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  • look dude im sorry I posted pics of ur fat fuckin self get over it u did the same to me can we be friends now thanks
    ahahahahahahaha, BE HAVIN SNOOP SAY THE WORD CHUUCH!
    -Deschutes, the realest nigga, even over the nigga whom calls himself Snoop dizzle
    ....and my name is.....my name is......my name is........Hugo. Gr8 ain't as good as me, so he keeled my father and must be fair to dry! I mean this to you AB2, you spectacle lil tot.
    -Deschutes, the realest nigga.....and that nigga they call (THE ONE FROM TRILLVILLE!)
    We should all be comin back with that Crimson Fury.
    -A nigga like me, the one, they call.....Deschutes, (a fan of the real Hugo)
    Heloithario. You should rate my teams my nigga. Cus you be good at battling and team-rating and shit. And you a lord of stall. So check the team I posted to BlazeLatias, and M dragon. And you should join in on the making of my rmt. Cus you be good at that stall. Also, comment on them mufuckin upum posts made by me, yours truly.
    -That nigga they call, Deschutes (the real C.N.tower.exe from PO)
    OK pal, I obliviously have way more intelligence and common sense that you will ever have at any point in your pathetic life. If you spent more time thinking and less time running your big mouth, you might see how stupid you look right now. Mind your own business and stop jumping to unjustified conclusions, or you and me will start to have huge problems.
    You still show up on this website?
    Glad to see you guys are all still friend. If you bon on to the bonfire sense of real thug Neanderthals knowing fire poi, you should know the jazz of moogna! AHAHAHAHAHA. Ah, men. By that I mean, the two-word "Amen" prounounced "ah" with the word "men" to show a recognition of the word ah to show knowledge and word to man and men to show truth of philosophy and knowledge of it of the different actual all absolute
    single word philosophies of the word "amen" pronounced and sayed preferably as "ah, men" even with the comma, to denote of it as a word with a comma. To envoke and show creational ellipsis, and to know the true behind a word to invoke wisdom to others by simply saying even just the word, "ah, men"
    -Deschutes (Alex Amaterasu)
    Mike Legend
    Mike Legend
    lmao fuck u
    You haven't happened to find George Hennen have you?
    he right here
    No bro you ain't George Hennen
    One of these days I'm going to find you in my bathtub caked in vanilla frosting smelling my underpants.
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