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  • I should copyright that image
    also, copyrighting an already copyrighted image xd

    tbh i just thought using one with the letters down the middle made it even funnier
    why are you guys revealing my nupl strata?
    "Malamar knocked off the opposing Prinplup's Assault Vest!" Oh boy.
    yeh man lost interest in contributing although I wanna stick around to play competitive games and such...
    aight then, hope you get back into contributing one day but glad you're still here :]
    Dont read this cause it actually works. You will be kissed on the nearest possible friday by the love of your life. Tomorrow will be the bwst day of your life. However if you dont post this in the next143 minutes you will die in 2days. Now you started reading this dont stop. This is scary but put this on at least 5 smogon profiles in 143 minutes.
    Dont read this cause it actually works. You will be kissed on the nearest possible friday by the love of your life. Tomorrow will be the bwst day of your life. However if you dont post this in the next143 minutes you will die in 2days. Now you started reading this dont stop. This is scary but put this on at least 5 smogon profiles in 143 minutes.
    Dont read this cause it actually works. You will be kissed on the nearest possible friday by the love of your life. Tomorrow will be the bwst day of your life. However if you dont post this in the next143 minutes you will die in 2days. Now you started reading this dont stop. This is scary but put this on at least 5 smogon profiles in 143 minutes.
    before you were brawlfest, are you going for Shuckleking87 now?
    before you were molk, are you going for ebeast now?
    I was never molk, but yes
    nobody is me i can hax anybody blastral is just some weak scrub hello
    can I post about the new format somewhere in nu c&c? Either in the index or the required readings thing that we made recently
    yeah i was gonna post it myself, i already changed the link to the new format in the index
    cool, I'll post in the index
    i may have to sub in metalgross to play you in nupl, not sure who i want in to play you quite yet, so just going to send a vm to know your activity this week. both metal and bugzy are european (gmt like +0 +1 or +2, idr) and should be generally active. what's your gmt and when is it best for you to play?
    why did you list audino as writeup? bowtie addo finished writing it, unless you wanted it re-written which I wouldnt see why.
    the next writer can take bowtie's writeup if they want i guess but idk why they'd want to tbh, all that's doing is copypasting a bunch of stuff instead of actually getting your own personal work onsite
    True, true - thats fair enough.
    plume prob won't move up but it's still a bitch =( also did you get reqs?
    usually for me the trick is don't use too many things that give it /completely/ free switches. like for example qd hp fire lilligant can boost and hit it up for a lot so it can't rly wall anything else, even if it can't outright beat it usually. and ofc use things that can straight kill it too
    yh, having qd Lilli + yama on a team makes it rlly annoying tho, sludge bomb poison on xatu is annoying ;-;
    run archeops / rupt / mesprit / typh / sneasel / xatu yn

    gotta go viable
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