JD Twigs
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  • Hi, we’re playing for low tier this week. I’m gmt+1, can do most evenings and Saturday.
    Would like to know soon about timings, if possible, so I can plan my Saturday better
    I would really like to know when you’re free by tonight
    Hey, I'm your low tier round 4 opponent. Any day you're not free? I'm west coast, but working graveyard shifts recently. I'm themantarays on discord.
    JD Twigs
    JD Twigs
    That should be fine? I think I'll be home at that point, just ping twigs26 on the smogon draft discord
    Looks like I'm actually free whenever today, so if you want to play sooner let me know. I could play right now if you want.
    JD Twigs
    JD Twigs
    Sorry I just got back for the night, should be able to play whenever, just @ twigs26 on the smogon draft server
    low tier r3, when? I'm gmt +3 and dont really have anything going on, but wont be able to play saturday and sunday.
    yeah I can still do that
    Actually, something came up and I wont be able to do original time, it'll have to be like 1-2 hours later, depends on when I get home, if that's cool with you
    JD Twigs
    JD Twigs
    Should be fine with me, just ping twigs26 on discord when your good
    Hey when can we play for summer ssn draft I'm -4
    JD Twigs
    JD Twigs
    I am also, would prefer if we could play Sunday morning if possible? Around 10AM-Noon? If not I can try to make something work the tomorrow or later on Sunday
    Hello, i think i already posted on your profile but i dont see it anymore so i'll redo it :

    DL SSNL, im +1 ill be free during the after 8pm my time and during the week end between 11am and 11pm
    JD Twigs
    JD Twigs
    I should be able to do Thursday at the time you specified, I’m available all day and I believe I’m -5 so I think you’re 6 hours ahead of me? Regardless you wanna plan for 8:30 your time, 2:30 my time?
    That works for me
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