Draft Blaziken

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**Draft order**: Round 2 onwards

**Price range**: 16-17 points

**Overview**: Blaziken is a powerful offensive threat thanks to the combination of Speed Boost, its potent STAB combination, and a wide offensive movepool. It's able to perform effectively as either a physical, special, or mixed attacker due to it's high offensive stats. It can effectively run almost any offensive role you want it to, but it requires appropriate support in return due to it's frailty, which leaves it bringing almost no defensive support to its team whatsoever. Blaziken is also very reliant on setup, which is tricky to pull off well due to its below average defenses. It typically relies on Protect to initially gain speed, and Swords Dance or damage-boosting items are needed to become a menacing wallbreaker.

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Cleaner**: Speed Boost turns Blaziken into a cleaner that is almost impossible to revenge kill outside of priority moves. This set usually drops setup moves outside of Protect—and on rare occasions may even drop Protect itself—so that it can run as many different coverage options as possible, preparing itself for a multitude of scenarios late-game. This set requires lots of support, such as entry hazards and wallbreaking teammates to weaken or remove obstacles that threaten to stop Blaziken from cleaning.

**Setup wallbreaker / sweeper**: Swords Dance is used to boost Blaziken's damage output and break defensive walls either for itself or its teammates. The nature of running Speed Boost as an ability means it can boost it's own Speed passively and turn into a sweeper and wallbreaker.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB moves**: Flare Blitz, Blaze Kick, Fire Blast, Overheat, Flamethrower, Close Combat, Low Kick, Focus Blast, Aura Sphere, Vacuum Wave

**Setup moves**: Swords Dance, Protect

**Utility moves**: U-turn, Substitute, Will-O-Wisp

**Coverage**: Knock Off, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Poison Jab, Thunder Punch, Brave Bird, Acrobatics

Niche Moves
**Bulk Up**: Bulk Up can be used instead of Swords Dance for a less explosive damage increase in return for boosting Defense to patch up one of Blaziken's weaknesses—priority moves, many of which are physical. Combining this with Substitute + Protect and Leftovers gives Blaziken some extra longevity, which is hard to find among its other sets.

**Brick Break**: This move is weaker than most of Blaziken's other STAB moves, but it has the added benefit of removing opposing dual screens, allowing Blaziken to muscle past attempts to weaken its damage output and stop it.

**Temper Flare**: This can potentially pair with Protect if the move fails due to the foe switching out as you use it, doubling its power on the next turn.

**Solar Beam**: Strictly limited to Sunny Day sets, sun teams, or a Power Herb set, this powerful Grass-type move provides excellent coverage against many of the its common weaknesses.

**Reversal**: When combined with strategies involving the use of Focus Sash, Substitute, or Endure to get Blaziken to 1 HP, this becomes Blaziken's most powerful move, reaching a staggering 200 Base Power. However, this requires a lot of scouting and support, as priority and chip damage, such as Rocky Helmet or Sandstorm, will instantly KO Blaziken.

**Endure**: An alternative to Protect, Endure achieves the same effect of allowing Blaziken to survive a turn to boost Speed but usually leaves it at very low health. However, this can be used in combination with certain strategies like Reversal as mentioned above, as well as pinch Berries such as Liechi Berry.

Common Items
**Life Orb**: Life Orb is a standard item that can be used by almost all sets, mainly the cleaner, to increase damage output while allowing Blaziken to switch moves, though the recoil means Blaziken will be prone to KOing itself faster than usual.

**Charcoal / Black Belt / Expert Belt**: Damage-boosting items provide smaller and more specific damage increases than Life Orb, but they notably do not inflict recoil damage, extending Blaziken's lifespan while allowing it to hit certain benchmarks needed for a KO.

**Leftovers**: Many sets run Protect and Flare Blitz, which pair well with Leftovers to gain free turns of recovery and to help offset recoil damage.

**Heavy-Duty Boots**: Blaziken is frail and vulnerable to all entry hazards. As such, Heavy-Duty Boots can be used to conserve Blaziken's health for ease of setting up or using Flare Blitz.

Niche Items
**Air Balloon**: An alternative to Heavy-Duty Boots, Air Balloon sacrifices immunity to Stealth Rock for a temporary Ground immunity, allowing Blaziken to have an opportunity to setup or attack foes that're reliant on Ground-type moves to hit it.

**Choice Band**: Blaziken prefers to switch moves, such as using Protect to safely obtain Speed boosts. However, if wallbreaking is preferred over sweeping, Choice Band can be used to provide an even bigger boost than Life Orb, with the added benefit of being able to viably use U-turn as opposed to other sets.

**Choice Specs**: As it lacks moves that boost it's Special Attack directly, a surprise Choice Specs set can throw opponents off guard, allowing Blaziken wallbreak to more effectively on the special side.

**Eject Pack**: An alternate momentum strategy outside of U-turn, this should be paired with Overheat to fire off a big attack and then gain momentum as Blaziken switches out.

Blaziken is usually banned from utilizing Tera due to incredible amounts of versatility and additional wallbreaking power gained from it. If it is allowed, the best options would be either Tera Fire or Fighting, each giving significant boosts to its already high Base Power STAB moves. However, other offensive Tera types such as Ground and Dark can also be considered depending on what Pokemon Blaziken is tasked with breaking through, such as Toxapex and Latias, which otherwise resist its original STAB moves.

Draft Strategy
Blaziken should be drafted purely as an offensive Pokemon that can either take advantage of wallbreaking efforts to reliably clean up late-game or as a setup Pokemon that can either wallbreak or sweep by itself. No matter how you slice it, Blaziken is hard-pressed to take over games all by itself under most circumstances, and thus requires certain pieces of support depending on how you wish to use it.

**Bulky slow pivots**: Blaziken's frailty prevents it from entering the field safely by itself. Thus, a strong defensive backbone that can take hits and pivot to Blaziken safely will ease pressure and reduce the need to predict. Slow pivots, such as Alomomola and Corviknight, will usually prevent Blaziken from taking a hit on entry and thus should be considered more strongly over faster pivots.

**Alternate wallbreakers / sweepers**: Despite boasting wide coverage, Blaziken can find it hard to fit all the moves it wants onto one set without making serious concessions. As such, pairing it with other wallbreakers or sweepers allows for one to take over from the other should a sweeping or wallbreaking attempt be thwarted. Palafin and Garchomp are great round 1 picks that pair well with Blaziken's typing.

**Entry hazards**: Due to its frailty and its preference for damage-boosting items instead of Heavy-Duty Boots, Blaziken appreciates solid hazard removal on the team. Rapid Spin users such as Blastoise and Terapagos can clear the field and allow Blaziken to hit the field at full health, where it can more safely spam Flare Blitz and Life Orb-boosted attacks. Spinners will also leave hazards on the opponent's side of the field, which Blaziken also appreciates, as they will weaken the opposing team for Blaziken to clean up later. Hazard stackers such as Hisuian Samurott and Ting-Lu can easily get up multiple layers of hazards to chip down Pokemon that would otherwise take Blaziken's hits.

**Dual screens support**: Swords Dance combined with Speed Boost makes Blaziken almost impossible to wall or revenge kill safely, but its low defenses mean it relies on scaring foes out to set up. Dual screens support negates this issue, granting Blaziken a much safer environment to set up and potentially finish the game. Klefki and Grimmsnarl are two of the best users of dual screens thanks to Prankster while also providing extra utility to support Blaziken.

**Naturally fast teammates**: Blaziken's base 80 Speed is rather low, which means that even at +1 Speed, it can find itself outsped by opposing Choice Scarf Pokemon, especially since it wants to run Attack-boosting natures to gain as much power as possible. This makes naturally fast Pokemon excellent teammates to get the jump on them and either hinder or remove them to pave the way for Blaziken. Meowscarada and Iron Bundle are good examples of exceptionally fast Pokemon that boast high natural power.

Checks and Counters
**Priority attacks**: Since Blaziken is very difficult to outspeed after multiple Speed boosts, priority attacks are the best solution to bypass speed entirely and revenge kill it. This can be compounded further by Blaziken's frailty and the recoil it sustains from using both of it's main STAB attacks in Flare Blitz and Close Combat, as well as from Life Orb.

**Unaware walls**: As a wallbreaker, Blaziken is often reliant on stat boosts to muscle past walls. For this reason, Unaware walls like Dondozo and Skeledirge act as sturdy switch-ins to a wallbreaking Blaziken even after it sets up, with most Unaware users boasting a resistance to at least one of Blaziken's STAB moves. This allows them to either revenge kill Blaziken or hinder it with status.

**Passive / chip damage**: Against a healthy team, Blaziken often manages to KO itself before completing a sweep as a result of various factors, such as recoil from its STAB moves or Life Orb. Additional passive damage such as entry hazards and Rocky Helmet can be used to add even more damage to Blaziken, making it faint faster or more easily putting it into KO range of priority attacks.

**Fire / Fighting resistances**: Most of Blaziken's coverage options are rather weak without boosts compared to its high Base Power STAB attacks. This leaves Pokemon naturally resistant to its STAB moves as viable checks to it, where they can use their natural bulk or resistance Berries to stomach the coverage options Blaziken needs to deal with them. Some examples include Latias, Toxapex, and Azumarill.

