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  • Hi im gmt+2 available on Wednesday and Thirsday afternoons and on evenings from 8 to 9:30 all the week. If you can only play on Saturday id like to play from 9pm to 12
    Hi :) my is GMT+1, we can see the best hour for us, I can play only Sunday, Monday and Friday
    Hey ost round 2 when I am GMT+5.30 I can play from 10pm my time if you can't make it that time we can try and schedule for some other time
    When is possible to you to play against me? i can battle next Monday, doesnt matter the hours, i have all the day :)
    It's hard for me to play on Monday coz I have exams from Mondays I can do after Wednesday 10pm my time +5.30
    only have time off on the 7th of March (Wednesday) , and now I can only can fight closer on Friday, which is when I'm off again. I'm from Portugal, my gmt is +1 I think
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