Draft Cinderace

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**Draft Order**: Round 3 onwards

**Price Range**: 14-15 points

**Overview**: Cinderace is a fast, powerful Pokemon with various offensive and utility moves in its repertoire. Its good offensive typing and Attack stat are enhanced further by its Libero ability, allowing it to function as a powerful wallbreaker and cleaner. It can also act as a fast pivot with an option for entry hazard control in Court Change, along with other powerful utility moves such as Will-O-Wisp, Super Fang, and Taunt. However, Cinderace is bemoaned for its extreme reliance on Heavy-Duty Boots to continously come in safely and its poor natural bulk.

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Fast wallbreaker**: Cinderace uses its speed and power to do huge amounts of damage to foes while keeping up offensive momentum for its teammates with its powerful U-turn. In certain matchups, Cinderace can use Swords Dance or Bulk Up to set up and then leverage its high Speed and good coverage to do immense damage, weakening opposing defensive structures to enable a teammate to clean up late-game or occasionally sweep on its own.

**Cleaner**: With its impressive Speed and offensive prowess, Cinderace can outspeed the majority of the unboosted metagame, enabling it to easily clean up late-game when foes are sufficiently chipped down. If the matchup calls for it, it can run Choice Scarf or a Speed-boosting move, allowing its Speed to be completely unmatched and enabling it to revenge kill threats and clean up. Its access to Sucker Punch, boosted by Libero, also helps in this aspect.

**Utility pivot**: Cinderace can use its wide range of utility moves and high Speed to disrupt the opposition through delivering debilitating burns with Will-O-Wisp, using Court Change for unblockable entry hazard control, using Taunt to shut down setup, and using U-turn to pivot in its threatening teammates. Cinderace's utility works best when combined with its offensive capabilities, as that makes it a lot harder to play around.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB moves**: Pyro Ball, Flare Blitz

**Setup moves**: Bulk Up, Flame Charge, Swords Dance, Trailblaze

**Utility moves**: Court Change, Substitute, Super Fang, Taunt, U-turn, Will-O-Wisp

**Coverage**: Double-Edge, Gunk Shot, High Jump Kick, Iron Head, Low Kick, Sucker Punch, Zen Headbutt

Niche Moves
**Electro Ball**: With a Life Orb, Cinderace's Electro Ball can deal sizable damage to slower Water-types, which it has trouble breaking otherwise.

**Overheat**: Overheat allows Cinderace to have a one-time special nuke against physically defensive Pokemon aimed to check it, the main target being Great Tusk.

**Quick Attack**: Quick Attack gives Cinderace a different priority move option when the Pokemon it is trying to revenge kill is resistant to Sucker Punch.

Common Items
**Heavy-Duty Boots**: Heavy-Duty Boots allows Cinderace to ignore damage from entry hazards, notably from Stealth Rock, to reliably use its powerful attacks, utility moves, and pivot out more often. It is by far Cinderace's best and most reliable item.

**Choice Band**: Choice Band gives Cinderace greater immediate power, allowing it to function better as a wallbreaker without setup.

**Other damage-boosting items**: Damage-boosting items, such as Charcoal and Life Orb, give Cinderace more immediate power while maintaining its ability to switch moves, thus giving it more flexibility in matchups where it excels offensively.

**Choice Scarf**: Choice Scarf gives Cinderace unparalleled immediate Speed, allowing it to outspeed almost the entire unboosted metagame. This allows it to outspeed many common opposing Choice Scarf users and setup sweepers, making it a very effective revenge killer and cleaner.

Niche Items
**Air Balloon**: Air Balloon allows Cinderace to threaten Pokemon that need Ground-type coverage to hit it well, giving it a turn to set up or deal heavy damage to an incoming target.

**Resistance Berries**: These items can occasionally be used to give Cinderace an extra turn to dish out heavy damage, or set up in a foe's face. However, when using a resistance Berry, be mindful of how Libero can affect their use.

It is not recommended to make Cinderace a Tera Captain, as Terastallizing effectively cancels out the effects of Libero, making it no longer able to change its type. If one does choose Cinderace as a Tera Captain, it can use Tera to boost its already strong Fire-type hits, or allow Cinderace to change its type after Libero activates. Alternatively, Cinderace could use Tera to give it coverage it is lacking in, or patch up its defensive weaknesses. Despite these potential benefits, Cinderace still proves a mediocre user of Tera as it severely limits the natural strengths it possesses with Libero.

Draft Strategy
Cinderace offers a blend of speed and power to its team, being able to function equally well as a wallbreaker and cleaner on many different team structures. While its own utility can sometimes let it inhibit its walls and provide entry hazard control to a team, it appreciates a draft that both enables its own offensive capabilities while being able to support its defensive drawbacks.

**Wallbreakers**: On a draft where Cinderace will be more likely to function as a fast attacker or cleaner, it appreciates being paired with strong wallbreakers that it can pivot in and benefit from, such as Enamorus and Raging Bolt. These wallbreakers can punch holes in the opposing team so Cinderace can more effectively clean late-game. Cinderace can sometimes run Super Fang in conjunction with Taunt to do considerable chip damage to its own walls, enabling its wallbreaking partner to finish the job.

**Late-game cleaners**: As it can function well as a wallbreaker, Cinderace should not be solely relied on as a team's cleaner. Pairing it with fast Pokemon and reliable late-game cleaners and Choice Scarf users, such as Latios and Enamorus, positions its team to do well late-game.

