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  • It's okay, i think you had the better team anyway. I just couldn't find time for teambuilding or testing because of the WCoP, so no surprise that i lost!
    If you don't see me online in the forums at around 2 PM (your time), i'll be there 2h later (4 PM) for sure! I would really appreciate the wait if it somehow happens that i'm not home earlier :)

    edit: I have to leave now, but i'll be back home at 4 PM your time.

    Have a nice day
    Audiosurfer, do you have the link to Doughboy's response to the topic? I can't find it (I found a post on Volcarona-Breloom core, but it doesn't really talk about EVs). In the other hand, I think lucariojr should be awarded for his response.
    Thanks, Audiosurfer! I'mma go edit the leaderboard with the new topic of the week and points. I'll also post later with the list of offensive / defensive / speed thresholds that were brought up in the last topic's discussion
    Okay, 2 PM your time on either monday (today) or especially tuesday should work if nothing special happens!

    I'll try to be on today, but chances are i'll be home quite late (around 11 PM my time). If i don't make it, tuesday would be the day!

    Have a nice one
    Hey there, i'm pretty much ready to fight :) Unfortunately i'll leave in an hour and it looks like i won't return until around 11 PM my time.

    Just in case we can't battle today, whats your schedule during the week?

    Have a nice day
    Hey, i'm GMT+2. I think i need some time for teambuilding, but eventually we can battle tomorrow evening!? Something like 9 PM my time.

    Have a nice day
    Hey, when do you want to play our game for the Tier Shift Tournament? I'm GMT -7. My availability is variable. Tomorrow I'm around mostly in the evening, the next day mostly in the morning. After that it's different, and so on. When are the good times for you to play?
    Another pestering, but I laddered with a second team and did better with my Glicko2 rating after I hit 100 Deviation. Care to look and update the OP and such? :P
    Hey Audio. Might wanna update the Dark Horse Hall of Fame. Mine still shows my ACRE rating, which has changed. I updated my post with my final submission for the competition. Great choice for the first round btw!
    I'll just lave it alone for a bit. I'm busy with the Dark Horse challenge anyhow, so I'll just focus on team building and strategies for a while.
    Nah I'm done. When I do post, I get nothing but criticism, and Bravierus' last post was nothing but that. He took all of my quotes out of context. I'm done playing the Forum Game with these people.
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