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  • Hey I know your probably busy and all but I was wondering if you wanted me to start on that breeding project that you wanted as payment for an Earth Power Shellos? I believe it was a Moon Ball drifblim in return and you were going to provide the basic moon ball drifblim parent for me to use.
    hey Blu you said you would take a look at my thread for the mew for quite some time :p
    Hi, I didn't want to bump your thread because I was unclear if you want it bumped or not. Are you available for 4th Gen RNG CP's?
    Still here to nag for the mew.......I might even try to learn emulator dream radar abuse for it, what would you like?
    Hey, could you teach me how do download emulators etc?Also any pointers about injecting pokemon and events would be nice, would you mind transferring the .pkm files right up to gen 6 for me once I am done?I think I will start with dream radar first, any specific mon you want?
    I saw you posted in SQSA about injecting Pokemon into the Entraink to RNG abuse. I was just wondering how you inject them in the first place as I dont think questions like that can be asked in SQSA.
    If you want a ev trained copy of mewtwo ,pick it up
    Can't be,I just traded with xen
    Yeah but something to do with the connection between us is going wrong, and it's not my ISP or router as I've tried 2 different ISP and routers. Try deleting my friend code and re adding it.
    If your in-game profile message speaks the truth (LF teddiursa), you should add phadunk's in the simple requests page for the friend safari. It has teddiursa. :)
    phadunk's FC, I mean. I believe this person is online right now. :)
    Thanks =).
    Added you to the TSV list...
    Meant to do it a while ago, but your name messed up the spreadsheet when I first added it (starting with "-" makes it start a formula... although easy to fix, I was too lazy) hence when I imported to the database, you weren't on it. Sorry :P.
    Haha no problem =).
    Did ya see my request in your thread? :-;
    I actually didn't get an alert telling me you posted, but yeah sure I can do that =).
    I am here now,also I have a 4 gen RNG request for a heavy ball Bold baltoy,do you have that spread,for shiny?
    Ideally I keep my RNGs non-redis, otherwise people can compete with my market with a poke I rnged which doesn't make much sense.
    Can I have a semi redis copy?Only redising to val,who is cloning one for EV training?She can't redis so yea I guess it is ok?
    Yeah sure.
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