Hey Aweshucks
Remember when I reffed your arcade a while again and whallpoed you with Counter?
It turns out we both missed something huge, which is: Kitsunoh is Ghost Type; Counter is Fighting type; Counter does not affect Kitsunoh
This means I essentially cheated you out of a win without even realising, so I'm really sorry.
I don't really think there's anything I can do about though, other than to tell you to be careful; refs aren't perfect, so be wary of mistakes they may have made. Going over a reffing can turn a loss into a win more often than you might expect.
So yeah, I'm really sorry... If you haven't started a New arcade yet, we could possibly start from scratch and re-ref (we would have to unclaim prizes though)
edit: ok so you've started a new challenge, but I'm going to unclaim the UC I earned anyway.
I'm really sorry.