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  • Ciao, siamo contro all'ADV Champinship. Se possibile preferisco giocare la sera, intorno alle 20.00. Fammi sapere
    hey we're playing some adv, i'm gmt -5 available tomorrow/friday afternoon/sunday morning, let me know
    Hey,we are paired for R1 of OST,I am CET (GMT+1) meaning I am available until 6pm EST at most every day.I can do probably anytime between 6am-6pm EST on the weekends,and 3pm-6pm EST on the weekdays
    Ciao, quando vuoi giocare per il torneo BW? Io tranne che per la giornata di domani posso organizzarmi in qualche modo. Fammi sapere quando preferisci.
    We play for WCOP. I am GMT-4 and cannot play at all on Saturday due to family being out. Sunday is not ideal either, but I can probably make time after 2pm GMT-4 depending on some things. I would prefer to play during one of the following ranges, however: Friday 1:30-4pm and Thursday 1:30-4pm. If either of these work for you, then great. Otherwise, Sunday night your time should be fine.
    when do you wanna play for dpp cup? im gmt -5 so weekend would probably be easiest to play
    Hey there,

    We are paired for RU open round 2. I am GMT-4 and can play my time on weekends 8am-10am and 10pm-midnight. Also can play weekdays 9pm-11pm except Friday. Let me know what works or your schedule if none work please.
    when ubers open im same timezone we contacted kinda slow so we probably need to play asap, up for it 9pm today?
    hey man we gotta gsc. -4, can probably do evening your time tomorrow?
    hi when do you want to play for nu open

    gmt -8 can play in my afternoons or evenings
    Hey! We play for LC Open. I'm GMT +2 and can mostly do evenings/weekends. What works for you?
    Hey man, looks like we'll rematch :), I'd like to play during the 2nd-3rd week since I wanna get smogtours semis(or even finals) done asap. If anything I'll be gone from the 16-19th too. I should be your same GMT(+2) so tell me your avaliabilities
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