**Lures**: Against some teams, Blaziken simply boasts exceptional power and coverage that make it very difficult to handle. As a result, opponents may attempt to use lures against Blaziken to bait it in and KO it. The most common of these are the resistance Berries, allowing the holder to potentially survive a super effective attack and successfully revenge kill Blaziken. Other lures may include Endure + Custap Berry, as well as Focus Sash. The opposing team should be scouted before attempting a sweep to ensure no surprise lures catch Blaziken off guard.

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This is my very first analysis I've attempted of this nature. Thus, I am open to any and all criticism and suggestions where appropriate. Apologies in advance if anything has been missed or overlooked.

Many thanks~
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**Draft order**: Round 2-3 onwards

**Price range**: 16-17 points

**Overview**: Blaziken is a powerful offensive threat thanks to it's numerous positive traits, such as the combination of Speed Boost, it's potent STAB combination, and a wide offensive movepool. which it can abuse on the physical and special sides It's able to perform effectively as either a Physical, Special or Mixed attacker due to it's high offensive stats. It can effectively run almost any offensive role it wants to support it's team, but requires appropriate support in return due to it's frailty, which leaves it bringing almost no defensive support to it's team whatsoever. id add a line on it being setup reliant, it needs one of protect/sd to be able to start breaking/cleaning since its too damn slow/weak. other point would be that its a little too slow for the current metagame, being out paced by most scarfers even at +1

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Late game cCleaner**: Speed Boost turns Blaziken into a cleaner that is almost impossible to revenge kill outside of priority. This set usually drops setup moves outside of Protect (and on rare occasions may even drop Protect itself) so that it can run as many offensive moves as possible with wide coverage. different coverage options as possible, preparing itself for a multitude of endgames.

**Setup sweeper/wallbreaker**: Swords Dance is used to boost Blaziken's damage output and break defensive walls either for itself or it's teammates. The nature of running Speed Boost as an ability means it can boost it's own speed passively and turn into a sweeper ontop of a wallbreaker.

**Bulk Up sweeper**: Bulk Up can be used over Swords Dance for a less explosive damage increase in return for boosting defense to patch up one of Blaziken's weaknesses; priority moves, many of which are physical. When paired with moves such as Protect and Substitute, combined with Leftovers, this sweeping set boasts longevity which is lacking amongst Blaziken's other sets. All accurate, but put this under Niche Moves instead.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB moves**: Flare Blitz, Blaze Kick, Fire Punch, Close Combat, Fire Blast, Overheat, Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Aura Sphere, Vacuum Wave

**Setup moves**: Swords Dance, Bulk Up, Protect, Sunny Day

**Utility moves**: Knock Off, U-turn, Brick Break, Will-O-Wisp

**Coverage**: Knock Off, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Poison Jab, Thunder Punch, Brave Bird, Acrobatics, Solar Beam we dont list moves in common and in niche

Niche Moves
**Low Kick**: A move with varying damage that is sometimes as strong as Close Combat depending on the target, with the benefit of not dropping your defensive stats after use. id move this to primary stab, its abt as niche as focus miss. doesnt need the explanation

**Temper Flare**: Starting out at the same power as Fire Punch, this move doubles in power if the user's previous move failed. This can potentially pair with Protect if the move fails due to the opponent switching out as you use it. removed fire punch since youve outlined why this is always better, u can remove this writeup and just add it to common

**Solar Beam**: Strictly limited to Sunny Day sets/teams or a Power Herb set, this powerful Grass type move provides excellent coverage against many of the Fire type's common weaknesses.

**Reversal**: When combined with strategies such as Focus Sash, Substitute or Endure to get Blaziken to 1HP, this becomes Blaziken's most powerful move, reaching a staggering 200 base power before STAB. mention that this only works when theres no priority to revenge kill

Common Items
**Life Orb**: A standard item that can be used by almost all sets, mainly the cleaner, to increase damage output whilst allowing Blaziken to switch moves. mention the biggest drawback in that it dies even more quickly than usual

add a point on "Attack-boosting items", ur ebelts, flame plates, black belts etc - theyre worse than lo for most moves but can help if u only need to hit specific benchmarks

**Leftovers**: Many sets run Protect and the recoil inducing move Flare Blitz, which pair well with Leftovers to gain free turns of recovery and/or to offset recoil damage.

**Heavy-Duty Boots**: Blaziken is frail and vulnerable to all entry hazards. As such, Heavy-Duty Boots can be used to conserve Blaziken's health for ease of setting up or clicking Flare Blitz. move to niche

**Air Balloon**: An alternative to Heavy-Duty Boots, Air Balloon sacrifices immunity to Stealth Rock for a temporary Ground immunity, allowing potential free turns against targets reliant on Ground type moves to hit it. move to niche, both above the choice items

Niche Items
**Choice Band**: Blaziken prefers to switch moves, such as using Protect to safely obtain speed. However, if wallbreaking is preferred over sweeping, Choice Band can be used to provide an even bigger boost than Life Orb, with the added benefit of being able to viably use U-turn as opposed to other sets.

**Choice Specs**: As it lacks moves that boost it's special attack directly, a surprise Choice Specs set can throw opponents off guard, allowing Blaziken wallbreak more effectively on the special side.

**Eject Pack**: An alternate momentum strategy outside of U-turn, this should be paired with Overheat to fire off a big attack and then gain momentum once your stats drop.

**Power Herb**: As mentioned above, Solar Beam is valuable coverage which is hard to pull off. Outside of Sunny Day sets, a Power Herb can be used to fire off Solar Beam once reliably.

**Lum Berry**: Blaziken prefers to setup either against targets likely to switch or passive Pokemon unable to hurt it much. Lum Berry prevents the latter from attempting to status it as it sets up. entering the territory of too niche

**White Herb**: This item has two uses; allowing Blaziken two uses of a full power Overheat in a row or clearing the defense drops from Close Combat, which can prevent it from being in range of a priority revenge kill attempt.

Blaziken is usually banned from utilizing Tera. If for some reason it is allowed, the best candidates options would be either Tera Fire or Fighting to give significant boosts to it's already high base power STAB moves which have wide coverage on their own. However, other offensive types such as Ground or Dark can also be considered depending on what Pokemon Blaziken is tasked with breaking through, such as Toxapex and Latias, which otherwise resist it's STABs.

Draft Strategy
Blaziken should be drafted purely as an offensive Pokemon that can either take advantage of wallbreaking efforts to reliably clean up during an endgame, or as a setup Pokemon that can either wallbreak or sweep by itself. But no matter how you slice it, Blaziken is hard pressed to take over games all by itself under most circumstances, and thus requires certain pieces of support depending on how you wish to use it.

**Bulky slow pivots**: Blaziken's frailty prevents it from hitting the field safely by itself. Thus, a strong defensive backbone that can take hits and pivot to Blaziken safely will ease pressure and the need to predict. Slow pivots, such as Alomomola and Corviknight, will usually prevent Blaziken from taking a hit on entry and thus should be considered more strongly over faster pivots.

**Alternate Wallbreakers/Sweepers**: Despite boasting wide coverage, Blaziken can find it hard to fit all the moves it wants onto one set without making serious concessions. As such, pairing it with other wallbreakers or sweepers allows for one to take over from the other should a sweeping or wallbreaking attempt be thwarted. list some examples, what r1s does it work well w/?

**Hazard Stackers**: Blaziken primarily hits the field late during a match. Because of this, hazard stackers should be considered to spread damage and weaken the enemy team as much as possible during the early and mid game. Once Blaziken finally enters the battle, it will then have a much easier time sweeping a now weakened team. make this about entry hazards as a whole, blaziken needs hazard support, list examples, but also removal so that it can click flare bltiz more safely, list other examples

**Screens Support**: Swords Dance combined with Speed Boost makes Blaziken almost impossible to wall or revenge kill safely, but it's low defenses means it relies on scaring opponents out to grab a boost. Screens support negates this issue, granting Blaziken a much safer environment to grab one or even multiple boosts to potentially finish the game. examples!

add a point on natural speed, +1 chicken is slower than most scarfers, it isnt a reliable revenge killer to the ultra fast threats of the metagame

Checks and Counters
**Priority attacks**: Because Blaziken is very difficult to outspeed after multiple Speed Boosts, priority attacks are the best solution to bypass speed entirely and revenge kill it. This can be compounded further by Blaziken's frailty and the recoil it sustains from using both of it's main STAB attacks in Flare Blitz and Close Combat, as well as Life Orb recoil.

**Unaware walls**: As a wallbreaker, Blaziken is often reliant on stat boosts to muscle past walls. For this reason, Unaware walls like Dondozo and Skeledirge act as sturdy switch ins to a wallbreaking Blaziken even after it sets up, with most Unaware users boasting a resist to at least one of Blaziken's STABs. This allows them to either revenge kill Blaziken or neuter it with status, though Blaziken still has some options to try and lure these walls and potentially take them out, such as choiced sets whose boosts are not ignored by Unaware.

**Passive/Chip damage**: Against a healthy team, Blaziken often manages to KO itself before completing a sweep as a result of various factors, such as it's STABs negative effects and Life Orb recoil. Additional passive damage such as entry hazards and Rocky Helmet can be used to add even more damage to Blaziken, making it KO itself faster or more easily putting it into KO range of priority attacks.

