Amane Misa
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  • Hello fren when do you want to play for Gods Among Us tour? I'm EST (GMT-5) and free most nights after this Wednesday :)
    Amane Misa
    Amane Misa
    If you're free all day, will something like 10pm here be ok? (If there's a 7 hours difference, it should be 3pm there)
    sure that's fine with me.
    Amane Misa
    Amane Misa
    Alrighty, thanks. My name in ps is Amane Misa and if I am online I'm always in UnderUsed room.
    heyo we're paired for the scrabble tour(I'm sub) - my timezone's est and I'm available for most days bar Wednesday, what time would work for u?
    yeah your timezone is pretty far ahead of me I think so early Friday would be good - I'm gonna ask for an extension: wanna do 5pm your time(I think that's 10am my time?)
    yeah your timezone is pretty far ahead of me I think so early Friday would be good - I'm gonna ask for an extension: wanna do 5pm your time(I think that's 10am my time?)
    Amane Misa
    Amane Misa
    sorry for not responding until now, 5pm is really good for me!
    Hi, we are paired for LC Open. I'm GMT+2 and I'm on vacation from 28/7 to 3/8. What do you think to play after 3rd August?
    The team you posted on the NP thread isn't actually mines, it's Accelegor's so I would be thankful if you edited that
    Amane Misa
    Amane Misa
    Oh, I was sure it was yours. Anyway, I will edit that, thanks.
    Hey, we're facing each other for the UU Grand Slam. When would you be available to battle? I'm US eastern time btw
    Amane Misa
    Amane Misa
    I am really sorry, but can we play at 9pm? Something unexpected happened, really hard to explain, but I will be able to play at 9. Is that ok?
    Yeah it's no problem
    My showdown name is Xenomyn btw, you can send the challenge whenever you're ready.
    Hey we play for auth v non auth. I am EST and am available after 11pm every night or Before 3om On any day
    Amane Misa
    Amane Misa
    Hi. I don't have a specific schedule of when I am online but I am online most of the time, especially at nights (I am GMT+3). I will just write you if I see you online, you can do the same if you see me online ^^
    Sounds good
    Amane Misa
    Amane Misa
    I am online now, just write me if you can play.
    hi we play for adv pu cup when do you wanna play? im gmt-7
    Amane Misa
    Amane Misa
    Hi. I am GMT+3, mostly online on evenings in Underused room. My username is Amane Misa, feel free to drop me a message whenever you see me online.
    Hi can you play right now? I pmed you on PS
    I think you made a typo in ur post 10 min ago in VR, Keldeo you want in A+ not A-

    I thought u might want to fix that
    Dude, the get outplayed tab on my post was a complete joke. I just thought it was something amusing that happened in one of your battles, no need to get all serious about it.
    Amane Misa
    Amane Misa
    idk i just think it was completely meaningless but whatever
    Paired for UU No Preview tour when you wanna play? I'm GMT -1
    Amane Misa
    Amane Misa
    Perhaps at 10pm, my time...
    Maybe earlier, if you want I will message you when I am home.
    i think that would be 1am my time so won't be able to play then
    Amane Misa
    Amane Misa
    I have some unexpected free time, can you play now?
    Yo, we're paired for Top Down Knock Out r2. I'm gmt -5 and have a pretty flexible schedule, I just need a little time to build. When do you wanna play?
    Amane Misa
    Amane Misa
    Yeah, I know, that's why I am sorry ^^

    I can play whenever you want, whether if it's after your tour or tomorrow (if you wanna rest or take a break from mons after it)
    Found True Love
    Found True Love
    Get online and we can play now.
    Amane Misa
    Amane Misa
    Can you play now?
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