Announcements Teh Well #87: Teh (It's pronounced like 'Tay') (Allegedly)

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is a Pre-Contributor
"A stranger is being shown around a village that he has just become part of. He is shown a well and his guide says "On any day except Tuesday, you can shout any question down that well and you'll be told the answer." The man seems pretty impressed, and so he shouts down, "Why not on Tuesday?" A voice from in the well shouts back, "Because on Tuesday, it's your day in the well."

Hey Smogoff. I'm Teh. I'm an 18 y/o student currently taking a gap year in my studies to focus on raking in cash from my godawful minimum wage job (and to figure out what I want to pursue as a career, too.) Beyond work, I mostly like to spend my time hanging out on the RBY Discord server or playing videogames/watching shows with the besties.

I've been a casual fan of Pokemon since I was like 6 years old, when I got Pokemon Heart Gold for my DS. Since then, I've played (nearly) every single Pokemon game that's been released. I only really started being interested in competitive Pokemon when I watched Big Yellow's video on RBY 7u, which got me interested in the RBY low tier scene (despite me not particularly liking RBY in-game.) Since then, I've made a lot of great friends and I even managed to win the most recent edition of RBYPL!

Anyways, feel free to ask as many hard-hitting questions as you desire.

fav kitty pic? haha hi.
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whats ur favorite food?
theres like this 24 pack of ice cream sandwiches at my local grocery store for like $10 and i'm actively restraining myself from buying it because otherwise it'd be gone in like 4 days. probably that

how grateful are you that i drafted you and got you the best custom ever
even if i got drafted to a different team i would have won. that's how insanely goated i am. the custom is pretty cool though i cannot lie

more serious question, why did you get into rby tiers besides 7u and how do you feel about each (real) rby tier
I chose RBY mostly because I felt like it had the lowest skill floor of any generation. I didn't want to get knowledge checked a billion times before I actually started improving. As for low tiers, I'm pretty sure it was because I saw some people discussing what a hypothetical ZU would look like in the days before PU was established. I ended up theorycrafting and playing a few games with Gangsta Spongebob and eventually I was hooked. Low tier skills are pretty transferable so once I understood the basics of the beta ZU I started playing the rest of the low tiers.

OU- 8/10: Pretty fun but I hate laddering a lot so I rarely play it these days
Ubers- N/A: I basically have zero experience playing this tier but watching others play it is fun
UU- 6.5/10: Honestly not that bad anymore, I feel like the post-ban and post-sleep metagame has been pretty enjoyable to play and watch even if high crit rates are still somewhat of a problem.
NU- 7/10: Maybe it's because I got really lucky during NUCL but I've had a lot of fun playing the tier. The new tier shift is really interesting too (especially Aerodactyl,) really looking forward to seeing how the meta develops.
PU- 5/10: I know I used to gas up this meta a lot but now I've kind of soured on it a bit. It feels like crits are significantly more impactful here than any other tier since defensive switch-ins are pretty uncommon. And even if you do have a defensive answer for x Pokemon it can just crit through you and wipe out like half of your team.
ZU- 4/10: Personally I just don't vibe with this one. The amount of viable mons just feels too small, even for an RBY tier. I'm sure other people enjoy it but I'm just not a fan.

How does it feel to finally be in the well
IDK why so many people wanted to shove me into the well but its pretty cool I guess :3. Does this mean I have Smogon clout now?

Do you have any guilty pleasures?
Sometimes I like watching shitty isekai animes. I know they're objectively trash and garbage and awful but I just can't stop watching them. I usually forget the entire plot after like a week but that doesn't stop me from binging another.


do you play non-RBY tiers?
I played SV a bit back when Home dropped (peaked at like top 100) but recently I've been trying to learn GSC OU and GSC PU. GSC just fires all the neurons in my brain for some reason, I can't get enough of it rn (I've also been binging every video BKC has made on GSC)

Then have I been calling you T-eh T-uh T-ay for all these 7 months when really it was pronounced TayTayTay
Yeah thats how I envisioned it was gonna be pronounced LOL but I've just accepted that I can't force anyone to pronounce it how I want. You have my blessing to say it any way you want.


fav kitty pic? haha hi.
That cat is fucking stupid. Fuck you. Fuck that cat. You suck. You should be ashamed that you even thought I would like it. What do you take me for? My tastes are too refined for something as ugly as that.


who is your favorite noteworthy banned user?
No comment.

why do you hate knock-knock jokes
MAYBE it's not a knock-knock joke problem but rather a you problem. Have you considered that? Please change and grow as a person.

why do you like knock-knock jokes
I like how usually the punchline is so lame that it warps around to being funny. I'm a huge sucker for jokes that subvert expectations.

Is the creature in your pfp one of the slugcats from rainworld or something else?
Yeah. Specifically the Saint. I love Rain World SO MUCH it's actually impossible to describe. It's easily my favourite game of all time and if I had to choose one game to play until the end of time it would be that. I love the art, environmental storytelling, gameplay, lore, basically everything.

what do you think is the funniest thing you said abt RBY
This post got a lot of likes so probably that one.

Give me a profound quote
You're gonna have to compensate me somehow bud. I just don't give out life changing quotes for free. I've got a family to feed.

why aren't you the funniest RBYer of 2023?
Fraud. But the official reason was that Egor made a funny copypasta or two. If the radical left wasn't actively sabotaging me I would have won. Alas, I'll just have to try again next year
Pretend like you are a sports announcer. Explain the Poincaré conjecture to me in 5 different levels of understanding from elementary school level to college level and beyond.
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