LC Mienfoo


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LC Leader
Fast Pivot (Mienfoo) @ Eviolite
Ability: Regenerator
Level: 5
Tera Type: Steel / Fairy
EVs: 196 Def / 36 SpD / 236 Spe
Jolly Nature
- High Jump Kick
- Knock Off
- U-turn
- Fake Out / Taunt

Mienfoo is an LC staple thanks to its combination of Speed, utility, and defensive resilience via its Fighting typing and Regenerator. High Jump Kick is the STAB move of choice, as its additional Base Power and lack of defensive stat drops make it a superior option to Close Combat. Knock Off allows Mienfoo to make consistent progress by removing the Eviolites of even Pokemon that check it like Foongus and Koffing. U-turn capitalizes on the switches Mienfoo forces and generates offensive momentum while synergizing with Regenerator recovery to keep Mienfoo healthy. Fake Out is useful priority that can wear down opposing sweepers and Choice Scarf users and chip foes into KO range. Taunt is another option that lets Mienfoo block Foongus's Spore and prevent setup. Maximum Speed is preferred to outrun major threats like Vullaby and Hisuian Growlithe. Tera Steel gives Mienfoo a host of invaluable resistances and immunities, most notably to Vullaby's Brave Bird, Stunky's Gunk Shot, and Snivy's Leaf Storm, while Tera Fairy is a more niche pick that counters opposing Mienfoo.

Mienfoo's utility and versatility mean it fits well on virtually any team, but it pairs especially well with Vullaby thanks to its ability to beat Vullaby's checks like Pawniard and Hisuian Growlithe. Vullaby also handles Foongus, especially if running Overcoat, which Mienfoo otherwise struggles to damage. Snubbull is a great teammate in matches where preserving Mienfoo's Eviolite is necessary, as it can easily switch into opposing Mienfoo's Knock Off and punish it with Thief. Mienfoo can do little to opposing Snubbull, so it appreciates teammates like Mudbray and Diglett-A that do not fear Snubbull's Thunder Wave and can threaten it out. Gastly and Stunky cannot reliably switch into Snubbull, but both threaten it with powerful Poison-type STAB moves off of Mienfoo's U-turn.

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went ahead and scratched "weak" in favor of highlighting Fake Out as a way of getting chip. should be ready for the next qc
Mienfoo is an LC staple thanks to its combination of Speed, utility, and defensive resilience via its Fighting-type and Regenerator. High Jump Kick is the STAB move of choice, as its additional base power and lack of defensive stat drops make it a superior option to Close Combat. Knock Off allows Mienfoo to make consistent progress by removing the Eviolites of even Pokemon that check it like Foongus and Snubbull(would mention something different than snub bc most snub run thief). U-turn capitalizes on the switches Mienfoo forces and generates offensive momentum while synergizing with Regenerator recovery to keep Mienfoo healthy. Fake Out is useful priority that can wear down opposing sweepers and Choice Scarf users and chip-damage foes into KO range. Taunt is another option that lets Mienfoo block Foongus's Spore and prevent setup. Maximum Speed is preferred to outrun major threats like Vullaby and Hisuian Growlithe. Tera Steel gives Mienfoo a host of invaluable resistances and immunities, most notably to Vullaby's Brave Bird, Stunky's Gunk Shot, and Snivy's Leaf Storm, while Tera Fairy is a more-niche pick that counters opposing Mienfoo.

Mienfoo's utility and versatility mean it fits well on virtually any team, but it pairs especially well with Vullaby thanks to its ability to beat Vullaby's checks like Pawniard and Hisuian Growlithe. Vullaby also handles Foongus, especially if running Overcoat, which Mienfoo otherwises struggles to damage. Snubbull is a great teammate in matches where preserving Mienfoo's Eviolite is necessary, as it can easily switch into opposing Mienfoo's Knock Off and punish it with Thief. Mienfoo can do little to opposing Snubbull, so it appreciates teammates like Mudbray and Diglett-A that do not fear Snubbull's Thunder Wave and can threaten it out. Gastly and Stunky cannot reliably switch into Snubbull, but both threaten it with powerful Poison-type STAB moves off of Mienfoo's U-turn.

Fast Pivot (Mienfoo) @ Eviolite
Ability: Regenerator
Level: 5
Tera Type: Steel / Fairy
EVs: 196 Def / 36 SpD / 236 Spe
Jolly Nature
- High Jump Kick
- Knock Off
- U-turn
- Fake Out / Taunt

Mienfoo is an LC staple thanks to its combination of Speed, utility, and defensive resilience via its Fighting-type typing and Regenerator. High Jump Kick is the STAB move of choice, as its additional Base Power base power and lack of defensive stat drops make it a superior option to Close Combat. Knock Off allows Mienfoo to make consistent progress by removing the Eviolites of even Pokemon that check it like Foongus and Koffing. U-turn capitalizes on the switches Mienfoo forces and generates offensive momentum while synergizing with Regenerator recovery to keep Mienfoo healthy. Fake Out is useful priority that can wear down opposing sweepers and Choice Scarf users and chip-damage foes into KO range. Taunt is another option that lets Mienfoo block Foongus's Spore and prevent setup. Maximum Speed is preferred to outrun major threats like Vullaby and Hisuian Growlithe. Tera Steel gives Mienfoo a host of invaluable resistances and immunities, most notably to Vullaby's Brave Bird, Stunky's Gunk Shot, and Snivy's Leaf Storm, while Tera Fairy is a more- more niche pick that counters opposing Mienfoo.

Mienfoo's utility and versatility mean it fits well on virtually any team, but it pairs especially well with Vullaby thanks to its ability to beat Vullaby's checks like Pawniard and Hisuian Growlithe. Vullaby also handles Foongus, especially if running Overcoat, which Mienfoo otherwises otherwise struggles to damage. Snubbull is a great teammate in matches where preserving Mienfoo's Eviolite is necessary, as it can easily switch into opposing Mienfoo's Knock Off and punish it with Thief. Mienfoo can do little to opposing Snubbull, so it appreciates teammates like Mudbray and Diglett-A that do not fear Snubbull's Thunder Wave and can threaten it out. Gastly and Stunky cannot reliably switch into Snubbull, but both threaten it with powerful Poison-type STAB moves off of Mienfoo's U-turn.

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