Anna says hi
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  • Hey we're paired for ccc I'm gmt-3 and would rather play sat/sun lmk what time works for you
    Anna says hi
    Anna says hi
    i'm -7, sat/sun is very awkward for me, best i can do is sunday at like 12:30 pm
    sunday 12:30 gmt-7 would work for me, my problem with weekdays is that on any given day i might have to work late hours so i avoid scheduling those days if possible, we can have sunday 12:30 gmt-7 fixed and try to rfn during the week if we catch each other online, sounds good?
    Anna says hi
    Anna says hi
    Anna says hi
    this would be past the deadline if we did this same time on my sunday
    I'll try my best but I don't think I can make it as I have plans on Sunday noon
    trace as per your availability given by your manager and confirmation over the manager discord this game will happen at 12am Saturday gmt-7, or in 11.5 hrs.
    Hello, I'm also gmt+1

    Tomorrow (Tuesday) I have lots of time, is that a possibility?
    Anna says hi
    Anna says hi
    Unfortunately no, I have class smack dab in the middle of the day. It'd have to be tu/thu sometime between noon and 1:00, or wed/fri whenever after noon
    Anna says hi
    Anna says hi
    i'm stupid does tomorrow at 1 pm my time work
    Chains of Markov
    Chains of Markov
    You're -8 right, so that's 10pm for me? That works, see you then!
    rbtt gmt+1, our timezones are bad so it's gonna need to be in your mornings / early afternoons probs, i should be pretty available most of them. would prefer to play before friday
    Anna says hi
    Anna says hi
    wednesday seems like the only reasonable day then, what about like noon then (for me)
    noon -8 is perfect, cya
    i'm online, chall Amaranth
    hi when can u play. gmt +1, can do evenings or wednesday
    cant play saturday evening and sunday
    Anna says hi
    Anna says hi
    GMT - 8, friday about noon / 12:30 my time would be best for me, does this work?
    alright lets meet at noon GMT -8 / 9 pm GMT +1
    Rbtt when do u want to play, I'm gmt+0, cant do sunday, would wednesday 10pm gmt+0 be ok?
    Anna says hi
    Anna says hi
    Don't know whether it would work just yet - I'll have an answer soon, though.
    RBTT when, i am +1 let's play friday or earlier pls
    Anna says hi
    Anna says hi
    I'm -8, will be completely occupied tomorrow and tuesday (and thursday as well)
    wednesday seems like the least shitty time to play, 2 pm my time?
    that will work, see you weds 2pm -8
    i'm online
    Hi , finally we have to play again after a while , how are you and when do you want to play ?
    Yves Stone
    Yves Stone
    Anna says hi
    Anna says hi
    Which time specifically will we play - I don't think I could bother waiting for two hours while checking to see if you're online.
    Yves Stone
    Yves Stone
    Sorry , I was working , can you play now , I'm going to log in rn waiting for you if you want
    hey we play for rands classic r3, when are you available? i'm gmt-4, would prefer tomorrow or friday afternoon during 3-6 pm
    Anna says hi
    Anna says hi
    I'm GMT - 7, I guess I can play today at 6 PM your time
    Hey when could we play for RBTT? I'm GMT -6 and I'm available almost any day. mostly anytime works for me except for like tuesday or friday. I can still play those days but it'd have to be late into the day
    Anna says hi
    Anna says hi
    I'm GMT -8 and will mostly be available wednesday to work with your schedule. How about 4 PM GMT -8?
    yeah that sounds good
    We play for OMPL finals. I'm -6. Available all day everyday, prefer later in the week (Wednesday or afterwards.) Let me know what works.
    Thanks, what time would be best for you? I'd prefer after 11 AM my time and before 5 PM my time, -6 (one hour ahead of you in case I forgot the real GMT offset)
    Anna says hi
    Anna says hi
    3 PM PDT is most likely to work for me.
    Sounds good, thanks!
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