**Bulky pivots**: Due to Cinderace's fraility, it is hard to bring in Cinderace reliably. It greatly appreciates bulky pivots sponging a hit and being able to pivot it in to wallbreak, keeping up momentum. Pokemon that can pivot in Cinderace like Galarian Slowking and Zapdos enable it to come in more often, allowing it to do considerably more throughout the battle.

**Entry hazard control**: While Cinderace can hinder teams that rely on heavy hazard stacking to make progress with the usage of Court Change, it is also not a reliable way of removing hazards. Therefore, Cinderace appreciates strong Pokemon that excel at hazard removal, allowing it to run an item that is not Heavy-Duty Boots. Great Tusk and Excadrill are great partners for Cinderace in this role.

Checks and Counters
**Entry hazards**: Entry hazards, notably Stealth Rock, dig into Cinderace's longevity and render it unable to perform its wallbreaking and pivot duties as reliably. Most Cinderace will use Heavy-Duty Boots as a countermeasure and are usually paired with reliable teammates that can remove hazards.

**Physically bulky Pokemon**: These Pokemon can switch into Cinderace's usual moves well and force it to use U-turn and pivot out. Bulky Fire-, Dragon-, and Water-type Pokemon are the best switch-ins against Cinderace due to their resistance to Pyro Ball and lack of a weakness to Cinderace's common coverage moves. Notable Pokemon in this category include Great Tusk, Gouging Fire, and Rotom-W.

**Faster offensive Pokemon**: While base 119 Speed is very good, there are still a myriad of Pokemon that outrun Cinderace and can threaten it out, such as Greninja and Iron Boulder.

**Priority moves**: Cinderace's fraility and weakness or neutrality to common priority moves such as Jet Punch, Aqua Jet, and Sucker Punch make it very susceptible to getting picked off by said priority moves. However, if a moveslot is available, Cinderace can punish Sucker Punch users with Will-O-Wisp.

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**Draft Order**: Round 3 onwards

**Price Range**: 14-15 points

**Overview**: Cinderace is a fast, powerful Pokemon with various offensive and utility moves in its repertoire. Its good offensive typing and Attack stat is enhanced further by its Libero ability, making its coverage moves gain STAB, elevating Cinderace's threat level. It can also act as a fast utility pivot with the coveted ability of unblockable hazard control. However, Cinderace is bemoaned for its moves' imperfect accuracy, extreme reliance on Heavy-Duty Boots to continously come in safely, and poor natural bulk. Regardless, Cinderace's role compression and Speed makes it a solid pick starting from round 3. List roles more clearly, Breaker, Cleaner, Fast pivot with general utility usage and powerful tools in Super Fang, Taunt, etc. Main flaws you listed are good

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Fast Wallbreaker**: Cinderace uses its high Speed stat to outspeed most of the metagame. Using its slew of coverage, powered up by Libero, it can do huge amounts of damage to the opposition. Cinderace can also keep up offensive momentum for its teammates with its powerful U-turns. Combine with set up breaker

**Utility Pivot**: Cinderace uses its wide range of utility moves and high Speed to disrupt the opposition, through delivering debilitating burns through Will-O-Wisp, using Court Change for unblockable hazard control, Taunt to shut down setup, and U-turn to pivot in its threatening teammates, while still being plenty strong even in a more supportive role. Cinderace's utility works best when combined with its offensive capabilities, not as a standalone support pokemon. Reflect that in this section, probably focus more on being a fast pivot that can support

**Set-up Breaker**: Cinderace can use Swords Dance or Bulk Up to set up, and then leverage its high Speed and good coverage to do immense damage. Cinderace would rarely sweep, but would open up a late-game cleaner in the back through weakening opposing defensive structures.
Remove this, see above

Add section about cleaning

Common Moves
**Primary STAB moves**: Pyro Ball, Flare Blitz

**Setup moves**: Swords Dance, Bulk Up

**Utility moves**: Court Change, Substitute, Super Fang, Taunt, U-turn, Will-O-Wisp

**Coverage moves**: Double-Edge, Gunk Shot, High Jump Kick, Iron Head, Low Kick, Sucker Punch, Zen Headbutt

Niche Moves
**Fling**: With a Big Nugget, Cinderace's Fling is able to do significant damage to bulky Dark-weak targets, the main target being Skeledirge.

**Electro Ball**: With a Life Orb, Cinderace's Electro Ball can hit slow Water-types for sizable damage, which it has trouble breaking otherwise.

**Overheat**: Overheat allows Cinderace to have a one-time special nuke against physically defensive Pokemon aimed to check it, the main target being Great Tusk.

**Flame Charge / Trailblaze**: These moves are usually seen on setup sets, allowing Cinderace to boost its already high Speed. After a boost, it is pretty much impossible to outspeed even for opposing Choice Scarf Pokemon.

**Quick Attack**: Quick Attack gives Cinderace a different priority option when the Pokemon it is trying to revenge kill is resistant to Sucker Punch.

Common Items
**Heavy-Duty Boots**: Heavy-Duty Boots allows Cinderace to ignore damage from entry hazards, notably from Stealth Rock, to reliably use its powerful attacks, utility moves, and pivot out. It is by far Cinderace's best and most reliable item.

**Choice Band**: Choice Band gives Cinderace greater immediate power and allows it to function better as a wallbreaker.

**Choice Scarf**: Choice Scarf gives Cinderace unparalleled immediate Speed, allowing it to outspeed almost the entire unboosted metagame. This allows it to outspeed crucial Speed tiers such as weather abusers and set-up sweepers that boost their Speed.

