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  • not liking much of MMs newer stuff wbu
    Bad Ass
    Bad Ass
    it's just not the same! i saw them at the VZW amphitheater a few months ago though and they were pretty good. even the new stuff had a dancing edge to it that was fun! and the old stuff was a big emotional singalong with the whole crowd~~
    hey I'm +10 and you're american, which tsunami tells me is -4 now (but if you can confirm, would be great). Do you have any availability on my Tuesday (which should be your Monday)? Maybe something like around this time on my Tuesday / your Monday? Bit later from now is also fine if that's something you'd prefer, since it's 11 am and I have the day on Tuesday fairly open. Let me know.
    Bad Ass
    Bad Ass
    i think it's -4 yeah. this time on my monday should be good.
    soemthing came up, can u do 2 hours later than the scheduled time? (ill probably be availble in the evening after that as well but i have an assignment due at like 11 pm so might be busy working on that)
    Been away for spring break and I won't be free for two days
    Bad Ass
    Bad Ass
    if you schedule today with kratos for a match i'll grant an extension through wednesday.
    scheduled for tomorrow at 6
    If we're gonna do weekend we would have to do it at this time or two hours after as otherwise I'm busy both days
    Bad Ass
    Bad Ass
    KK. sunday at 5:30 PM eastern.
    Ok I'll probably be a little late. Wanna just plan for like an hour after ?
    Bad Ass
    Bad Ass
    Hey bro, I'm finally done with exams. We can play tomorrow for OST if u want. I'm GMT+1, at what time is ok for u?
    would you like to get slayed in br in around 4-5 hours just like old times
    be there. or be a P*ssy.
    Bad Ass
    Bad Ass
    i wasnt on all day today :x
    My best DP ladder alt is just straight up "FIRE BYRON SCOTT', completely forgot the prefix :(. Is there a way to retroactively change that or take that into account still?
    u really need 2 get dis book
    Bad Ass
    Bad Ass
    im wrapped up in one short and one medium length one. as soon as i kill the short one i'll read it
    Feliz navidad Culomalo, pasala muy bien con tu familia :)
    Bad Ass
    Bad Ass
    gracias amigo, yo vi tu mensaje esa noche, pero no era usando IRC al tiempo. espero que tenía un navidad bueno y soy listo para escuchar sobre tus planes para el año nuevo!!
    wtf you speak spanish?
    hey oras swiss when? gmt +6
    Bad Ass
    Bad Ass
    maybe thursday or sunday? available most of the day
    Alright I'll hit u up
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