Animus Majulous
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  • heo need to play for that cap minitour thing, an gmt+0, p much avaliable all weekend
    Animus Majulous
    Animus Majulous
    Origin isn't loading for me. Do you want to play same time tomorrow?
    uh sure, yeah was waiting on origin derp lol okey dokey see you then
    hey ill be waiting in the cap room too just hmu whenever
    When do you want to do the mono UU battle? Monday would be the best for me. I'm GMT -5. I was just subbed in for knigkt.
    Good afternoon, when are you free for our mpl game?
    Animus Majulous
    Animus Majulous
    I can play any day after today. I'm central standard (gmt-5) but can play most times.
    I'm gmt+1, so I'm free until 10pm (for my timezone) everyday.
    MPL UU match. I can play anytime after 2PM today, before ~11AM Saturday, and before 10AM sunday (all EST). If I know a specific time, I can play later in the day on the weekend. I'll also be around most of the day Monday. Sorry for johnning, I'm in a busy period for school.
    Animus Majulous
    Animus Majulous
    Tomorrow morning would be great. Np scp school is more important.
    sounds good
    hey man we're both matched up for UU Open. When fite? I'm GMT+5:30,its 1;12 AM rn where I am
    Animus Majulous
    Animus Majulous
    I can't play today at that time. I actually have a doctor's appointment. 10pm your time is what time CST? Is it 12 noon my time. If that's the case then I can probably make it.
    Animus Majulous
    Animus Majulous
    Honestly, if you just pop in on PS you'll find me a lot in the monotype and cap rooms, so just pm me and we can play.
    heh alr,you on now mebbe? .3.
    Hey, can you take a look at serp when you get a chance? Thanks
    Still wondering if you're ever gonna update and finish Goth. Give us a heads up on your plans w/ it please.
    Hey would you be available on Saturday or Sunday for the PSPL match?
    Animus Majulous
    Animus Majulous
    yep I'll be here saturday night and all of sunday to play our match.
    oh shit we NU for PSPL ,,,
    Animus Majulous
    Animus Majulous
    I've had a very busy day and won't get home till late. I didn't realize I had to do something today. My team is done and I will be on early and basically all day tomorrow.
    Animus Majulous
    Animus Majulous
    I'll be on late tonight. Finishing a tennis tournament. Probably 3 and a half to 4 hours, maybe a little sooner.
    Yo fren, I really wanna play this game today, my evening would be perfect, just let me know asap when is the best time for you
    Animus Majulous
    Animus Majulous
    I can play right now, or any time after about 2pm central which is like 8pm your time
    lets go with 8 PM my time, that means I can get my assignment done now then play+chill for the rest of the night
    Animus Majulous
    Animus Majulous
    sure that would be great
    Tomorrow sounds good, the time you said would be like 2am for me so I'd rather not battle then. Sometime in my afternoon from like 2-5 sounds ideal. lmk what works best
    hey, we're paired for hydreigon cup :] i'm GMT+1, when would you like to play?
    dude we'll have to play before wednesday.. i'm usually on until 4pm your time. just let me know, gotta go now :|
    Animus Majulous
    Animus Majulous
    yeah this weekend was rough. I can play tomorrow. I have school tho and don't get home until around 3:45 my time, but if you can stay up an extra like 10 minutes we can play.
    tomorrow would be better for me but if you can't today works fine
    Yo fren, we're up for Mono PL, Thursday and afterwards is good for me, it'll be tough to play before then cos of tests and I have a funeral to attend, I'm GMT so hmu with some times that work for you
    Animus Majulous
    Animus Majulous
    Sure that's fine DM. I'm central so basically any time this weekend or before then if we're both on we can play.
    Hello! I just wanted to let you know that we're against each other in the Mono PL. What times work for you?
    Animus Majulous
    Animus Majulous
    I can't play today because I have to do school things, but literally any time tomorrow I am available. I'm central standard time.
    you live in houston? that's pretty cool! I didn't think there were many houstonians here haha
    Animus Majulous
    Animus Majulous
    OOH, yep yep, I live in Houston too Minus
    ya I love around bellaire close to sharpstown lol. nice to know I'm not the only one!
    hi, when can you play for OST ? I'm GMT +1
    Animus Majulous
    Animus Majulous
    I am GMT -6. I have school during the week but I can play you either this weekend or next weekend. You can find me in the monotype or cap lobbies on PS.
    Animus Majulous
    Animus Majulous
    we played game 1 and are playing game 2 this weekend. Majaspic22 wanted to build a new team.
    Hi :) I started CAP the other day and after having difficulty making my own teams (mostly due to not knowing the metagame), I decided to try out your team. While I'm still nowhere near knowing the metagame properly, I was wondering if you had any teambuilding tips for the future when I do try to make my own team?
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