**STAB resistances**: Most of Blaziken's coverage options are rather weak without boosts compared to it's high base power STAB attacks. This leaves Pokemon naturally resistant to it's STABs as viable checks to it, where they can use their natural bulk or resist berries to stomach the coverage options Blaziken needs to deal with them. Some examples include the Lati twins, Toxapex and especially Azumarill, which packs Aqua Jet as a super effective priority move to revenge kill it. are the latis chicken checks? colbur defensive latias is but latios dies to knock after minimal chip, even at +0

next qc might remove this which is fine but id add a point on lures, this mon is highly susceptible to berry lures and an emphasis should be put on scouting those out before sweeping

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QC 1/2 - Great first try at an analysis, I'd recommend using this video as an example on how to implement a check. While its for GP work, it applies here too
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**Draft order**: Round 2-3 onwards

**Price range**: 16-17 points

**Overview**: Blaziken is a powerful offensive threat thanks to it's numerous positive traits, such as the combination of Speed Boost, it's potent STAB combination, and a wide offensive movepool. which it can abuse on the physical and special sides It's able to perform effectively as either a Physical, Special or Mixed attacker due to it's high offensive stats. It can effectively run almost any offensive role it wants to support it's team, but requires appropriate support in return due to it's frailty, which leaves it bringing almost no defensive support to it's team whatsoever. id add a line on it being setup reliant, it needs one of protect/sd to be able to start breaking/cleaning since its too damn slow/weak. other point would be that its a little too slow for the current metagame, being out paced by most scarfers even at +1

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Late game cCleaner**: Speed Boost turns Blaziken into a cleaner that is almost impossible to revenge kill outside of priority. This set usually drops setup moves outside of Protect (and on rare occasions may even drop Protect itself) so that it can run as many offensive moves as possible with wide coverage. different coverage options as possible, preparing itself for a multitude of endgames.

**Setup sweeper/wallbreaker**: Swords Dance is used to boost Blaziken's damage output and break defensive walls either for itself or it's teammates. The nature of running Speed Boost as an ability means it can boost it's own speed passively and turn into a sweeper ontop of a wallbreaker.

**Bulk Up sweeper**: Bulk Up can be used over Swords Dance for a less explosive damage increase in return for boosting defense to patch up one of Blaziken's weaknesses; priority moves, many of which are physical. When paired with moves such as Protect and Substitute, combined with Leftovers, this sweeping set boasts longevity which is lacking amongst Blaziken's other sets. All accurate, but put this under Niche Moves instead.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB moves**: Flare Blitz, Blaze Kick, Fire Punch, Close Combat, Fire Blast, Overheat, Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Aura Sphere, Vacuum Wave

**Setup moves**: Swords Dance, Bulk Up, Protect, Sunny Day

**Utility moves**: Knock Off, U-turn, Brick Break, Will-O-Wisp

**Coverage**: Knock Off, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Poison Jab, Thunder Punch, Brave Bird, Acrobatics, Solar Beam we dont list moves in common and in niche

Niche Moves
**Low Kick**: A move with varying damage that is sometimes as strong as Close Combat depending on the target, with the benefit of not dropping your defensive stats after use. id move this to primary stab, its abt as niche as focus miss. doesnt need the explanation

**Temper Flare**: Starting out at the same power as Fire Punch, this move doubles in power if the user's previous move failed. This can potentially pair with Protect if the move fails due to the opponent switching out as you use it. removed fire punch since youve outlined why this is always better, u can remove this writeup and just add it to common

**Solar Beam**: Strictly limited to Sunny Day sets/teams or a Power Herb set, this powerful Grass type move provides excellent coverage against many of the Fire type's common weaknesses.

**Reversal**: When combined with strategies such as Focus Sash, Substitute or Endure to get Blaziken to 1HP, this becomes Blaziken's most powerful move, reaching a staggering 200 base power before STAB. mention that this only works when theres no priority to revenge kill

Common Items
**Life Orb**: A standard item that can be used by almost all sets, mainly the cleaner, to increase damage output whilst allowing Blaziken to switch moves. mention the biggest drawback in that it dies even more quickly than usual

add a point on "Attack-boosting items", ur ebelts, flame plates, black belts etc - theyre worse than lo for most moves but can help if u only need to hit specific benchmarks

**Leftovers**: Many sets run Protect and the recoil inducing move Flare Blitz, which pair well with Leftovers to gain free turns of recovery and/or to offset recoil damage.

**Heavy-Duty Boots**: Blaziken is frail and vulnerable to all entry hazards. As such, Heavy-Duty Boots can be used to conserve Blaziken's health for ease of setting up or clicking Flare Blitz. move to niche

**Air Balloon**: An alternative to Heavy-Duty Boots, Air Balloon sacrifices immunity to Stealth Rock for a temporary Ground immunity, allowing potential free turns against targets reliant on Ground type moves to hit it. move to niche, both above the choice items

Niche Items
**Choice Band**: Blaziken prefers to switch moves, such as using Protect to safely obtain speed. However, if wallbreaking is preferred over sweeping, Choice Band can be used to provide an even bigger boost than Life Orb, with the added benefit of being able to viably use U-turn as opposed to other sets.

**Choice Specs**: As it lacks moves that boost it's special attack directly, a surprise Choice Specs set can throw opponents off guard, allowing Blaziken wallbreak more effectively on the special side.

**Eject Pack**: An alternate momentum strategy outside of U-turn, this should be paired with Overheat to fire off a big attack and then gain momentum once your stats drop.

**Power Herb**: As mentioned above, Solar Beam is valuable coverage which is hard to pull off. Outside of Sunny Day sets, a Power Herb can be used to fire off Solar Beam once reliably.

**Lum Berry**: Blaziken prefers to setup either against targets likely to switch or passive Pokemon unable to hurt it much. Lum Berry prevents the latter from attempting to status it as it sets up.
entering the territory of too niche

**White Herb**: This item has two uses; allowing Blaziken two uses of a full power Overheat in a row or clearing the defense drops from Close Combat, which can prevent it from being in range of a priority revenge kill attempt.

Blaziken is usually banned from utilizing Tera. If for some reason it is allowed, the best candidates options would be either Tera Fire or Fighting to give significant boosts to it's already high base power STAB moves which have wide coverage on their own. However, other offensive types such as Ground or Dark can also be considered depending on what Pokemon Blaziken is tasked with breaking through, such as Toxapex and Latias, which otherwise resist it's STABs.

Draft Strategy
Blaziken should be drafted purely as an offensive Pokemon that can either take advantage of wallbreaking efforts to reliably clean up during an endgame, or as a setup Pokemon that can either wallbreak or sweep by itself. But no matter how you slice it, Blaziken is hard pressed to take over games all by itself under most circumstances, and thus requires certain pieces of support depending on how you wish to use it.

**Bulky slow pivots**: Blaziken's frailty prevents it from hitting the field safely by itself. Thus, a strong defensive backbone that can take hits and pivot to Blaziken safely will ease pressure and the need to predict. Slow pivots, such as Alomomola and Corviknight, will usually prevent Blaziken from taking a hit on entry and thus should be considered more strongly over faster pivots.

**Alternate Wallbreakers/Sweepers**: Despite boasting wide coverage, Blaziken can find it hard to fit all the moves it wants onto one set without making serious concessions. As such, pairing it with other wallbreakers or sweepers allows for one to take over from the other should a sweeping or wallbreaking attempt be thwarted. list some examples, what r1s does it work well w/?

**Hazard Stackers**: Blaziken primarily hits the field late during a match. Because of this, hazard stackers should be considered to spread damage and weaken the enemy team as much as possible during the early and mid game. Once Blaziken finally enters the battle, it will then have a much easier time sweeping a now weakened team. make this about entry hazards as a whole, blaziken needs hazard support, list examples, but also removal so that it can click flare bltiz more safely, list other examples

**Screens Support**: Swords Dance combined with Speed Boost makes Blaziken almost impossible to wall or revenge kill safely, but it's low defenses means it relies on scaring opponents out to grab a boost. Screens support negates this issue, granting Blaziken a much safer environment to grab one or even multiple boosts to potentially finish the game. examples!

add a point on natural speed, +1 chicken is slower than most scarfers, it isnt a reliable revenge killer to the ultra fast threats of the metagame

Checks and Counters
**Priority attacks**: Because Blaziken is very difficult to outspeed after multiple Speed Boosts, priority attacks are the best solution to bypass speed entirely and revenge kill it. This can be compounded further by Blaziken's frailty and the recoil it sustains from using both of it's main STAB attacks in Flare Blitz and Close Combat, as well as Life Orb recoil.

**Unaware walls**: As a wallbreaker, Blaziken is often reliant on stat boosts to muscle past walls. For this reason, Unaware walls like Dondozo and Skeledirge act as sturdy switch ins to a wallbreaking Blaziken even after it sets up, with most Unaware users boasting a resist to at least one of Blaziken's STABs. This allows them to either revenge kill Blaziken or neuter it with status, though Blaziken still has some options to try and lure these walls and potentially take them out, such as choiced sets whose boosts are not ignored by Unaware.

