Analysis Reservation Thread

can i getmaybe hisui liligant sinitcha alcremie any hard tr mons i wanna do weezing as well exca+ttar as well peliper serp zapdos galar any i can do

Sorry but they're not up yet :( - Leo
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Ok since it is the only pokemon left can I have smeargle (sorry choruto I really want to write one of these)

Go for it - Leo (on phone so no colour </3)

yay finally got something - me with colour
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Due to meta changes, we will be redoing the analysis of Incineroar, Raging Bolt, Dondozo-Tatsugiri, and Iron Hands. Added a few that were meant to be in the original wave as well!
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may i take scream tail (if someone else wants it its all their's!)

Everything gone unfortunately - Leo
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May I take scream tail? Knew someone who would probably want it but they haven't reserved it yet. (Only give it to me if I get either raging bolt or gallade into QC/get neither and no one else has claimed it)

My bad for falling asleep - Leo
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I’ll beat you using veluza, then you let me write it
Respectfully, even if you could beat me that doesen't mean the mon is in anyway good. A single win or even single persons success with a mon is not indicative of if its generally good, as theres all sorts of other factors such as player skill or match ups that factor into it. Also, like its just 1 battle or person.
Veluza isen't viable in really any way so no we will not be doing it, it's not worth our time doing QC/GP checks for a mon that will only confuse newer players into thinking its good. If you want to contribute, wait until the next wave of mons go up and you can reserve a slot.
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Respectfully, even if you could beat me that doesen't mean the mon is in anyway good. A single win or even single persons success with a mon is not indicative of if its generally good, as theres all sorts of other factors such as player skill or match ups that factor into it. Also, like its just 1 battle or person.
Veluza isen't viable in really any way so no we will not be doing it, it's not worth our time doing QC/GP checks for a mon that will only confuse newer players into thinking its good. If you want to contribute, wait until the next wave of mons go up and you can reserve a slot.
Are there any mons available that I can write for?