**Life Orb / Expert Belt**: These damage boosting items give Cinderace more immediate power while maintaining its ability to switch moves, allowing it to forgo prediction and do huge damage.

Niche Items
**Air Balloon**: Air Balloon gives Cinderace a one-time free entry to Pokemon that rely on Ground-type coverage to hit it super effectively, such as Heatran.

**Big Nugget**: Big Nugget is used in conjuction with Fling to do significant damage to bulky Dark-weak targets, its main target being Skeledirge.

**Resistance Berries**: These Berries, namely Charti, Passho, and Shuca, allow Cinderace to live a super effective hit in order to revenge kill a foe or to set up. Other resistance berries for the types it changes into, such as Roseli after using High Jump Kick and Chople after using Swords Dance, can also be used.

Cinderace does not benefit from Terastallizing. Other high-price Pokemon can receive much more value from Tera. Its Libero ability allows it to gain STAB on every move, and Terastallizing removes the ability to do so. If one does choose Cinderace as a Tera Captain, it would benefit from using Tera Fire to launch a powerful Pyro Ball after it has previously switched types through Libero. Unclear, please maintain a consistent train of thought, and explain the points you are making. The blanket statements of "cinderace is bad with tera" doesnt do enough to show why this is a bad pick, as tera can still give cinder coverage/defensive utility in certain matchups, even if not great.

Draft Strategy
Cinderace offers a blend of speed, power and utility to a team, and is usually part of a pivot core supporting other strong wallbreakers and late-game cleaners using its offensive potential and hazard control. Notably, Cinderace's reliable hazard removal on its utility sets frees up its teammates to run items other than Heavy-Duty Boots, allowing them to be used at their fullest potential. Its inability to reliably switch into most Pokemon due to its fraility can be mended by bulky teammates that could pivot it in. Complete overfixation on utility, Cinderace is primarily a fast pivot with breaking and cleaning potential, that has niche utility options and can shut down some walls with taunt super fang.

**Wallbreakers**: Cinderace's ability to pivot in strong wallbreakers on forced switches makes it an excellent pairing with strong wallbreakers that might require assistance being brought in. Wallbreakers with offensive synergy with Cinderace, such as Enamorus, Urshifu-S, and Raging Bolt are fantastic Cinderace partners. Ignores that cinderace can be a wallbreaker itself, and also neglects the fact that cinderace benefits from wallbreakers as it can be a strong cleaner when paired with them. The first sentance also says the same things twice.

**Late-game Cleaners**: Cinderace can either force chip damage on the opposition with its powerful moves or spread burns, allowing late-game sweepers to clean up easier or set up easier. Notably, Cinderace forces damage on bulky Water-types, as they are its best counter. Good pairings with Cinderace include powerful late-game cleaners that are otherwise hindered said Water-types, such as Iron Boulder and Palafin, or other late-game cleaners with offensive synergy with Cinderace, such as Iron Valiant and Enamorus. The part about waters is contradictory, and this focuses again too much on the utility aspects of cinderace, who likes a cleaner it can break for. This section also notably ignores why you could draft another cleaner with cinderace, which in of itself is a strong cleaner.

**Bulky Pivots**: Due to Cinderace's fraility, it is hard to bring in Cinderace reliably. It greatly appreciates bulky pivots sponging a hit and pivoting it in. These bulky pivots also appreciate Cinderace's hazard controlling capabilities, so that they can run other items over Heavy-Duty Boots. Zapdos is the most notable bulky pivot that pairs extremely well with Cinderace. This is a good section to have, however entirely misunderstands how cinderace benefits from bulky pivots which enable its offensive capabilities, which is not explained here. Cinderace also is not a good example of strong removal, and i certainly would not forgo boots on my zapdos because i have a cinderace.

Checks and Counters
**Knock Off**: If Cinderace switches into a Knock Off and has its Heavy-Duty Boots removed, it can no longer perform its pivoting duties as reliably if entry hazards, most notably Stealth Rock, is on the field. Its usually Stealth Rock weak teammates do not want to sponge the move either. This section should be about hazards.

**Physically Bulky Pokemon**: These Pokemon can switch into Cinderace's usual moves well and force it to U-turn out. Bulky Fire-, Dragon-, and Water-type Pokemon best switch into Cinderace due to their resistance to Pyro Ball and lack of a weakness to Cinderace's common coverage moves, while bulky Ground-types can always force Cinderace out and lay Stealth Rock again if it Court Changed the turn prior. Notable Pokemon in this category include Great Tusk, Gouging Fire, and Rotom-Wash.

**Tera Fire**: An opposing Tera Captain that would not appreciate getting burned by Cinderace may use Tera Fire to block its Will-O-Wisp, allowing it to set up freely. Cinderace can still use Taunt to stop the setup attempt, or U-turn into a teammate that can sufficently answer the setup sweeper.

**Faster Offensive Pokemon**: While 119 Speed is very good, there are still a myriad of Pokemon that outrun Cinderace and can threaten it out, such as Greninja and Iron Boulder. The former is especially threatening as it resists Cinderace's Sucker Punch, while the latter, fortunately for Cinderace, has to watch out for it.

**Priority**: Cinderace, with its fraility and weakness or neutrality to common priority moves such as Jet Punch, Aqua Jet and Sucker Punch, is very suceptible to getting picked off by said priority. In the case of Sucker Punch, however, Cinderace can play mind games with its user through Will-O-Wisp.

