LC Wisp Gastly (QC 2/2) (GP 0/1)

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third horseman of the swagpocalypse
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Gastly @ Eviolite
Ability: Levitate
Level: 5
Tera Type: Fairy / Ground
EVs: 36 HP / 36 Def / 196 SpA / 196 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Will-O-Wisp
- Hex
- Sludge Bomb
- Dazzling Gleam / Tera Blast

Will-O-Wisp Gastly is a potent utility option, carrying not only the benefit of enhanced bulk with Eviolite but also more notably the ability to weaken most physical attackers. Hex becomes the most powerful STAB option Gastly has access to when enabled by Will-O-Wisp burn or Sludge Bomb poison. Tera Fairy Dazzling Gleam threatens Mienfoo and Vullaby while also removing Gastly's Dark weakness, whereas Tera Blast Ground improves Gastly's matchup against Poison- and Steel-types like Glimmet and Pawniard.

Beyond simply amplifying the power of Hex, Gastly's ability to debilitate physical attackers can be highly beneficial to setup sweeper teammates such as Shellder and Magby, which can often take advantage of the burn to set up with little consequence. Likewise, a teammate like Foongus or Thunder Wave Hisuian Voltorb can use its own status to assist Gastly in breaking through opposing teams. Threats to look out for include faster foes, such as Hisuian Voltorb and Choice Scarf Hisuian Growlithe, as even with Eviolite, Gastly is somewhat frail.

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Will-O-Wisp Gastly is a more utility-focused option compared to Life Orb or Choice Scarf sets, carrying not only the benefit of enhanced bulk with Eviolite, but more notably the ability to instantly cripple most slower physical attackers. examples? Hex, with an effective base power of 130 against opponents afflicted by status, becomes the most powerful STAB option Gastly has access to when enabled by Will-O-Wisp or Sludge Bomb. The final slot is typically reserved for coverage. Tera Fairy Dazzling Gleam threatens Mienfoo vull also a pretty good target while also removing Gastly's Dark-type weakness, whereas Tera Blast Ground improves Gastly's matchup against Steel- and Rock-types like Tinkatink and Glimmet. think hgrowl better mention for relevance even tho flare blitz owns you if you take just 20% first lol

Beyond simply amplifying the power of Hex, the ability to debilitate physical attackers can be highly beneficial to set-up sweeper teammates such as Shellder or Gastly, assuming this is a mistake, but np vull or like sd pawn are better mentions who can often take advantage of the burn to set up with little consequence. Likewise, a teammate like Spore Foongus, or Thunder Wave Tinkatink can use their own status to assist Gastly in breaking through enemy teams. Threats to look out for include faster enemies examples?, as even with Eviolite Gastly is somewhat frail, Special Attackers not 100% on this, but i don't think you need to capitalize special attackers here unaffected by burn, Tera Fire to absorb Will-O-Wisp, and especially Timburrs with unrevealed abilities, as it can turn your Status status against you with Guts and deal major damage in return to non-Tera Fairy sets. don't think this needs mentioning. also probably something you can leave up to qc team, but timburr is not very common so it may be worth just removing it from the sentence.
qc 1/2
Will-O-Wisp Gastly is a more utility-focused option compared to Life Orb or Choice Scarf sets, carrying not only the benefit of enhanced bulk with Eviolite, but more notably the ability to instantly cripple most slower most common target is stunky so i wouldnt really say that lol physical attackers. Hex, with an effective base power of 130 against opponents afflicted by status, becomes the most powerful STAB option Gastly has access to when enabled by Will-O-Wisp or Sludge Bomb poison. The final slot is typically reserved for coverage. Tera Fairy Dazzling Gleam threatens Mienfoo while also removing Gastly's Dark-type weakness, whereas Tera Blast Ground improves Gastly's matchup against Steel- and Rock-types like Tinkatink Eviolite Growlithe and Glimmet.

Beyond simply amplifying the power of Hex, the ability to debilitate physical attackers can be highly beneficial to set-up sweeper teammates such as Shellder or Gastly idk what did u wanna say here bud lol probs flame charge growl?, who can often take advantage of the burn to set up with little consequence. Likewise, a teammate like Spore Foongus, or Thunder Wave Tinkatink Voltorbcan use their own status to assist Gastly in breaking through enemy teams. Threats to look out for include faster enemies, as even with Eviolite Gastly is somewhat frail, Special Attackers unaffected by burn, Tera Fire to absorb Will-O-Wisp, and especially Timburrs with unrevealed abilities, as it can turn your Status against you with Guts and deal major damage in return to non-Tera Fairy sets.
Gastly @ Eviolite
Ability: Levitate
Level: 5
Tera Type: Fairy / Ground
EVs: 36 HP / 36 Def / 196 SpA / 196 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Will-O-Wisp
- Hex
- Sludge Bomb
- Dazzling Gleam / Tera Blast

Will-O-Wisp Gastly is a more utility-focused option compared to Life Orb or Choice Scarf sets, carrying not only the benefit of enhanced bulk with Eviolite, but more notably the ability to instantly cripple weaken most physical attackers. Hex, with an effective base power of 130 against opponents afflicted by status, becomes the most powerful STAB option Gastly has access to when enabled by Will-O-Wisp or Sludge Bomb poison. The final slot is typically reserved for coverage. Tera Fairy Dazzling Gleam threatens Mienfoo and Vullaby while also removing Gastly's Dark-type weakness, whereas Tera Blast Ground improves Gastly's matchup against Steel Poison- and Rock Steel-types like Eviolite Growlithe Glimmet(after using this set a ton i havent really ever tera grounded an evio dog) and Glimmet Pawniard.

