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  • Hi, we're playing in round 4 of the VGC Swiss tour. I'm in EDT, and I'm available from 9am - 12am and 3pm-10pm on the 13th, 9am - 5pm on the 14th, and 9am-3pm on the and 15th. If none of those work, I might be available after 8pm on Sunday the 17th, but I won't know until Sunday
    Hey we're paired for VGC R2. I'm US East(GMT -5), Let me know when you're available this week.
    When would you like to play for dou seasonal
    Sorry bro, It's been a busier day than I expected. Can you play at any other time today?
    i can play at 8pm your time but thats about it
    hey man if youre around i can play but otherwise i have to call act cause i got a really busy weekend :[ sorry
    Hello! I'll update you on my availability later today when I get my work schedule for the week. Also, next time be sure to reach out on the person's profile like I'm doing. If your opponent doesn't respond, it let's the host of the tour see that you attempted to reach out and they won't have to coin flip for who gets the win
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