BF Drew
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  • oras ssnl when? gmt -3
    i preffer to schedule in discord, if u want my tag is Beraldinho#7815
    hi we are matched up for nu league. im gmt-4 available most afternoons, what day would be good for you?
    BF Drew
    BF Drew
    i can play now if you want or im free pmuch the rest of the day if later is better
    im on now if you wanna fight
    Yo, we're paired for USM UU Cup r2. I'm GMT -5 and available weekday mornings and weekend evenings. When do you wanna play?
    RBY GC, when can you play? I can play now or any other evening my time (gmt+2).
    BF Drew
    BF Drew
    I can play around 8pm your time on thursday does that work?
    yah that works
    OU ssnls when do u wanna play im gmt+9
    BF Drew
    BF Drew
    That should work
    BF Drew
    BF Drew
    Yo I think we were supposed to play like an hour ago lol I forgot too I'll be up for a few more hours before I sleep if you still wanna battle today
    im on still, endal on main
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