Beyond simply amplifying the power of Hex, the ability to debilitate physical attackers can be highly beneficial to set-up sweeper teammates such as Shellder or Magby, who can often take advantage of the burn to set up with little consequence. Likewise, a teammate like Spore (implied)Foongus, or Thunder Wave Hisuian Voltorb can use their own status to assist Gastly in breaking through enemy teams. Threats to look out for include faster enemies such as Hisuian Voltorb and Choice Scarf Hisuian Growlithe, as even with Eviolite Gastly is somewhat frail,.(i made this a new sentence) Special Attackers unaffected by burn, Tera Fire to absorb Will-O-Wisp, and especially Timburrs with unrevealed abilities, as it can turn your status against you with Guts and deal major damage in return to non-Tera Fairy sets. (not sure what exactly were cooking here at the end)
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AMGP, implement what u want
Gastly @ Eviolite
Ability: Levitate
Level: 5
Tera Type: Fairy / Ground
EVs: 36 HP / 36 Def / 196 SpA / 196 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Will-O-Wisp
- Hex
- Sludge Bomb
- Dazzling Gleam / Tera Blast

Will-O-Wisp Gastly is a more utility-focused option compared to Life Orb or Choice Scarf sets (cross-referencing sets is generally frowned upon, i think u should reword it to something like "Will-O-Wisp Gastly is a <adjective> utility option), carrying not only the benefit of enhanced bulk with Eviolite, but also more notably the ability to weaken most physical attackers. Hex, with an effective base power of 130 against opponents afflicted by status, (dex info) becomes the most powerful STAB option Gastly has access to when enabled by Will-O-Wisp burn or Sludge Bomb poison. The final slot is typically reserved for coverage. Tera Fairy Dazzling Gleam threatens Mienfoo and Vullaby while also removing Gastly's Dark-type weakness, whereas Tera Blast Ground improves Gastly's matchup against Poison- and Steel-types like Glimmet and Pawniard.
(fix linebreak)
Beyond simply amplifying the power of Hex, the Gastly's ability to debilitate physical attackers can be highly beneficial to set-up setup sweeper teammates such as Shellder or and Magby, who which can often take advantage of the burn to set up with little consequence. Likewise, a teammate like Foongus (RC) or Thunder Wave Hisuian Voltorb can use their its own status to assist Gastly in breaking through enemy opposing teams. Threats to look out for include faster enemies foes, such as Hisuian Voltorb and Choice Scarf Hisuian Growlithe, as even with Eviolite, (AC) Gastly is somewhat frail.

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1/1 GP Team done crdit both of us
Gastly @ Eviolite
Ability: Levitate
Level: 5
Tera Type: Fairy / Ground
EVs: 36 HP / 36 Def / 196 SpA / 196 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Will-O-Wisp
- Hex
- Sludge Bomb
- Dazzling Gleam / Tera Blast

Will-O-Wisp Gastly is a more utility-focused option compared to Life Orb or Choice Scarf sets (cross-referencing sets is generally frowned upon, i think u should reword it to something like "Will-O-Wisp Gastly is a <adjective> utility option), carrying not only the benefit of enhanced bulk with Eviolite (RC) but also more notably the ability to weaken most physical attackers. Hex, with an effective base power of 130 against opponents afflicted by status, (dex info) becomes the most powerful STAB option Gastly has access to when enabled by Will-O-Wisp burn or Sludge Bomb poison. The final slot is typically reserved for coverage. (this is just filler unless there's any sets that don't run coverage in the final slot - if that's the case, they need to be mentioned too) Tera Fairy Dazzling Gleam threatens Mienfoo and Vullaby while also removing Gastly's Dark-type weakness, whereas Tera Blast Ground improves Gastly's matchup against Poison- and Steel-types like Glimmet and Pawniard.

(fix linebreak)
Beyond simply amplifying the power of Hex, the Gastly's ability to debilitate physical attackers can be highly beneficial to set-up setup sweeper teammates such as Shellder or and Magby, who which can often take advantage of the burn to set up with little consequence. Likewise, a teammate like Foongus (RC) or Thunder Wave Hisuian Voltorb can use their its own status to assist Gastly in breaking through enemy opposing teams. Threats to look out for include faster enemies foes, such as Hisuian Voltorb and Choice Scarf Hisuian Growlithe, as even with Eviolite, (AC) Gastly is somewhat frail.

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