Lord Da Spam
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  • Hey we're paired for r5 of winter seasonal, i'm gmt, available most of the day every day this week except tomorrow
    Hi Im your r1 opponent for the Smog draft? When would work for you to battle? I can ususally do around my lunch time (12-2pm), evenings (8pm-11pm) and plenty of spare time on the weekend. Im AEDT (+11)
    Hi, I’m ur opponent for the paldea draft tour round 2. What times work for you to play our match? I’m gmt-5.
    I'm your R1 opp for LC open, GMT -6. I can play this saturday 7/21 8am-2pm, sunday 10:30am-2pm, or next week after 6pm.
    Lord Da Spam
    Lord Da Spam
    I can today and mostly next week at the same time. Ill try to be on at the forums just reply your sd name and ill see if i can be on.
    Lord Da Spam
    Lord Da Spam
    Im on as Faded Oblivion on showdown. Ill be on for like an hour.
    Lord Da Spam
    Lord Da Spam
    Ill be on for about 2 hours. Im on as Faded Oblivion.
    Are you free to play sometime tomorrow after 8pm EST for the bo3 OST? I'm free some other nights this week too, just let me know what works for you
    Lord Da Spam
    Lord Da Spam
    Its fine we can do today i did all my teambuilding on my phone so might as well
    Lord Da Spam
    Lord Da Spam
    Ill be on my account Hax Seven
    Alton Francis
    Okay well I'm free the rest of the night. I'm gonna check here every 15 minutes or so, so just let me know when you're good
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