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Not going to go through with a QC right now with the state this is in, please rewrite the sections marked in accordance to given feedback, then tag me when you finish.

Notable comments:
  • Cinderace is a niche hazard control option at best. It should never be a teams main form of hazard removal as it means you cannot effectively set your own hazards if you want to keep your opponents' off the field. The oppourtunity cost for running court change limits. Court Change in short should NOT be presented as incredibly powerful.
  • You fixate on the utility aspect of cinderace a lot, to the point where you completelyt forget how Cinderace can fit on teams as a breaker/cleaner other then mentioning the fact that it's "good offensively" without explaining how it does so
Ultimately this feels a bit like you have looked at this from a bit of a strange angle, if you have any questions please let me know. Regardless please tag me when this is ready for QC and these changes are implemented.
**Draft Order**: Round 3 onwards

**Price Range**: 14-15 points

**Overview**: Cinderace is a fast, powerful Pokemon with various offensive and utility moves in its repertoire. Its good offensive typing and Attack stat is enhanced further by its Libero ability, making its coverage moves gain STAB, making it allow it to function as a powerful breaker and cleaner. Don't need to get too dex info-y It can also act as a fast pivot with the coveted ability of unblockable hazard control an option for hazard control in Court Change, and other powerful utility moves such as Will-O-Wisp, Super Fang and Taunt. However, Cinderace is bemoaned for its moves' imperfect accuracy, extreme reliance on Heavy-Duty Boots to continously come in safely, and poor natural bulk. Regardless, Cinderace's role compression and Speed makes it a solid pick starting from round 3.

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Fast Wallbreaker**: Cinderace uses its speed and power to do huge amounts of damage to the opposition while keeping up offensive momentum for its teammates with its powerful U-turns. In certain matchups, Cinderace can use Swords Dance or Bulk Up to set up, and then leverage its high Speed and good coverage to do immense damage, opening up a late-game cleaner in the back through weakening opposing defensive structures, and occasionally sweeping on its own.

**Utility Pivot**: Cinderace can its wide range of utility moves and high Speed to disrupt the opposition, through delivering debilitating burns through Will-O-Wisp, using Court Change for unblockable hazard control, Taunt to shut down setup, and U-turn to pivot in its threatening teammates. Cinderace's utility works best when combined with its offensive capabilities as that makes it a lot harder to play around. Move to bottom of this section as this is more an add on to other cinderace sets, well written tho

**Cleaner**: With its impressive Speed and offensive prowess, Cinderace can easily clean up in the lategame when foes are sufficiently chipped down. Its access to Sucker Punch, boosted by Libero, enhances its ability to revenge kill and clean. Just a bit unecessarily short. Try and elaborate more on how it can do this role (scarf sets, outspeeding a lot of common offensive threats, etc)

Common Moves
**Primary STAB moves**: Pyro Ball, Flare Blitz

**Setup moves**: Swords Dance, Bulk Up

**Utility moves**: Court Change, Substitute, Super Fang, Taunt, U-turn, Will-O-Wisp

**Coverage moves**: Double-Edge, Gunk Shot, High Jump Kick, Iron Head, Low Kick, Sucker Punch, Zen Headbutt

Niche Moves
**Electro Ball**: With a Life Orb, Cinderace's Electro Ball can hit slow Water-types for sizable damage, which it has trouble breaking otherwise.

**Overheat**: Overheat allows Cinderace to have a one-time special nuke against physically defensive Pokemon aimed to check it, the main target being Great Tusk.

**Flame Charge / Trailblaze**: These moves are usually seen on setup sets, allowing Cinderace to boost its already high Speed. After a boost, it is pretty much impossible to outspeed even for opposing Choice Scarf Pokemon. Setup moves

**Quick Attack**: Quick Attack gives Cinderace a different priority option when the Pokemon it is trying to revenge kill is resistant to Sucker Punch.

Common Items
**Heavy-Duty Boots**: Heavy-Duty Boots allows Cinderace to ignore damage from entry hazards, notably from Stealth Rock, to reliably use its powerful attacks, utility moves, and pivot out. It is by far Cinderace's best and most reliable item.

**Choice Band**: Choice Band gives Cinderace greater immediate power and allows it to function better as a wallbreaker. , allowing it to be an effective wallbreaker without Setup.

**Choice Scarf**: Choice Scarf gives Cinderace unparalleled immediate Speed, allowing it to outspeed almost the entire unboosted metagame. This allows it to outspeed crucial Speed tiers such as weather abusers and set-up sweepers that boost their Speed. many common scarfers and setup sweepers, such that Scarf Cinderace can be a very effective cleaner/revenge killer.

**Life Orb / Expert Belt Damage Boosting Items**: These damage boosting items give Cinderace more immediate power while maintaining its ability to switch moves, allowing it to forgo prediction and do huge damage, giving it much more versatility in its strong offensive matchups.

Niche Items
**Air Balloon**: Air Balloon gives Cinderace a one-time free entry to Pokemon that rely on Ground-type coverage to hit it super effectively, such as Heatran. Air Balloon allows Cinderace to threaten Pokemon that need Ground-type coverage to hit it well, allowing it a turn to set up or deal heavy damage to an incoming target.

**Resistance Berries/Focus Sash**: These Berries, namely Charti, Passho, and Shuca, allow Cinderace to live a super effective hit in order to revenge kill a foe or to set up. Other resistance berries for the types it changes into, such as Roseli after using High Jump Kick and Chople after using Swords Dance, can also be used. These items can occasionally be used to give Cinderace an extra turn to dish out its heavy damage, or set up in the face of its foe. However when using resistance berries, be mindful of how Libero can affect their useability.

