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  • You have to see it. It was a good movie, you might not like it but if you like batman then you will like it. 100% garuanteed.
    And to be truthful on this i hope the RNG isn't crackable in the 5th gen i may return then for more.
    yeah :( i don't really like wifi nor pokemon much anymore i might still compete in VGC but that's about it....
    hey blak what's up? why haven't you been on IRC much lol? also, i think ill be using words like "dawg"
    Thanks, It's time for me to get serious. I got a better name than you now. Do you like my avi with the specs?
    Yeah I kind of figured you weren't very old. But yeah, If you need help with homework it's not going to be as easy for me to explain things with Visitor messages.
    Thanks. I just figured what the word meant. I sorry if I can be annoying at times. I'm only a kid. I'm 13 btw.
    I know that you weren't black from the beginning. I thought you were white...........
    Ok, I'll keep all three moves. No offense but can you hook a nigga up with one of those Latina girls?
    Can you help me out with the moveset of this Blastoise. I have Seismic Toss, Counter and Mirror Coat. I want to enclude at least one of these moves in it so can you help a black brother out?
    Hey, very gg bro.

    There was some hax on both sides, but hax really did win me the game. Sorry about that. =(

    Anyways, I would be honored if you upload the vid! You can put my name, I won't mind haha. ^_^
    Hello I'm from the "Where's the love giveaway" I'm just here to confirm whether you've gotten your Pinsir or not
    My ideas are shitty huh?

    Give me till the end of Feburary to make my own good creative team and I will use it against you and show you how creative I your magesty, King James is.
    I know but this is my ape

    Moveset: Fire Punch, Stone Edge, U-turn, Close Comabt. I think with good team mates it can rape a team.
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