**Passive/Chip damage**: Against a healthy team, Blaziken often manages to KO itself before completing a sweep as a result of various factors, such as it's STABs negative effects and Life Orb recoil. Additional passive damage such as entry hazards and Rocky Helmet can be used to add even more damage to Blaziken, making it KO itself faster or more easily putting it into KO range of priority attacks.

**STAB resistances**: Most of Blaziken's coverage options are rather weak without boosts compared to it's high base power STAB attacks. This leaves Pokemon naturally resistant to it's STABs as viable checks to it, where they can use their natural bulk or resist berries to stomach the coverage options Blaziken needs to deal with them. Some examples include the Lati twins, Toxapex and especially Azumarill, which packs Aqua Jet as a super effective priority move to revenge kill it. are the latis chicken checks? colbur defensive latias is but latios dies to knock after minimal chip, even at +0

next qc might remove this which is fine but id add a point on lures, this mon is highly susceptible to berry lures and an emphasis should be put on scouting those out before sweeping

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QC 1/2 - Great first try at an analysis, I'd recommend using this video as an example on how to implement a check. While its for GP work, it applies here too

Thank you for the feedback! I've implemented all the changes you've suggested as well as adding a lot of examples such as potential sweeping/wallbreaking partners and support partners for screening and hazard stacking.

Running out of time right now so I will implement a check after QC 2, but thank you for providing that as well, it's much appreciated.

Ready to move onto QC 2!
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**Draft order**: Round 2 onwards

**Price range**: 16-17 points

**Overview**: Blaziken is a powerful offensive threat thanks to the combination of Speed Boost, it's its potent STAB combination and a wide offensive movepool. It's able to perform effectively as either a Physical, Special or Mixed attacker due to it's high offensive stats. It can effectively run almost any offensive role it wants to, but requires appropriate support in return due to it's frailty, which leaves it bringing almost no defensive support to it's team whatsoever. It is also setup reliant, requiring one or both of Protect and Swords Dance to start cleaning or breaking effectively. Finally, Blaziken's speed starts out low, leaving it outsped by many Choice Scarf Pokemon even at +1 speed. Last few sentences can be reworded to get the point across better - "Blaziken is very reliant on setup, which is tricky to pull off well due to its below average defenses. It typically relies on Protect to initially gain speed, and Swords Dance or boosting items are needed to become a menacing wallbreaker."

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Cleaner**: Speed Boost turns Blaziken into a cleaner that is almost impossible to revenge kill outside of priority. This set usually drops setup moves outside of Protect (and on rare occasions may even drop Protect itself) so that it can run as many different coverage options as possible, preparing itself for a multitude of endgames. Maybe worth mentioning that this set requires lots of support (wallbreaking, hazards, etc) to weaken major checks beforehand so that blaziken can do its thing

**Setup wallbreaker/sweeper**: Swords Dance is used to boost Blaziken's damage output and break defensive walls either for itself or it's its teammates. The nature of running Speed Boost as an ability means it can boost it's own speed passively and turn into a sweeper ontop of a wallbreaker.

Maybe add wallbreaker pivot with uturn? maybe too niche of a set but band/specs sets (or overheat eject pack) seem like a solid option at times

Common Moves
**Primary STAB moves**: Flare Blitz, Blaze Kick, Temper Flare, Close Combat, Low Kick, Fire Blast, Overheat, Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Aura Sphere, Vacuum Wave Remove temper flare, too niche, and I'd move all the fire & fighting moves together for consistency

**Setup moves**: Swords Dance, Protect, Sunny Day Remove sunny day, too niche

**Utility moves**: U-turn, Brick Break, Will-O-Wisp Move brick break to niche moves, substitute maybe worth including here too

**Coverage**: Knock Off, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Poison Jab, Thunder Punch, Brave Bird, Acrobatics

Niche Moves
**Bulk Up**: Bulk Up can be used over Swords Dance for a less explosive damage increase in return for boosting defense to patch up one of Blaziken's weaknesses; priority moves, many of which are physical. Combining this with Substitute/Protect and Leftovers gives Blaziken some extra longevity which is hard to find amongst it's other sets.

**Solar Beam**: Strictly limited to Sunny Day sets/teams or a Power Herb set, this powerful Grass type move provides excellent coverage against many of the Fire type's common weaknesses.

**Reversal**: When combined with strategies such as Focus Sash, Substitute or Endure to get Blaziken to 1HP, this becomes Blaziken's most powerful move, reaching a staggering 200 base power before STAB. However, this requires a lot of scouting and support, as priority and chip damage, such as Rocky Helmet or Sandstorm, will instantly KO Blaziken.

Add endure - probably has good synergy with speed boost and stat boosting berries (such as liechi) & mentioned above in reversal

Common Items
**Life Orb**: Life Orb is (making it a complete sentence) A standard item that can be used by almost all sets, mainly the cleaner, to increase damage output whilst allowing Blaziken to switch moves, though the recoil means Blaziken will be prone to KOing itself faster than usual.

**Damage-boosting items Charcoal / Black Belt / Expert Belt**: Items such as Charcoal, Black Belt and Expert Belt Damage-boosting items (just swapping them around, reads better that way imo) provide smaller and more specific damage increases than Life Orb, but they notably do not inflict recoil damage, extending Blaziken's lifespan whilst allowing it to hit certain benchmarks needed for a KO.

**Leftovers**: Many sets run Protect and the recoil inducing move Flare Blitz, which pair well with Leftovers to gain free turns of recovery and/or to offset recoil damage.

Niche Items
**Heavy-Duty Boots**: Blaziken is frail and vulnerable to all entry hazards. As such, Heavy-Duty Boots can be used to conserve Blaziken's health for ease of setting up or clicking Flare Blitz. I'd move this to bottom of common items

**Air Balloon**: An alternative to Heavy-Duty Boots, Air Balloon sacrifices immunity to Stealth Rock for a temporary Ground immunity, allowing potential free turns against targets reliant on Ground type moves to hit it.

**Choice Band**: Blaziken prefers to switch moves, such as using Protect to safely obtain speed. However, if wallbreaking is preferred over sweeping, Choice Band can be used to provide an even bigger boost than Life Orb, with the added benefit of being able to viably use U-turn as opposed to other sets.

**Choice Specs**: As it lacks moves that boost it's special attack directly, a surprise Choice Specs set can throw opponents off guard, allowing Blaziken to wallbreak more effectively on the special side.

**Eject Pack**: An alternate momentum strategy outside of U-turn, this should be paired with Overheat to fire off a big attack and then gain momentum once your stats drop.

**White Herb**: This item has two uses; allowing Blaziken two uses of a full power Overheat in a row or clearing the defense drops from Close Combat, which can prevent it from being in range of a priority revenge kill attempt. Too niche, this would never be run over other items

Blaziken is usually banned from utilizing Tera due to incredible amounts versatility and additional wallbreaking power gained from it. If it is allowed, the best options would be either Tera Fire or Fighting to give significant boosts to it's already high base power STAB moves which have wide coverage on their own. However, other offensive types such as Ground or Dark can also be considered depending on what Pokemon Blaziken is tasked with breaking through, such as Toxapex and Latias, which otherwise resist it's its STABs.

Draft Strategy
Blaziken should be drafted purely as an offensive Pokemon that can either take advantage of wallbreaking efforts to reliably clean up during an endgame, or as a setup Pokemon that can either wallbreak or sweep by itself. But no matter how you slice it, Blaziken is hard pressed to take over games all by itself under most circumstances, and thus requires certain pieces of support depending on how you wish to use it.

**Bulky slow pivots**: Blaziken's frailty prevents it from hitting the field safely by itself. Thus, a strong defensive backbone that can take hits and pivot to Blaziken safely will ease pressure and the need to predict. Slow pivots, such as Alomomola and Corviknight, will usually prevent Blaziken from taking a hit on entry and thus should be considered more strongly over faster pivots.

**Alternate wallbreakers/sweepers**: Despite boasting wide coverage, Blaziken can find it hard to fit all the moves it wants onto one set without making serious concessions. As such, pairing it with other wallbreakers or sweepers allows for one to take over from the other should a sweeping or wallbreaking attempt be thwarted. Palafin is a great R1 pick which pairs well with Blaziken that can also adopt either a wallbreaking role with it's Choice Band set or a cleaning role thanks to it's powerful priority Jet Punch. Garchomp is another R1 pick that can take over from or support Blaziken with sets such as Swords Dance or Scale Shot. Palafin and Garchomp are great round 1 picks that pair well with Blaziken's typing. (just trying to keep it concise without going super indepth about what other mons do, since blaziken is the main focus)

**Entry hazards**: Blaziken appreciates hazard support on both sides of the spectrum. Due to it's frailty and prefering to run boosting items over Heavy-Duty Boots, Due to its frailty and its preference of damage-boosting items over Heavy-Duty Boots, Blaziken appreciates solid hazard removal on the team. Rapid Spin users such as Blastoise and Terapagos can clear the field and allow Blaziken to hit the field at full health, where it can more safely spam Flare Blitz and Life Orb boosted attacks. Spinners will also maintain hazards on the opponent's side of the field, which Blaziken also appreciates as they will weaken the opposing team for Blaziken to clean up later. Hazard stackers such as Samurott-Hisui Hisuian Samurott and Ting-Lu can easily get up multiple layers of hazards to support Blaziken in this way. chip down Pokemon that would otherwise take Blaziken's hits.

