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  • My apologies for any offense you may have taken to that post in the teambuilding lab thread, i copy pasted the requests directly from a piratepad that people shitpost on, i thought i cleaned up most of the shit but i missed something. Sorry again, and for the record rum is delicious
    Don't fret about it, no offense taken. My response was a joke as well as a jab at my newest alt (Rumdrinking Noob).

    For the record: I never drink anything containing alcohol. :p
    Hey so about the team you wanted: "stall" is flat out unviable in Doubles. You can't do it. THAT SAID, Jellicent and standard Ferrothorn have excellent lategame potential. However, both are really useful for almost the entire match (well Jellicent is questionable but you get the point).
    Putting both Jellicent and Ferrothorn on the team won't be an issue, but just keep in mind that neither will actually be the focus of the team; they'll be there to help the other Pokemon succeed.
    Who said that the remainder of the team had to be "stall"?
    That is exactly what I do NOT want, because of my own
    tendencies in teambuilding.
    I want to see a fresh look at the core that can hold its own against a ton of threats.
    Oh hey, happy one-year anniversary (of your Smogon membership)

    PS: would you be at all interested in Doubles SPL?
    I'm not playing as much as I used to do, but yes, I'll probably play Doubles regardless since it is a lot of fun.
    Hey guess what? Sewaddle knows Sticky Web.
    I still need to find uses for Leav'. It worked well on my first team, but I doubt I can do anything useful with the mantis in Gen VI. All things considered, I am still surprised that said Bug worked so well on my first team (Leavanny was literally the last mon I could think of).
    You remember when months ago, I argued for Carracosta not to be in S while everyone else objected. Look where he is now.

    Then people want Charizard in Low-S when in my eyes it is still Top-A material. I really hope there won't be a deja vu moment, because I totally resisted the urge to shout "HA, TOLD YOU SO!" to the faces of all who doubted me.
    Compared to Sawk, it is Low-S rank, but compared to everything else, it is Top-A rank for me, which is why I can't really decide about the matter. Things can be said for both tiers, and I don't really care about NU anymore since Jynx-o-Pede dropped anyway, playing mostly Doubles and only adventuring out in NU with silly teams and gimmicks.
    Doubles is wicked fun right? HAILROOM F**K YEAH
    Oh and stall 4 u too :P
    Please think your posts through more, hitting Pokemon immune to Water-type attacks is one of the main selling points of Mold Breaker
    Whoops, yeah. Dunno what is in my mind with Mold Breaker recently though (since I forgot it breaks my own Pokémon's ability-related immunities as well more than once in Doubles...)
    are you finished writing your leavanny analysis? someone needs to go through and qc it (i know i have quite a bit to say about the current write-up) but if you're still working on it, i don't want to post yet. let me know if you're finished (and if not, tell me when you are please!). thanks in advance!
    Okay so i'm on GMT and I'm free for most of this week so if you give me a time that suits you i'll try to make it work
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