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  • But you know I can only trade tomorrow as usable, so you don't have to hurry:P.
    k, if you want: cresselia: Double screen, Lunar Dance, psychic
    Spiritomb: Shadow Ball, HP fighting , Shadow Sneak, Pursuit
    riolu: let it be a riolu with those moves. I'd like to keep the eggmoves and make a clone for another one.
    Metagross: Agility, Meteor Mash, Earthquake, Zen Headbut
    Thank you very much again. You don't want to know how much you help me with this.
    It will take some more time. DS did weird and I have to start again with cloning lol.
    I don't mind. I will clone the pokemon you need and come online. I will be online in 5 minuts
    just take your time. I can't trade tonight anymore, so tommorow is fine to. You already do it as one of the quickest lol.
    The nincada and the scyther are already taken lol. So you have to pick 2 others.
    yes NP but after the trade u should w8 i have some things to do i think in the night i can trade them back also a have an adamant scyther can we trade only for him to evole u can do that to u can keep a copy if u want to
    lvl doesn't matter, as long that the lvl is under 90. Please don't delete encore from abra and let it evolve in to kadabra. That's all You have to do:P.
    Could you do this spread for abra: 40 HP / 252 SpA / 216 Spe. The other one can I do by myself very quick.
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