**Screens support**: Swords Dance combined with Speed Boost makes Blaziken almost impossible to wall or revenge kill safely, but it's its low defenses means it relies on scaring opponents out to grab a boost. Screens support negates this issue, granting Blaziken a much safer environment to grab one or even multiple boosts to potentially finish the game. Klefki and Grimmsnarl are two of the best screeners thanks to both having access to Prankster, whilst also providing extra utility to support Blaziken such as Thunder Wave for Choice Scarf Pokemon, Parting Shot from Grimmsnarl or Spikes from Klefki. (again just trying to keep it concise)

**Naturally fast teammates**: Blaziken's base speed is rather low at 80, which means that even at +1 speed, it can find itself outsped by opposing Choice Scarf Pokemon, especially since it wants to run attack boosting natures to gain as much power as possible. This makes naturally fast Pokemon excellent teammates to get the jump on them and either cripple/remove them to pave the way for Blaziken. Meowscarada and Iron Bundle are good examples of exceptionally fast Pokemon that boast high natural power, the ability to viably boost their own speed even further if needed with Choice Scarf or Booster Energy, as well as momentum in U-turn and Flip Turn.

Checks and Counters
**Priority attacks**: Because Since Blaziken is very difficult to outspeed after multiple Speed Boosts, priority attacks are the best solution to bypass speed entirely and revenge kill it. This can be compounded further by Blaziken's frailty and the recoil it sustains from using both of it's main STAB attacks in Flare Blitz and Close Combat, as well as Life Orb recoil.

**Unaware walls**: As a wallbreaker, Blaziken is often reliant on stat boosts to muscle past walls. For this reason, Unaware walls like Dondozo and Skeledirge act as sturdy switch ins to a wallbreaking Blaziken even after it sets up, with most Unaware users boasting a resist to at least one of Blaziken's STABs. This allows them to either revenge kill Blaziken or neuter it with status, though Blaziken still has some options to try and lure these walls and potentially take them out, such as choiced sets whose boosts are not ignored by Unaware.

**Passive/Chip damage**: Against a healthy team, Blaziken often manages to KO itself before completing a sweep as a result of various factors, such as it's STABs negative effects and Life Orb recoil. Additional passive damage such as entry hazards and Rocky Helmet can be used to add even more damage to Blaziken, making it KO itself faster or more easily putting it into KO range of priority attacks.

**STAB resistances**: Most of Blaziken's coverage options are rather weak without boosts compared to it's its high base power STAB attacks. This leaves Pokemon naturally resistant to it's STABs as viable checks to it, where they can use their natural bulk or resist berries to stomach the coverage options Blaziken needs to deal with them. Some examples include defensive Latias and Toxapex, which also boast recovery options, as well as Azumarill, which packs Aqua Jet as a super effective priority move to revenge kill it. Latias, Toxapex, and Azumarill.

**Lures**: Against some teams, Blaziken simply boasts exceptional power and coverage that make it very difficult to handle. As a result, trainers may attempt to use lures against Blaziken to bait it in and KO it. The most common of these are the resist berries, allowing the holder to potentially survive a super effective attack and successfully revenge kill Blaziken. Other lures may include Endure and Custap Berry, Focus I assume this is supposed to be Focus Sash, but if there's anything else cut off be sure to add that

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qc 2/2 - good info overall, just left a few notes of things to add & reworded a bunch of things
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**Draft order**: Round 2 onwards

**Price range**: 16-17 points

**Overview**: Blaziken is a powerful offensive threat thanks to the combination of Speed Boost, it's its potent STAB combination and a wide offensive movepool. It's able to perform effectively as either a Physical, Special or Mixed attacker due to it's high offensive stats. It can effectively run almost any offensive role it wants to, but requires appropriate support in return due to it's frailty, which leaves it bringing almost no defensive support to it's team whatsoever. It is also setup reliant, requiring one or both of Protect and Swords Dance to start cleaning or breaking effectively. Finally, Blaziken's speed starts out low, leaving it outsped by many Choice Scarf Pokemon even at +1 speed. Last few sentences can be reworded to get the point across better - "Blaziken is very reliant on setup, which is tricky to pull off well due to its below average defenses. It typically relies on Protect to initially gain speed, and Swords Dance or boosting items are needed to become a menacing wallbreaker."

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Cleaner**: Speed Boost turns Blaziken into a cleaner that is almost impossible to revenge kill outside of priority. This set usually drops setup moves outside of Protect (and on rare occasions may even drop Protect itself) so that it can run as many different coverage options as possible, preparing itself for a multitude of endgames. Maybe worth mentioning that this set requires lots of support (wallbreaking, hazards, etc) to weaken major checks beforehand so that blaziken can do its thing

**Setup wallbreaker/sweeper**: Swords Dance is used to boost Blaziken's damage output and break defensive walls either for itself or it's its teammates. The nature of running Speed Boost as an ability means it can boost it's own speed passively and turn into a sweeper ontop of a wallbreaker.

Maybe add wallbreaker pivot with uturn? maybe too niche of a set but band/specs sets (or overheat eject pack) seem like a solid option at times

Common Moves
**Primary STAB moves**: Flare Blitz, Blaze Kick, Temper Flare, Close Combat, Low Kick, Fire Blast, Overheat, Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Aura Sphere, Vacuum Wave Remove temper flare, too niche, and I'd move all the fire & fighting moves together for consistency

**Setup moves**: Swords Dance, Protect, Sunny Day Remove sunny day, too niche

**Utility moves**: U-turn, Brick Break, Will-O-Wisp Move brick break to niche moves, substitute maybe worth including here too

**Coverage**: Knock Off, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Poison Jab, Thunder Punch, Brave Bird, Acrobatics

Niche Moves
**Bulk Up**: Bulk Up can be used over Swords Dance for a less explosive damage increase in return for boosting defense to patch up one of Blaziken's weaknesses; priority moves, many of which are physical. Combining this with Substitute/Protect and Leftovers gives Blaziken some extra longevity which is hard to find amongst it's other sets.

**Solar Beam**: Strictly limited to Sunny Day sets/teams or a Power Herb set, this powerful Grass type move provides excellent coverage against many of the Fire type's common weaknesses.

**Reversal**: When combined with strategies such as Focus Sash, Substitute or Endure to get Blaziken to 1HP, this becomes Blaziken's most powerful move, reaching a staggering 200 base power before STAB. However, this requires a lot of scouting and support, as priority and chip damage, such as Rocky Helmet or Sandstorm, will instantly KO Blaziken.

Add endure - probably has good synergy with speed boost and stat boosting berries (such as liechi) & mentioned above in reversal

Common Items
**Life Orb**: Life Orb is (making it a complete sentence) A standard item that can be used by almost all sets, mainly the cleaner, to increase damage output whilst allowing Blaziken to switch moves, though the recoil means Blaziken will be prone to KOing itself faster than usual.

**Damage-boosting items Charcoal / Black Belt / Expert Belt**: Items such as Charcoal, Black Belt and Expert Belt Damage-boosting items (just swapping them around, reads better that way imo) provide smaller and more specific damage increases than Life Orb, but they notably do not inflict recoil damage, extending Blaziken's lifespan whilst allowing it to hit certain benchmarks needed for a KO.

**Leftovers**: Many sets run Protect and the recoil inducing move Flare Blitz, which pair well with Leftovers to gain free turns of recovery and/or to offset recoil damage.

Niche Items
**Heavy-Duty Boots**: Blaziken is frail and vulnerable to all entry hazards. As such, Heavy-Duty Boots can be used to conserve Blaziken's health for ease of setting up or clicking Flare Blitz. I'd move this to bottom of common items

**Air Balloon**: An alternative to Heavy-Duty Boots, Air Balloon sacrifices immunity to Stealth Rock for a temporary Ground immunity, allowing potential free turns against targets reliant on Ground type moves to hit it.

**Choice Band**: Blaziken prefers to switch moves, such as using Protect to safely obtain speed. However, if wallbreaking is preferred over sweeping, Choice Band can be used to provide an even bigger boost than Life Orb, with the added benefit of being able to viably use U-turn as opposed to other sets.

**Choice Specs**: As it lacks moves that boost it's special attack directly, a surprise Choice Specs set can throw opponents off guard, allowing Blaziken to wallbreak more effectively on the special side.

**Eject Pack**: An alternate momentum strategy outside of U-turn, this should be paired with Overheat to fire off a big attack and then gain momentum once your stats drop.

**White Herb**: This item has two uses; allowing Blaziken two uses of a full power Overheat in a row or clearing the defense drops from Close Combat, which can prevent it from being in range of a priority revenge kill attempt. Too niche, this would never be run over other items

Blaziken is usually banned from utilizing Tera due to incredible amounts versatility and additional wallbreaking power gained from it. If it is allowed, the best options would be either Tera Fire or Fighting to give significant boosts to it's already high base power STAB moves which have wide coverage on their own. However, other offensive types such as Ground or Dark can also be considered depending on what Pokemon Blaziken is tasked with breaking through, such as Toxapex and Latias, which otherwise resist it's its STABs.

