot and make multiple switchins switch in multiple times throughout the game without getting quickly worn down by Stealth Rock.

**Choice Specs / Life Orb**: Choice Specs on top of Zapdos's base 125 Special Attack allows Zapdos to become a terrifying wallbreaker.

**Rocky Helmet**: Rocky Helmet paired with Static makes Zapdos a very annoying switch-in (ah) against physical attackers, and it can easily punish U-turn and Flip Turn.

**Resistance Berry Berries**: Charti Berry and Yache Berry are both solid options against offensive Rock- and/or Ice-types, respectively, such as Iron Bundle or Iron Boulder Boulder and Iron Bundle consistency in type order.

Niche Items
**Leftovers**: Leftovers are is good for extra longevity, especially when paired with great entry hazard removal or if the opposing team has no Stealth Rock users. They are It is also useful on Substitute sets to regain health without needing to use Roost.

**Eject Button**: Eject Button allows Zapdos to quickly take a hit and switch out into a wincon or wallbreaker for better positioning.

**Choice Scarf**: Choice Scarf allows Zapdos to outspeed fast wallbreakers and become a fast offensive pivot on its own.

**Covert Cloak**: Covert Cloak is useful against annoying secondary effects, mainly from Dire Claw.

**Throat Spray**: Throat Spray can be combined with Metal Sound to gain a Special Attack boost.

Zapdos generally struggles as a Tera Captain due to its lack of setup options and its already solid typing. If used as a Tera Captain, it would benefit from stronger STAB attacks, additional coverage such as from Tera Ground, Fighting, or Grass, or defensive typings Tera types such as Fairy or Steel.

Draft Strategy
Zapdos does not win games on its own, but it provides excellent support to the team as a strong defensive or offensive pivot with many different options. It also checks many of the format's biggest threats, (ac) such as Great Tusk, (ac) well (rc) such as Great Tusk.

**Physical wallbreaker**: Zapdos's high Special Attack forces its checks to run special bulk, which allows it to pivot into a strong physical wallbreaker, (ac) such as Iron Valiant or Meowscarada, (ac) to be immediately threatening.

**Entry hazard removal**: Drafting a high-price Flying-type without Defog is a major downside of Zapdos, especially with its weakness to Stealth Rock. Be sure to have a good hazard removal option on the team. Good examples include Great Tusk and Iron Treads.

**Wincons**: Zapdos is great at enabling offensive threats, such as Greninja or Iron Valiant, as it can put them on the field pivot to them with U-turn or Volt Switch, weaken checks with its strong base Special Attack, or slow down faster cleaners with Thunder Wave or Static. Since Zapdos isn't reliant on Tera, a solid Tera Captain like Latios or Ogerpon-W would be a great option.

Checks and Counters
**Defensive Ground-types**: Ground-types absorb are immune to Zapdos's Volt Switch, forcing it to run U-turn to pivot, and it forces Zapdos to rely on 70% accurate Hurricane to hit them. Examples include Landorus-T, Ting-Lu, and Clodsire.

**Electric-types**: Electric-types resist both of Zapdos's STAB attacks, and some can block Volt Switch via abilities, such as Thundurus-T and Jolteon. Bulky Electric-types that check Zapdos include Raging Bolt and Bellibolt.

**Stealth Rock**: Zapdos lacks entry hazard removal, making Stealth Rock very annoying for it to handle, especially if its Heavy-Duty Boots get removed from via Knock Off.

**Specially defensive Pokemon**: Zapdos cannot increase its Special Attack, so it struggles a lot with breaking through specially defensive walls, especially ones with recovery. Some good options are Clefable, Galarian Slowking, and Deoxys-Defense.

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