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  • haha ok, sorry I haven't been around lately. Had exams and all that. I should be around a bit more now though :p
    Lol i was winning and the charter guy was screwing with the wires and DCed srry bout that
    @Tsegoa Hahah, erases all his visitor messages cause he probably gets nothing but negative feedback. And you fessed to d/cing. You're bad. I'd take that team again.
    i didnt hav any connection issues. were did u get that from, cuz it froze in the beginning. i have 3 bars! and looking at ur team i dont see wat couldve handled it. even eseon could do crap. i could either put a max hp espeon in deep red with mach punch or take ur psychic and kill with drain punch and get all my hp back. i calced it.
    Dont worry i no ur bad but you don't need to make excuses to why u d/c. and why wood i d/c when i had the upperhand.
    @Zach Besides, you were the one having connection issues from the get-go. Don't cry, k?
    @Zach Uh yeah, a +2 bulk up Conkledur does not equal a win. "The connection with the other person has been lost". You realize that not all d/c's are from the other person right?
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