Draft Strategy
Blaziken should be drafted purely as an offensive Pokemon that can either take advantage of wallbreaking efforts to reliably clean up during an endgame, or as a setup Pokemon that can either wallbreak or sweep by itself. But no matter how you slice it, Blaziken is hard pressed to take over games all by itself under most circumstances, and thus requires certain pieces of support depending on how you wish to use it.

**Bulky slow pivots**: Blaziken's frailty prevents it from hitting the field safely by itself. Thus, a strong defensive backbone that can take hits and pivot to Blaziken safely will ease pressure and the need to predict. Slow pivots, such as Alomomola and Corviknight, will usually prevent Blaziken from taking a hit on entry and thus should be considered more strongly over faster pivots.

**Alternate wallbreakers/sweepers**: Despite boasting wide coverage, Blaziken can find it hard to fit all the moves it wants onto one set without making serious concessions. As such, pairing it with other wallbreakers or sweepers allows for one to take over from the other should a sweeping or wallbreaking attempt be thwarted. Palafin is a great R1 pick which pairs well with Blaziken that can also adopt either a wallbreaking role with it's Choice Band set or a cleaning role thanks to it's powerful priority Jet Punch. Garchomp is another R1 pick that can take over from or support Blaziken with sets such as Swords Dance or Scale Shot. Palafin and Garchomp are great round 1 picks that pair well with Blaziken's typing. (just trying to keep it concise without going super indepth about what other mons do, since blaziken is the main focus)

**Entry hazards**: Blaziken appreciates hazard support on both sides of the spectrum. Due to it's frailty and prefering to run boosting items over Heavy-Duty Boots, Due to its frailty and its preference of damage-boosting items over Heavy-Duty Boots, Blaziken appreciates solid hazard removal on the team. Rapid Spin users such as Blastoise and Terapagos can clear the field and allow Blaziken to hit the field at full health, where it can more safely spam Flare Blitz and Life Orb boosted attacks. Spinners will also maintain hazards on the opponent's side of the field, which Blaziken also appreciates as they will weaken the opposing team for Blaziken to clean up later. Hazard stackers such as Samurott-Hisui Hisuian Samurott and Ting-Lu can easily get up multiple layers of hazards to support Blaziken in this way. chip down Pokemon that would otherwise take Blaziken's hits.

**Screens support**: Swords Dance combined with Speed Boost makes Blaziken almost impossible to wall or revenge kill safely, but it's its low defenses means it relies on scaring opponents out to grab a boost. Screens support negates this issue, granting Blaziken a much safer environment to grab one or even multiple boosts to potentially finish the game. Klefki and Grimmsnarl are two of the best screeners thanks to both having access to Prankster, whilst also providing extra utility to support Blaziken such as Thunder Wave for Choice Scarf Pokemon, Parting Shot from Grimmsnarl or Spikes from Klefki. (again just trying to keep it concise)

**Naturally fast teammates**: Blaziken's base speed is rather low at 80, which means that even at +1 speed, it can find itself outsped by opposing Choice Scarf Pokemon, especially since it wants to run attack boosting natures to gain as much power as possible. This makes naturally fast Pokemon excellent teammates to get the jump on them and either cripple/remove them to pave the way for Blaziken. Meowscarada and Iron Bundle are good examples of exceptionally fast Pokemon that boast high natural power, the ability to viably boost their own speed even further if needed with Choice Scarf or Booster Energy, as well as momentum in U-turn and Flip Turn.

Checks and Counters
**Priority attacks**: Because Since Blaziken is very difficult to outspeed after multiple Speed Boosts, priority attacks are the best solution to bypass speed entirely and revenge kill it. This can be compounded further by Blaziken's frailty and the recoil it sustains from using both of it's main STAB attacks in Flare Blitz and Close Combat, as well as Life Orb recoil.

**Unaware walls**: As a wallbreaker, Blaziken is often reliant on stat boosts to muscle past walls. For this reason, Unaware walls like Dondozo and Skeledirge act as sturdy switch ins to a wallbreaking Blaziken even after it sets up, with most Unaware users boasting a resist to at least one of Blaziken's STABs. This allows them to either revenge kill Blaziken or neuter it with status, though Blaziken still has some options to try and lure these walls and potentially take them out, such as choiced sets whose boosts are not ignored by Unaware.

**Passive/Chip damage**: Against a healthy team, Blaziken often manages to KO itself before completing a sweep as a result of various factors, such as it's STABs negative effects and Life Orb recoil. Additional passive damage such as entry hazards and Rocky Helmet can be used to add even more damage to Blaziken, making it KO itself faster or more easily putting it into KO range of priority attacks.

**STAB resistances**: Most of Blaziken's coverage options are rather weak without boosts compared to it's its high base power STAB attacks. This leaves Pokemon naturally resistant to it's STABs as viable checks to it, where they can use their natural bulk or resist berries to stomach the coverage options Blaziken needs to deal with them. Some examples include defensive Latias and Toxapex, which also boast recovery options, as well as Azumarill, which packs Aqua Jet as a super effective priority move to revenge kill it. Latias, Toxapex, and Azumarill.

**Lures**: Against some teams, Blaziken simply boasts exceptional power and coverage that make it very difficult to handle. As a result, trainers may attempt to use lures against Blaziken to bait it in and KO it. The most common of these are the resist berries, allowing the holder to potentially survive a super effective attack and successfully revenge kill Blaziken. Other lures may include Endure and Custap Berry, Focus I assume this is supposed to be Focus Sash, but if there's anything else cut off be sure to add that

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qc 2/2 - good info overall, just left a few notes of things to add & reworded a bunch of things

Thank you for the feedback, and sorry for the delay.

I have implemented all of the changes you have highlighted. Additionally, in response to Brick Break and Temper Flare being labelled niche, I have added descriptions for those moves in the niche section, whilst also adding Endure. I also fixed the ending paragraph because yes, some stuff got cut out for some reason.

Ready for the GP Team
1/1 GP Team done
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for the mdash html, just remove the blue + bold and you don't need to do anything else
**Draft order**: Round 2 onwards

**Price range**: 16-17 points

**Overview**: Blaziken is a powerful offensive threat thanks to the combination of Speed Boost, its potent STAB combination, (ac) and a wide offensive movepool. It's able to perform effectively as either a physical, special, (ac) or mixed attacker due to it's high offensive stats. It can effectively run almost any offensive role it wants you want it to, but it requires appropriate support in return due to it's frailty, which leaves it bringing almost no defensive support to it's its team whatsoever. Blaziken is also very reliant on setup, which is tricky to pull off well due to its below average defenses. It typically relies on Protect to initially gain speed, and Swords Dance or damage-boosting items are needed to become a menacing wallbreaker.

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Cleaner**: Speed Boost turns Blaziken into a cleaner that is almost impossible to revenge kill outside of priority moves. This set usually drops setup moves outside of Protect—and on rare occasions may even drop Protect itself—so that it can run as many different coverage options as possible, preparing itself for a multitude of endgames scenarios late-game. This set requires lots of support, such as entry hazards and wallbreaking teammates (rc) to weaken or remove obstacles that threaten to stop Blaziken from cleaning.

**Setup wallbreaker / sweeper added spaces**: Swords Dance is used to boost Blaziken's damage output and break defensive walls either for itself or its teammates. The nature of running Speed Boost as an ability means it can boost it's own Speed passively and turn into a sweeper ontop of a and wallbreaker.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB moves**: Flare Blitz, Blaze Kick, Fire Blast, Overheat, Flamethrower, Close Combat, Low Kick, Focus Blast, Aura Sphere, Vacuum Wave

**Setup moves**: Swords Dance, Protect

**Utility moves**: U-turn, Substitute, Will-O-Wisp

**Coverage**: Knock Off, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Poison Jab, Thunder Punch, Brave Bird, Acrobatics

Niche Moves
**Bulk Up**: Bulk Up can be used over instead of Swords Dance for a less explosive damage increase in return for boosting Defense to patch up one of Blaziken's weaknesses—priority moves, many of which are physical. Combining this with Substitute/Protect Substitute + Protect and Leftovers gives Blaziken some extra longevity, (ac) which is hard to find amongst it's among its other sets.

**Brick Break**: This move is weaker than most of Blaziken's other STAB moves, but it has the added benefit of breaking removing opposing dual screens, allowing Blaziken to muscle past attempts to weaken its damage output and stop it.

**Temper Flare**: Starting out at the same power as Fire Punch, this move doubles in power if the user's previous move failed. direct dex info, added relevant context to next sentence This can potentially pair with Protect if the move fails due to the opponent foe switching out as you use it, (ac) doubling its power on the next turn.

**Solar Beam**: Strictly limited to Sunny Day sets/teams sets, sun teams, or a Power Herb set, this powerful Grass-type (ah) move provides excellent coverage against many of the Fire type's its common weaknesses.

**Reversal**: When combined with strategies such as involving the use of Focus Sash, Substitute, (rc) or Endure to get Blaziken to 1 (as) HP, this becomes Blaziken's most powerful move, reaching a staggering 200 Base Power before STAB. However, this requires a lot of scouting and support, as priority and chip damage, such as Rocky Helmet or Sandstorm, will instantly KO Blaziken.

