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  • never forget the man who carried tiering on his back
    Could you twll me more about him? What did he do? Also, did he pass away or did he just leave the community?
    Afaik he just retired, but Antar was responsible for developing and running a lot of the programs used for calculating usage stats and ladder rankings
    Okay, thanks for letting me know!
    Hi, do you think you could publish the weighted usage stats for LC as well? LC UU has been picking up steam lately and it would be great if we had weighted stats for it
    Hello, could you explain how you weigh and/or formulate the second month quick shift stats? I can't seem to find an explanation anywhere for the fact that they often seem to present a higher usage than either of the months involved at the 1630 level when theoretically they should present a number between the two. I'd like to personally keep track of what LC UU and Ubers UU should be, but I can't figure that out.
    Hey antar, reckon the PR thread "lower tier shifts" could benefit from your input in selecting a new criteria to determine tier risers
    hey man, you're a champ, thanks for doing something the smogon tiering relies on so heavily. everyone makes mistakes.
    Don't worry about the complains,we know you do your best for the site and have been making a incredible job for a long time,you're the best :nice:
    Thank you Antar! Don’t worry about it everyone makes mistakes. We all know you’re a busy guy and I’m confident that you’ll get the stats up. I’m honestly kind of happy that the stats were slightly delayed. I’m not ready for UU to possibly flip completely upside down yet.
    last seen Jun 10th....
    He logs onto the forums once a month to post stats, which usually happens a week into the month. He will probbaly post today or tomorrow, just be patient this takes a lot of work.
    Out of curiosity, what is your day job, and how did you get in to data mining in the first place?
    Hey Antar, thanks for your great work ! :) Is there any way to get the usage stats in a spreadsheet ? It would be so great !
    IIRC, you can set custom delimiters in Excel, so if you download the txt files then open with Excel and tell it the delimiter is "|", the data should load okay.
    Hello antar,you must be getting lots of thanks messages,and here is from me too,for contributing to the site,best of luck for future
    I encountered the same problem today with last month's Gen1 stats, did you find an answer to your question ? (yeah this post is 6 years old but I haven't found any information about this anywhere)
    Nope, never did. I still don’t even know where you’d report this as a bug.
    I'm not sure if you have the answer to this but in the FAQ it mentions doing our own analyses, do you mind if we publish or host your files or our own analyses of them? Basically, is there any limit to what we do with this info? Either way, thanks for the stats :)
    Check stats ;) Strange thing. Also only Baile Style Oricorio is in the pool and rest of forms are missing. Other moderator ordered to ask for help to you.
    Looks like problem solved.
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