Bert C
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  • Hi we're paired for ZU on tiebreak. Can do all Tue up to 9pm, Wed/Fri 7-11am, Thu 8-9pm, Sat 4-9pm, all Sun up to 9pm, Mon-Sat is GMT+1 and Sun is GMT+0. lmk what works.
    Bert C
    Bert C
    Hi Banb, I'm gmt +2, I'm available all the time, can you do now? If not, let's do thursday 8pm?
    Bert C
    Bert C
    I lost to Somalia so guess there's no point we battle :[
    Would say yes to Thu but probably a moot point us battling.
    We're paired for ZU, +1 and can play weekday evenings or weekend afternoon/evenings.
    Bert C
    Bert C
    Hey :), GMT +2, available a lot, your call
    hi wanna play now?
    Bert C
    Bert C
    Doesn't seem you're on right now when we said haha, can we agree another time?
    Hi, we're paired for ZU, I'm +1, can do Mon 9pn, all Tue up to 9pm, Wed 9:15pm, Thu 8-9pm, Fri 7am - midday, Sat 4-9pm, all sun up to 9pm, lmk what works.
    Hey :) ,

    Responding to your message here for visibility to schedulers:
    "Hi, I'm your opponent in BDSP NU round 2. I'm GMT+1, when are you available?
    -Bert "

    I'm GMT -4 , would prefer to play on the weekend if possible. Saturday or Sunday would work. What time is best for you?
    hey, we are together for BDSP NU kick off, when do you want to go? i am gmt+2
    Bert C
    Bert C
    this Thursday at 8pm your time if I'm correct?
    can we make that 9 pm, if so then yup
    wait, can we make it friday? something just came up sry
    same time
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