**Endure**: An alternative to Protect, Endure achieves the same effect of allowing Blaziken to survive a turn to boost Speed (rc) but usually leaves it at very low health. However, this can combo be used in combination with certain strategies such as like Reversal as mentioned above, as well as pinch Berries such as Liechi Berry.

Common Items
**Life Orb**: Life Orb is a standard item that can be used by almost all sets, mainly the cleaner, to increase damage output whilst while allowing Blaziken to switch moves, though the recoil means Blaziken will be prone to KOing itself faster than usual.

**Charcoal / Black Belt / Expert Belt**: Damage-boosting items provide smaller and more specific damage increases than Life Orb, but they notably do not inflict recoil damage, extending Blaziken's lifespan whilst while allowing it to hit certain benchmarks needed for a KO.

**Leftovers**: Many sets run Protect and the recoil inducing move Flare Blitz, which pair well with Leftovers to gain free turns of recovery and/or and to help offset recoil damage.

**Heavy-Duty Boots**: Blaziken is frail and vulnerable to all entry hazards. As such, Heavy-Duty Boots can be used to conserve Blaziken's health for ease of setting up or clicking using Flare Blitz.

Niche Items
**Air Balloon**: An alternative to Heavy-Duty Boots, Air Balloon sacrifices immunity to Stealth Rock for a temporary Ground immunity, allowing potential free turns against targets reliant on Ground type moves to hit it Blaziken to have an opportunity to setup or attack foes that're reliant on Ground-type moves to hit it.

**Choice Band**: Blaziken prefers to switch moves, such as using Protect to safely obtain Speed boosts. However, if wallbreaking is preferred over sweeping, Choice Band can be used to provide an even bigger boost than Life Orb, with the added benefit of being able to viably use U-turn as opposed to other sets.

**Choice Specs**: As it lacks moves that boost it's Special Attack directly, a surprise Choice Specs set can throw opponents off guard, allowing Blaziken wallbreak to more effectively on the special side.

**Eject Pack**: An alternate momentum strategy outside of U-turn, this should be paired with Overheat to fire off a big attack and then gain momentum once your stats drop as Blaziken switches out.

Blaziken is usually banned from utilizing Tera due to incredible amounts of versatility and additional wallbreaking power gained from it. If it is allowed, the best options would be either Tera Fire or Fighting, (ac) to give each giving significant boosts to it's its already high Base Power STAB moves which have wide coverage on their own not really sure what this means or adds? @ me on discord to discuss if you wanna keep it. However, other offensive Tera types such as Ground or and Dark can also be considered depending on what Pokemon Blaziken is tasked with breaking through, such as Toxapex and Latias, which otherwise resist its STABs original STAB moves.

Draft Strategy
Blaziken should be drafted purely as an offensive Pokemon that can either take advantage of wallbreaking efforts to reliably clean up during an endgame (rc) late-game or as a setup Pokemon that can either wallbreak or sweep by itself. But No matter how you slice it, Blaziken is hard-pressed (ah) to take over games all by itself under most circumstances, and thus requires certain pieces of support depending on how you wish to use it.

**Bulky slow pivots**: Blaziken's frailty prevents it from hitting entering the field safely by itself. Thus, a strong defensive backbone that can take hits and pivot to Blaziken safely will ease pressure and reduce the need to predict. Slow pivots, such as Alomomola and Corviknight, will usually prevent Blaziken from taking a hit on entry and thus should be considered more strongly over faster pivots.

**Alternate wallbreakers / sweepers added spaces**: Despite boasting wide coverage, Blaziken can find it hard to fit all the moves it wants onto one set without making serious concessions. As such, pairing it with other wallbreakers or sweepers allows for one to take over from the other should a sweeping or wallbreaking attempt be thwarted. Palafin and Garchomp are great round 1 picks that pair well with Blaziken's typing.

**Entry hazards**: Due to its frailty and its preference of for damage-boosting items over instead of Heavy-Duty Boots, Blaziken appreciates solid hazard removal on the team. Rapid Spin users such as Blastoise and Terapagos can clear the field and allow Blaziken to hit the field at full health, where it can more safely spam Flare Blitz and Life Orb-boosted (ah) attacks. Spinners will also maintain leave hazards on the opponent's side of the field, which Blaziken also appreciates, (ac) as they will weaken the opposing team for Blaziken to clean up later. Hazard stackers such as Hisuian Samurott and Ting-Lu can easily get up multiple layers of hazards to chip down Pokemon that would otherwise take Blaziken's hits.

**Dual screens support**: Swords Dance combined with Speed Boost makes Blaziken almost impossible to wall or revenge kill safely, but it's its low defenses means mean it relies on scaring opponents foes out to grab a boost set up. Dual screens support negates this issue, granting Blaziken a much safer environment to grab boosts to set up and potentially finish the game. Klefki and Grimmsnarl are two of the best screeners users of dual screens thanks to both having access to Prankster (rc) whilst while also providing extra utility to support Blaziken.

**Naturally fast teammates**: Blaziken's base 80 Speed is rather low at 80, which means that even at +1 Speed, it can find itself outsped by opposing Choice Scarf Pokemon, especially since it wants to run Attack-boosting (ah) natures to gain as much power as possible. This makes naturally fast Pokemon excellent teammates to get the jump on them and either cripple/remove hinder or remove them to pave the way for Blaziken. Meowscarada and Iron Bundle are good examples of exceptionally fast Pokemon that boast high natural power. Speed?

Checks and Counters
**Priority attacks**: Since Blaziken is very difficult to outspeed after multiple Speed Boosts boosts, priority attacks are the best solution to bypass speed entirely and revenge kill it. This can be compounded further by Blaziken's frailty and the recoil it sustains from using both of it's main STAB attacks in Flare Blitz and Close Combat, as well as from Life Orb recoil.

**Unaware walls**: As a wallbreaker, Blaziken is often reliant on stat boosts to muscle past walls. For this reason, Unaware walls like Dondozo and Skeledirge act as sturdy switch-ins (ah) to a wallbreaking Blaziken even after it sets up, with most Unaware users boasting a resistance to at least one of Blaziken's STABs STAB moves. This allows them to either revenge kill Blaziken or neuter hinder it with status.

**Passive / chip damage added spaces**: Against a healthy team, Blaziken often manages to KO itself before completing a sweep as a result of various factors, such as it's STABs negative effects and Life Orb recoil recoil from its STAB moves or Life Orb. Additional passive damage such as entry hazards and Rocky Helmet can be used to add even more damage to Blaziken, making it KO itself faint faster or more easily putting it into KO range of priority attacks.

**STAB Fire / Fighting resistances**: Most of Blaziken's coverage options are rather weak without boosts compared to its high Base Power STAB attacks. This leaves Pokemon naturally resistant to it's STABs its STAB moves as viable checks to it, where they can use their natural bulk or resistance Berries to stomach the coverage options Blaziken needs to deal with them. Some examples include Latias, Toxapex, (ac) and Azumarill.

**Lures**: Against some teams, Blaziken simply boasts exceptional power and coverage that make it very difficult to handle. As a result, trainers opponents may attempt to use lures against Blaziken to bait it in and KO it. The most common of these are the resistance Berries, allowing the holder to potentially survive a super effective attack and successfully revenge kill Blaziken. Other lures may include Endure + Custap Berry, as well as Focus Sash. The opposing team should be scouted before attempting a sweep to ensure no surprise lures catch Blaziken off guard.

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for the mdash html, just remove the blue + bold and you don't need to do anything else
**Draft order**: Round 2 onwards

**Price range**: 16-17 points

**Overview**: Blaziken is a powerful offensive threat thanks to the combination of Speed Boost, its potent STAB combination, (ac) and a wide offensive movepool. It's able to perform effectively as either a physical, special, (ac) or mixed attacker due to it's high offensive stats. It can effectively run almost any offensive role it wants you want it to, but it requires appropriate support in return due to it's frailty, which leaves it bringing almost no defensive support to it's its team whatsoever. Blaziken is also very reliant on setup, which is tricky to pull off well due to its below average defenses. It typically relies on Protect to initially gain speed, and Swords Dance or damage-boosting items are needed to become a menacing wallbreaker.

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Cleaner**: Speed Boost turns Blaziken into a cleaner that is almost impossible to revenge kill outside of priority moves. This set usually drops setup moves outside of Protect—and on rare occasions may even drop Protect itself—so that it can run as many different coverage options as possible, preparing itself for a multitude of endgames scenarios late-game. This set requires lots of support, such as entry hazards and wallbreaking teammates (rc) to weaken or remove obstacles that threaten to stop Blaziken from cleaning.

