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  • yo we're playing for Gen 7 Randbats. I'm GMT -4, should be free tonight starting around 9 pm and anytime on Monday or this coming Sunday. I'm busy Tuesday and I'm traveling back home at some point this week, so while I'll be free for most of Wednesday-Saturday I don't know what times specifically (evenings/nights should be fine at least?)
    Hey, I'm your opponent for Gen 7 Rand Battles round 3. I am best available Monday - Friday before 5:00 PM EST. Does any of these times work for you?
    Gen 7 Random Battles Open Round 2. All times UTC.
    I can play Tuesday between 12:00 - 20:00
    Wednesday or Thursday between 07:00 - 20:00
    Friday 15:00 - 20:00
    Saturday or Sunday 07:00 - 20:00
    yo, we play on the randbats open for gen 7, ic an play at around monday 11pm est, that good or do you have a different time?
    Hullo! Yes 11pm EST works for me, you can find me on Showdown with the same ign BirdMan007
    Nice seeyou then
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