It is not recommended to make Cinderace a Tera Captain, as its Libero ability allows it to gain STAB on every move, and Terastallizing removes the ability to do so as terastallizing effectively cancels out the effects of Libero, no longer allowing one to change its type. If one does choose Cinderace as a Tera Captain, it would benefit from using Tera Fire to launch a powerful Pyro Ball after it has previously switched types through Libero, other offensive Tera types such as Electric and Grass for more coverage through Tera Blast, or defensive Tera types such as Water and Fairy to enhance its defensive utility. it can use Tera to boost its already strong Fire-type hits, or allow Cinderace to change its type after Libero activates. Alternatively, Cinderace could use Tera to give it coverage it is lacking in, or patch up its defensive weaknesses. Despite these potential benefits, Cinderace still proves a mediocre user of Tera as it severely limits the natural strengths it possesses through Libero.

Draft Strategy
Cinderace offers a blend of speed, power and utility to a team, and is usually part of a pivot core supporting other strong wallbreakers and late-game cleaners using its offensive potential and sometimes hazard control. Its inability to reliably switch into most Pokemon due to its fraility can be mended by bulky teammates that could pivot it in. Cinderace offers a blend of speed and power to any team its on, being able to function equally well as a Breaker and Cleaner on many different team structures. While its own utility can sometimes let it check its walls and provide hazard control to a team, it appreciates a draft that both enables its own offensive capabilities while being able to support its large defensive drawbacks.

**Wallbreakers**: Cinderace's ability to pivot in strong wallbreakers on forced switches makes it an excellent pairing with strong wallbreakers. Said wallbreakers can inflict sufficient damage for Cinderace to clean up lategame. Cinderace may also function as a wallbreaker, so it and its teammate can force large amounts of damage to their shared checks, opening up the lategame. Wallbreakers with offensive synergy with Cinderace, such as Enamorus, Urshifu-S, and Raging Bolt are fantastic Cinderace partners. This is confusing, putting a suggested rewrite for clarity. On a draft where Cinderace will be more likely to function as a fast attacker/cleaner, Cinderace appreciates being paired with strong wallbreakers that it can pivot in and benefit from. These breakers can punch holes in the opposing team so Cinderace can more effectively clean in the lategame. Another benefit is that with access to Taunt and Super Fang, Cinderace has potent options to force reliable chip on its own walls to enable its partner breaker to finish the job. Examples of these are Enamorus and Raging Bolt.

**Late-game Cleaners**: Cinderace can force chip damage on the opposition with its powerful moves or in spread burns in some matchups, allowing late-game sweepers to clean up easier. Good cleaner pairings are Palafin, Iron Valiant and Enamorus, as they share offensive synergy with Cinderace. As it can function well as a breaker, Cinderace sometimes can't be relied on as a teams sole cleaner. This means pairing it with fast Pokemon and reliable scarfers will allow Cinderace to set up its teammates well for a strong endgame scenario, such as Latios and Enamorus.

**Bulky Pivots**: Due to Cinderace's fraility, it is hard to bring in Cinderace reliably. It greatly appreciates bulky pivots sponging a hit and pivoting it in to wallbreak. Zapdos is the most notable bulky pivot that pairs extremely well with Cinderace. Decided on how I think i would like to see this section re-approached, gonna do an example here and you can keep it or modify it as you see fit in conjuction with the feedback both in this and the prior updates.

**Defensive Backbone**: Despite Cinderace being incredibly frail itself, its speed and access to U-turn allow it to pivot into stronger bulkier teammates to help keep the momentum in its favour. This can be made even stronger if these Pokemon have access to their own pivot options to help Cinderace easily get back on the field, such as Galarian Slowking and Zapdos.

**Hazard Control**: While Cinderace has access to Court Change, this is rendered ineffective if the opponent's means of setting hazards is still alive, and limits the players own ability to run their own hazards. Therefore Cinderace appreciates strong sources of hazard control to both enable it offensively and keep hazards off the field to keep itself safe. Glimmora and Gliscor can be strong options for this.

Checks and Counters
**Entry Hazards**: Entry hazards, notably Stealth Rock, dig into Cinderace's longevity and renders it unable to perform its wallbreaking and pivoting duties as reliably. Most Cinderaces will use the item Heavy-Duty Boots as a countermeasure, and as mentioned above benefit from strong sources of removal.

**Physically Bulky Pokemon**: These Pokemon can switch into Cinderace's usual moves well and force it to U-turn out. Bulky Fire-, Dragon-, and Water-type Pokemon best switch into Cinderace due to their resistance to Pyro Ball and lack of a weakness to Cinderace's common coverage moves, while bulky Ground-types can always force Cinderace out and lay Stealth Rock again if it Court Changed the turn prior. Notable Pokemon in this category include Great Tusk, Gouging Fire, and Rotom-Wash.

**Tera Fire**: An opposing Tera Captain that would not appreciate getting burned by Cinderace may use Tera Fire to block its Will-O-Wisp, allowing it to set up freely. Cinderace can still use Taunt to stop the setup attempt, or U-turn into a teammate that can sufficently answer the setup sweeper. Upon further reflection i think id just rather this removed as tera is an implied check to any pokemon.