**Setup wallbreaker / sweeper added spaces**: Swords Dance is used to boost Blaziken's damage output and break defensive walls either for itself or its teammates. The nature of running Speed Boost as an ability means it can boost it's own Speed passively and turn into a sweeper ontop of a and wallbreaker.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB moves**: Flare Blitz, Blaze Kick, Fire Blast, Overheat, Flamethrower, Close Combat, Low Kick, Focus Blast, Aura Sphere, Vacuum Wave

**Setup moves**: Swords Dance, Protect

**Utility moves**: U-turn, Substitute, Will-O-Wisp

**Coverage**: Knock Off, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Poison Jab, Thunder Punch, Brave Bird, Acrobatics

Niche Moves
**Bulk Up**: Bulk Up can be used over instead of Swords Dance for a less explosive damage increase in return for boosting Defense to patch up one of Blaziken's weaknesses—priority moves, many of which are physical. Combining this with Substitute/Protect Substitute + Protect and Leftovers gives Blaziken some extra longevity, (ac) which is hard to find amongst it's among its other sets.

**Brick Break**: This move is weaker than most of Blaziken's other STAB moves, but it has the added benefit of breaking removing opposing dual screens, allowing Blaziken to muscle past attempts to weaken its damage output and stop it.

**Temper Flare**: Starting out at the same power as Fire Punch, this move doubles in power if the user's previous move failed. direct dex info, added relevant context to next sentence This can potentially pair with Protect if the move fails due to the opponent foe switching out as you use it, (ac) doubling its power on the next turn.

**Solar Beam**: Strictly limited to Sunny Day sets/teams sets, sun teams, or a Power Herb set, this powerful Grass-type (ah) move provides excellent coverage against many of the Fire type's its common weaknesses.

**Reversal**: When combined with strategies such as involving the use of Focus Sash, Substitute, (rc) or Endure to get Blaziken to 1 (as) HP, this becomes Blaziken's most powerful move, reaching a staggering 200 Base Power before STAB. However, this requires a lot of scouting and support, as priority and chip damage, such as Rocky Helmet or Sandstorm, will instantly KO Blaziken.

**Endure**: An alternative to Protect, Endure achieves the same effect of allowing Blaziken to survive a turn to boost Speed (rc) but usually leaves it at very low health. However, this can combo be used in combination with certain strategies such as like Reversal as mentioned above, as well as pinch Berries such as Liechi Berry.

Common Items
**Life Orb**: Life Orb is a standard item that can be used by almost all sets, mainly the cleaner, to increase damage output whilst while allowing Blaziken to switch moves, though the recoil means Blaziken will be prone to KOing itself faster than usual.

**Charcoal / Black Belt / Expert Belt**: Damage-boosting items provide smaller and more specific damage increases than Life Orb, but they notably do not inflict recoil damage, extending Blaziken's lifespan whilst while allowing it to hit certain benchmarks needed for a KO.

**Leftovers**: Many sets run Protect and the recoil inducing move Flare Blitz, which pair well with Leftovers to gain free turns of recovery and/or and to help offset recoil damage.

**Heavy-Duty Boots**: Blaziken is frail and vulnerable to all entry hazards. As such, Heavy-Duty Boots can be used to conserve Blaziken's health for ease of setting up or clicking using Flare Blitz.

Niche Items
**Air Balloon**: An alternative to Heavy-Duty Boots, Air Balloon sacrifices immunity to Stealth Rock for a temporary Ground immunity, allowing potential free turns against targets reliant on Ground type moves to hit it Blaziken to have an opportunity to setup or attack foes that're reliant on Ground-type moves to hit it.

**Choice Band**: Blaziken prefers to switch moves, such as using Protect to safely obtain Speed boosts. However, if wallbreaking is preferred over sweeping, Choice Band can be used to provide an even bigger boost than Life Orb, with the added benefit of being able to viably use U-turn as opposed to other sets.

**Choice Specs**: As it lacks moves that boost it's Special Attack directly, a surprise Choice Specs set can throw opponents off guard, allowing Blaziken wallbreak to more effectively on the special side.

**Eject Pack**: An alternate momentum strategy outside of U-turn, this should be paired with Overheat to fire off a big attack and then gain momentum once your stats drop as Blaziken switches out.

Blaziken is usually banned from utilizing Tera due to incredible amounts of versatility and additional wallbreaking power gained from it. If it is allowed, the best options would be either Tera Fire or Fighting, (ac) to give each giving significant boosts to it's its already high Base Power STAB moves which have wide coverage on their own not really sure what this means or adds? @ me on discord to discuss if you wanna keep it. However, other offensive Tera types such as Ground or and Dark can also be considered depending on what Pokemon Blaziken is tasked with breaking through, such as Toxapex and Latias, which otherwise resist its STABs original STAB moves.

Draft Strategy
Blaziken should be drafted purely as an offensive Pokemon that can either take advantage of wallbreaking efforts to reliably clean up during an endgame (rc) late-game or as a setup Pokemon that can either wallbreak or sweep by itself. But No matter how you slice it, Blaziken is hard-pressed (ah) to take over games all by itself under most circumstances, and thus requires certain pieces of support depending on how you wish to use it.

**Bulky slow pivots**: Blaziken's frailty prevents it from hitting entering the field safely by itself. Thus, a strong defensive backbone that can take hits and pivot to Blaziken safely will ease pressure and reduce the need to predict. Slow pivots, such as Alomomola and Corviknight, will usually prevent Blaziken from taking a hit on entry and thus should be considered more strongly over faster pivots.

**Alternate wallbreakers / sweepers added spaces**: Despite boasting wide coverage, Blaziken can find it hard to fit all the moves it wants onto one set without making serious concessions. As such, pairing it with other wallbreakers or sweepers allows for one to take over from the other should a sweeping or wallbreaking attempt be thwarted. Palafin and Garchomp are great round 1 picks that pair well with Blaziken's typing.

**Entry hazards**: Due to its frailty and its preference of for damage-boosting items over instead of Heavy-Duty Boots, Blaziken appreciates solid hazard removal on the team. Rapid Spin users such as Blastoise and Terapagos can clear the field and allow Blaziken to hit the field at full health, where it can more safely spam Flare Blitz and Life Orb-boosted (ah) attacks. Spinners will also maintain leave hazards on the opponent's side of the field, which Blaziken also appreciates, (ac) as they will weaken the opposing team for Blaziken to clean up later. Hazard stackers such as Hisuian Samurott and Ting-Lu can easily get up multiple layers of hazards to chip down Pokemon that would otherwise take Blaziken's hits.

**Dual screens support**: Swords Dance combined with Speed Boost makes Blaziken almost impossible to wall or revenge kill safely, but it's its low defenses means mean it relies on scaring opponents foes out to grab a boost set up. Dual screens support negates this issue, granting Blaziken a much safer environment to grab boosts to set up and potentially finish the game. Klefki and Grimmsnarl are two of the best screeners users of dual screens thanks to both having access to Prankster (rc) whilst while also providing extra utility to support Blaziken.

**Naturally fast teammates**: Blaziken's base 80 Speed is rather low at 80, which means that even at +1 Speed, it can find itself outsped by opposing Choice Scarf Pokemon, especially since it wants to run Attack-boosting (ah) natures to gain as much power as possible. This makes naturally fast Pokemon excellent teammates to get the jump on them and either cripple/remove hinder or remove them to pave the way for Blaziken. Meowscarada and Iron Bundle are good examples of exceptionally fast Pokemon that boast high natural power. Speed?

Checks and Counters
**Priority attacks**: Since Blaziken is very difficult to outspeed after multiple Speed Boosts boosts, priority attacks are the best solution to bypass speed entirely and revenge kill it. This can be compounded further by Blaziken's frailty and the recoil it sustains from using both of it's main STAB attacks in Flare Blitz and Close Combat, as well as from Life Orb recoil.

**Unaware walls**: As a wallbreaker, Blaziken is often reliant on stat boosts to muscle past walls. For this reason, Unaware walls like Dondozo and Skeledirge act as sturdy switch-ins (ah) to a wallbreaking Blaziken even after it sets up, with most Unaware users boasting a resistance to at least one of Blaziken's STABs STAB moves. This allows them to either revenge kill Blaziken or neuter hinder it with status.

**Passive / chip damage added spaces**: Against a healthy team, Blaziken often manages to KO itself before completing a sweep as a result of various factors, such as it's STABs negative effects and Life Orb recoil recoil from its STAB moves or Life Orb. Additional passive damage such as entry hazards and Rocky Helmet can be used to add even more damage to Blaziken, making it KO itself faint faster or more easily putting it into KO range of priority attacks.

**STAB Fire / Fighting resistances**: Most of Blaziken's coverage options are rather weak without boosts compared to its high Base Power STAB attacks. This leaves Pokemon naturally resistant to it's STABs its STAB moves as viable checks to it, where they can use their natural bulk or resistance Berries to stomach the coverage options Blaziken needs to deal with them. Some examples include Latias, Toxapex, (ac) and Azumarill.

**Lures**: Against some teams, Blaziken simply boasts exceptional power and coverage that make it very difficult to handle. As a result, trainers opponents may attempt to use lures against Blaziken to bait it in and KO it. The most common of these are the resistance Berries, allowing the holder to potentially survive a super effective attack and successfully revenge kill Blaziken. Other lures may include Endure + Custap Berry, as well as Focus Sash. The opposing team should be scouted before attempting a sweep to ensure no surprise lures catch Blaziken off guard.

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Thank you for the feedback, all the checks have been implemented.

I left the mdash in there and just changed the boldness and colour as instructed, but if I misunderstood just lmk and I'll get it changed.

Otherwise I think we are good to go.
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