Alex Mateia
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  • I'm online and ready to send the Pokemon you requested now.
    Alex Mateia
    Alex Mateia
    I just finished work. I'm adding you now and coming online.
    Alex Mateia
    Alex Mateia
    Thanks a lot. Sorry for being late. Wanted to send you a Own tempo level ball Rockruff but I geuss you were on SM.
    Yeah, I appreciate the effort, but it's no big deal.
    hey, if you're happy for a cloner to give you those lucky eggs, I can help you out... Just give about 10 hours for sleep, then we can trade my fc is 2080-0586-6136
    Alex Mateia
    Alex Mateia
    Cutiefly? I mean it kinda sucks since speed is random and sp atk and sp def are 30 since I went for HP Ground that it doesn't have but if you want you can.
    Alex Mateia
    Alex Mateia
    Thanks again for the lucky eggs mate!
    np and thanks!
    Hi again! Could you please check if your Illumise hasn't been sniped? Because I can't seem to find it.
    Yo man I have a HA Dream Ball Girafarig you may have, I just need some time to breed a few copies because I only have one :x
    Alex Mateia
    Alex Mateia
    Ah thanks a lot but another kind soul already gave me one. Thank you a lot for the gesture anyway!
    Ah ok, awesome! ( Just so you know, among the 5 eggs I had bred 1 of them hatched shiny lol, so TY for that )
    Alex Mateia
    Alex Mateia
    Nice. I'm actually hunting for a shiny Girafarig too.
    Got it! One lev 30 female HA Liepard in Lux Ball as requested. Just put a junk mon up on GTS and say what it is :)
    Alex Mateia
    Alex Mateia
    Thx right after I deposited my joltik I actually hatched my shiny one well while its not perf its sptatk and spd are perf and the one that matter so I guess its time to hunt for shiny purrloin. Hopefully I get a female with prankster because I wont stop hunting till I dont.
    Alex Mateia
    Alex Mateia
    So thank you once again for your help!
    No problem :)
    Hey, I got your Pidgey. I am going to give it to you for free, but since you have Scythers in Safari Balls, could you get me a female one with Technician in a Safari Ball? You can only find it with that ability in Diamond/Pearl, in case that's where you're catching them. If not, then any ability would be fine. And if you can't get a Scyther, it's no problem, anyway. Tell me when you're ready to trade.
    Not to be mean but can you delete your post in my giveaway forums. Sorry I still need to make more posts. Thanks:)
    Alex Mateia
    Alex Mateia
    You don't have to be sorry. Besides you were saying thank you in a way:) I just need extra posts:)
    Sorry for the post if it was rude.
    Ok, let me catch it. It won't take long since I got a male jigglypuff with cute charm.
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