Recent content by Campber7741

  1. Xerneas

    I think my Xerneas must have perfect IV's in Attack and Speed, even though it's nature is the one where it's Defence is its best stat and Speed's it's worst stat. I'm just curious because when I caught it, it's Attack was 20 points higher than it's Special Attack. When I caught it, it's Attack...
  2. Xerneas

    My good sir, I believe you did just find a potential check for it. The one flaw on that though is this: What exactly would you slap Red Card on, and what would you want to die? Assuming this will be in Ubers / OU, most of the Pokémon in those tiers rely on their specific items to be useful. And...
  3. Battle Maison Discussion & Records

    Also, anyone have any good set's for a Gooey Goodra?
  4. Battle Maison Discussion & Records

    I like Mega Gardevoir as well. My main reason for not really using it is because I don't need to use it's Pixilate ability at all, as my one runs Calm Mind / Moon Blast / Psyshock / Shadow Ball. I also prefer to have Synchronize, as when I did use Gardevoir, it usually paid of at least 4 times...
  5. Battle Maison Discussion & Records

    I managed to get up to the 35th round in Super singles using an Aegislash, Choice Scarfed Haxorus and a Mega Gengar, until a damn Dusknoir came along and not only spammed Double Team, but Protect (which it somehow used 23 times: I counted) Will-o-Wisp and Toxic, while holding a Leftovers.....
  6. Battle Maison Discussion & Records

    I know that feeling of not having fully Ev'd Pokémon. For example, I'm having to settle on a Cloyster whose got Icicle Spear / Ice Shard / Razor Shell / Shell Smash because I can't find an Omanyte with Rock Blast to breed with.
  7. Battle Maison Discussion & Records

    Also, how often do you use Garchomp's Outrage? I'm just curious because of a possible scenario where the opponent sends out a Fairy-type and Garchomp's locked into Outrage.
  8. Battle Maison Discussion & Records

    With regards to the Synchronize passing on the nature, I think I now know why a lot of my Pokémon are Modest nature.
  9. Battle Maison Discussion & Records

    With regards to a Pokémon's Nature, do you just have to catch the Pokémon and hope you got the nature you want, or is there some way to determine what nature a Pokémon will be? I'm just asking because I've caught 5 Honedge's, none of which have an Adamant nature.
  10. Battle Maison Discussion & Records

    I actually never considered Aegislash running Substitute. When I think about it, it does make sense. I guess I'm just too used to seeing it running a King's Shield.
  11. Battle Maison Discussion & Records

    What moves do each of your Pokémon know, just out of curiosity?
  12. Battle Maison Discussion & Records

    What sort of set should I run on Gooey Goodra? I've actually gone and replaced Dragonite with Mega Blzaiken, and my streak seems to be improving. Managed to get up to the 12th battle before I got really unlucky and came up against a Choice Scarfed Tyranitar.
  13. Battle Maison Discussion & Records

    My team for Super Singles so far has been Drought Ninetales / Chlorophyll Venasaur / Multiscale Dragonite. So far hasn't worked out well for me, as the furthest I've gotten has been the 5th trainer. Any advice?