**Faster Offensive Pokemon**: While 119 Speed is very good, there are still a myriad of Pokemon that outrun Cinderace and can threaten it out, such as Greninja and Iron Boulder. The former is especially threatening as it resists Cinderace's Sucker Punch, while the latter, fortunately for Cinderace, has to watch out for it.

**Priority**: Cinderace, with its fraility and weakness or neutrality to common priority moves such as Jet Punch, Aqua Jet and Sucker Punch, is very suceptible to getting picked off by said priority. In the case of Sucker Punch, however, Cinderace can play mind games with its user through Will-O-Wisp. However if the moveslots are available, Will-o-Wisp can be used to punish many sucker punch users.

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A lot of changes that werent implented fully or properly, so I just rewrote a bunch of sections to make it easier. If you wish to modify them to fit your form of speech that is okay, but make sure the content stays consistent.
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gp will grab this but please use spell check

**Draft Order**: Round 3 onwards

**Price Range**: 14-15 points

**Overview**: Cinderace is a fast, powerful Pokemon with various offensive and utility moves in its repertoire. Its good offensive typing and Attack stat is enhanced further by its Libero ability, allowing it to function as a powerful breaker and cleaner. It can also act as a fast pivot with an option for hazard control in Court Change, and other powerful utility moves such as Will-O-Wisp, Super Fang and Taunt. However, Cinderace is bemoaned for its moves' imperfect accuracy, not confident it needs to be gotten rid of but feels odd to me to list 90% accuracy as a pokemon's biggest flaw? extreme reliance on Heavy-Duty Boots to continously come in safely, and poor natural bulk.

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Fast Wallbreaker**: Cinderace uses its speed and power to do huge amounts of damage to the opposition while keeping up offensive momentum for its teammates with its powerful U-turns. In certain matchups, Cinderace can use Swords Dance or Bulk Up to set up, and then leverage its high Speed and good coverage to do immense damage, opening up a late-game cleaner in the back through weakening opposing defensive structures, and occassionally sweeping on its own.

**Cleaner**: With its impressive Speed and offensive prowess, Cinderace can outspeed the majority of the unboosted metagame, making it able to easily clean up in the lategame when foes are sufficiently chipped down. If the matchup calls for it, it can run Choice Scarf or a Speed boosting move to be completely unmatched in the Speed department to revenge kill threats and clean up. Its access to Sucker Punch, boosted by Libero, also helps in this aspect.

**Utility Pivot**: Cinderace can its wide range of utility moves and high Speed to disrupt the opposition, through delivering debilitating burns through Will-O-Wisp, using Court Change for unblockable hazard control, Taunt to shut down setup, and U-turn to pivot in its threatening teammates. Cinderace's utility works best when combined with its offensive capabilities as that makes it a lot harder to play around.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB moves**: Pyro Ball, Flare Blitz

**Setup moves**: Bulk Up, Flame Charge, Swords Dance, Trailblaze

**Utility moves**: Court Change, Substitute, Super Fang, Taunt, U-turn, Will-O-Wisp

**Coverage moves**: Double-Edge, Gunk Shot, High Jump Kick, Iron Head, Low Kick, Sucker Punch, Zen Headbutt

Niche Moves
**Electro Ball**: With a Life Orb, Cinderace's Electro Ball can hit slow Water-types for sizable damage, which it has trouble breaking otherwise.

**Overheat**: Overheat allows Cinderace to have a one-time special nuke against physically defensive Pokemon aimed to check it, the main target being Great Tusk.

**Quick Attack**: Quick Attack gives Cinderace a different priority option when the Pokemon it is trying to revenge kill is resistant to Sucker Punch.

Common Items
**Heavy-Duty Boots**: Heavy-Duty Boots allows Cinderace to ignore damage from entry hazards, notably from Stealth Rock, to reliably use its powerful attacks, utility moves, and pivot out. It is by far Cinderace's best and most reliable item.

**Choice Band**: Choice Band gives Cinderace greater immediate power, allowing it to function better as a wallbreaker without setup.

**Choice Scarf**: Choice Scarf gives Cinderace unparalleled immediate Speed, allowing it to outspeed almost the entire unboosted metagame. This allows it to outspeed many common scarfers opposing Choice Scarf users and setup sweepers, making it a very effective revenge killer and cleaner.

**Damage boosting items**: Damage boosting items such as Charcoal and Life Orb give Cinderace more immediate power while maintaining its ability to switch moves, giving it more flexibility in its strong offensive matchups. would move Scarf and damage-boosting items

Niche Items
**Air Balloon**: Air Balloon allows Cinderace to threaten Pokemon that need Ground-type coverage to hit it well, allowing it a turn to set up or deal heavy damage to an incoming target.

**Resistance Berries**: These items can occasionally be used to give Cinderace an extra turn to dish out heavy damage, or set up in a foe's face. However when using these resistance berries, be mindful of how Libero can affect their usability.

It is not recommended to make Cinderace a Tera Captain, as Terastallizing effectively cancels out the effects of Libero, making it no longer able to change its type. If one does choose Cinderace as a Tera Captain, it can use Tera to boost its already strong Fire-type hits, or allow Cinderace to change its type after Libero activates. Alternatively, Cinderace could use Tera to give it coverage it is lacking in, or patch up its defensive weaknesses. Despite these potential benefits, Cinderace still proves a mediocre user of Tera as it severely limits the natural strengths it possesses through Libero.

Draft Strategy
Cinderace offers a blend of speed and power to its team, being able to function equally well as a breaker and cleaner on many different team structures. While its own utility can sometimes let it inhibit its walls and provide hazard control to a team, it appreciates a draft that both enables its own offensive capabilities while being able to support its defensive drawbacks.

**Wallbreakers**: On a draft where Cinderace will be more likely to function as a fast attacker or cleaner, it appreciates being paired with strong wallbreakers that it can pivot in and benefit from. These wallbreakers can punch holes in the opposing team so Cinderace can more effectively clean in the lategame. Cinderace can sometimes run Super Fang in conjunction with Taunt to do considerable chip damage to its own walls, enabling its wallbreaking partner to finish the job. Examples of these are Enamorus and Raging Bolt. probably best for these examples to be incorporated in the main body

**Late-game Cleaners**: As it can function well as a breaker, Cinderace cannot should not be solely relied on as a team's cleaner. Pairing it with fast Pokemon and reliable late-game cleaners and Choice Scarf users, such as Latios and Enamorus, creates a strong endgame for one's team.

**Bulky Pivots**: Due to Cinderace's fraility, it is hard to bring in Cinderace reliably. It greatly appreciates bulky pivots sponging a hit and pivoting it in to wallbreak, keeping up momentum. This can be made even stronger if these Pokemon have access to their own pivot options to help Cinderace easily get back on the field, such as Galarian Slowking and Zapdos.

**Hazard Control**: While Cinderace can hinder teams that rely on heavy hazard stacking to make progress with the usage of Court Change, it is also not a reliable way of hazard control. Therefore, Cinderace appreciates strong sources of hazard control, allowing it to run an item that is not Heavy-Duty Boots. Great Tusk and Excadrill are great partners for Cinderace in this role.

Checks and Counters
**Entry Hazards**: Entry hazards, notably Stealth Rock, dig into Cinderace's longevity and renders it unable to perform its wallbreaking and pivoting duties as reliably. Most Cinderaces will use the item Heavy-Duty Boots as a countermeasure, and are usually paired with strong sources of removal.

**Physically Bulky Pokemon**: These Pokemon can switch into Cinderace's usual moves well and force it to U-turn out. Bulky Fire-, Dragon-, and Water-type Pokemon best switch into Cinderace due to their resistance to Pyro Ball and lack of a weakness to Cinderace's common coverage moves. Notable Pokemon in this category include Great Tusk, Gouging Fire, and Rotom-Wash.

**Faster Offensive Pokemon**: While 119 Speed is very good, there are still a myriad of Pokemon that outrun Cinderace and can threaten it out, such as Greninja and Iron Boulder.

**Priority**: Cinderace, with its's fraility and weakness or neutrality to common priority moves such as Jet Punch, Aqua Jet and Sucker Punch, is makes it very suceptible to getting picked off by said priority. However, if the moveslots are available, Cinderace can punish Sucker Punch users with Will-O-Wisp.

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not too much to say here content wise
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**Draft Order**: Round 3 onwards

**Price Range**: 14-15 points

**Overview**: Cinderace is a fast, powerful Pokemon with various offensive and utility moves in its repertoire. Its good offensive typing and Attack stat is are enhanced further by its Libero ability, allowing it to function as a powerful wallbreaker and cleaner. It can also act as a fast pivot with an option for entry hazard control in Court Change, and along with other powerful utility moves such as Will-O-Wisp, Super Fang, (ac) and Taunt. However, Cinderace is bemoaned for its extreme reliance on Heavy-Duty Boots to continously come in safely and its poor natural bulk.

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Fast wallbreaker**: Cinderace uses its speed and power to do huge amounts of damage to the opposition foes while keeping up offensive momentum for its teammates with its powerful U-turns U-turn. In certain matchups, Cinderace can use Swords Dance or Bulk Up to set up (rc) and then leverage its high Speed and good coverage to do immense damage, opening up a late-game cleaner in the back through weakening opposing defensive structures, and occassionally sweeping on its own weakening opposing defensive structures to enable a teammate to clean up late-game or occasionally sweep on its own.

**Cleaner**: With its impressive Speed and offensive prowess, Cinderace can outspeed the majority of the unboosted metagame, making it able enabling it to easily clean up in the lategame late-game when foes are sufficiently chipped down. If the matchup calls for it, it can run Choice Scarf or a Speed-boosting (ah) move, (ac) to be completely unmatched in the Speed department to allowing its Speed to be completely unmatched and enabling it to revenge kill threats and clean up. Its access to Sucker Punch, boosted by Libero, also helps in this aspect.

**Utility pivot**: Cinderace can use its wide range of utility moves and high Speed to disrupt the opposition (rc) through delivering debilitating burns through with Will-O-Wisp, using Court Change for unblockable entry hazard control, using Taunt to shut down setup, and using U-turn to pivot in its threatening teammates. Cinderace's utility works best when combined with its offensive capabilities, (ac) as that makes it a lot harder to play around.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB moves**: Pyro Ball, Flare Blitz

**Setup moves**: Bulk Up, Flame Charge, Swords Dance, Trailblaze

**Utility moves**: Court Change, Substitute, Super Fang, Taunt, U-turn, Will-O-Wisp

**Coverage moves**: Double-Edge, Gunk Shot, High Jump Kick, Iron Head, Low Kick, Sucker Punch, Zen Headbutt

Niche Moves
**Electro Ball**: With a Life Orb, Cinderace's Electro Ball can hit slow Water-types for sizable damage deal sizable damage to slower Water-types, which it has trouble breaking otherwise.

**Overheat**: Overheat allows Cinderace to have a one-time special nuke against physically defensive Pokemon aimed to check it, the main target being Great Tusk.

**Quick Attack**: Quick Attack gives Cinderace a different priority move option when the Pokemon it is trying to revenge kill is resistant to Sucker Punch.

Common Items
**Heavy-Duty Boots**: Heavy-Duty Boots allows Cinderace to ignore damage from entry hazards, notably from Stealth Rock, to reliably use its powerful attacks, utility moves, and pivot out more often. It is by far Cinderace's best and most reliable item.

**Choice Band**: Choice Band gives Cinderace greater immediate power, allowing it to function better as a wallbreaker without setup setting up.

**Other damage-boosting (ah) items**: Damage-boosting (ah) items, such as Charcoal and Life Orb, give Cinderace more immediate power while maintaining its ability to switch moves, thus giving it more flexibility in its strong offensive matchups. the last clause here isn't immediately clear what you mean: giving it more flexibility in general or specifically against stronger offensive teams? consider rewording to be more direct

**Choice Scarf**: Choice Scarf gives Cinderace unparalleled immediate Speed, allowing it to outspeed almost the entire unboosted metagame. This allows it to outspeed many common opposing Choice Scarf users and setup sweepers, making it a very effective revenge killer and cleaner.

Niche Items
**Air Balloon**: Air Balloon allows Cinderace to threaten Pokemon that need Ground-type coverage to hit it well, allowing giving it a turn to set up or deal heavy damage to an incoming target.

**Resistance Berries**: These items can occasionally be used to give Cinderace an extra turn to dish out heavy damage (rc) or set up in a foe's face. However, (ac) when using these a resistance Berry, be mindful of how Libero can affect their usability use.

It is not recommended to make Cinderace a Tera Captain, as Terastallizing effectively cancels out the effects of Libero, making it no longer able to change its type. If one does choose Cinderace as a Tera Captain, it can use Tera to boost its already strong Fire-type hits, or allow Cinderace to change its type after Libero activates. Alternatively, Cinderace could use Tera to give it coverage it is lacking in (rc) or patch up its defensive weaknesses. Despite these potential benefits, Cinderace still proves a mediocre user of Tera, (ac) as it severely limits the natural strengths it possesses through with Libero.

Draft Strategy
Cinderace offers a blend of speed and power to its team, being able to function equally well as a wallbreaker and cleaner on many different team structures. While its own utility can sometimes let it inhibit its walls and provide entry hazard control to a team, it appreciates a draft that both enables its own offensive capabilities while being able to support its defensive drawbacks.

**Wallbreakers**: On a draft where Cinderace will be more likely to function as a fast attacker or cleaner, it appreciates being paired with strong wallbreakers that it can pivot in and benefit from, such as Enamorus and Raging Bolt. These wallbreakers can punch holes in the opposing team so Cinderace can more effectively clean in the lategame late-game. Cinderace can sometimes run Super Fang in conjunction with Taunt to do considerable chip damage to its own walls, enabling its wallbreaking partner to finish the job.

**Late-game cleaners**: As it can function well as a wallbreaker, Cinderace should not be solely relied on as a team's cleaner. Pairing it with fast Pokemon and reliable late-game cleaners and Choice Scarf users, such as Latios and Enamorus, creates a strong endgame for one's team positions its team to do well late-game.

**Bulky pivots**: Due to Cinderace's fraility, it is hard to bring in Cinderace reliably. It greatly appreciates bulky pivots sponging a hit and pivoting being able to pivot it in to wallbreak, keeping up momentum. This can be made even stronger if these Pokemon have access to their own pivot options to help Cinderace easily get back on the field, such as Galarian Slowking and Zapdos Pokemon that can pivot in Cinderace like Galarian Slowking and Zapdos enable it to come in more often, allowing it to do considerably more throughout the battle. you mention in the second sentence they can pivot, so i changed the phrasing here

**Entry hazard control**: While Cinderace can hinder teams that rely on heavy hazard stacking to make progress with the usage of Court Change, it is also not a reliable way of hazard control removing hazards. Therefore, Cinderace appreciates strong sources of Pokemon that excel at hazard control removal, allowing it to run an item that is not Heavy-Duty Boots. Great Tusk and Excadrill are great partners for Cinderace in this role.

Checks and Counters
**Entry hazards**: Entry hazards, notably Stealth Rock, dig into Cinderace's longevity and renders render it unable to perform its wallbreaking and pivoting pivot duties as reliably. Most Cinderace will use Heavy-Duty Boots as a countermeasure (rc) and are usually paired with strong sources of removal reliable teammates that can remove hazards.

**Physically bulky Pokemon**: These Pokemon can switch into Cinderace's usual moves well and force it to use U-turn and pivot out. Bulky Fire-, Dragon-, and Water-type Pokemon best switch into are the best switch-ins against Cinderace due to their resistance to Pyro Ball and lack of a weakness to Cinderace's common coverage moves. Notable Pokemon in this category include Great Tusk, Gouging Fire, and Rotom-Wash.

**Faster offensive Pokemon**: While base 119 Speed is very good, there are still a myriad of Pokemon that outrun Cinderace and can threaten it out, such as Greninja and Iron Boulder.

**Priority moves**: Cinderace's fraility and weakness or neutrality to common priority moves such as Jet Punch, Aqua Jet, (ac) and Sucker Punch makes make it very suceptible susceptible to getting picked off by said priority moves. However, if the moveslots are a moveslot is available, Cinderace can punish Sucker Punch users with Will-O-Wisp.

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