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  • Doesn't seem like you're still active on these forums, but just in case...
    I noticed yesterday that your 135-win streak in Maison Super Triples was never added to the Battle Maison Discussion and Records leaderboard, so if you still happen to have that proof replay, or if you have pulled off something better since then, let me know so that we can get that taken care of.
    Hi, are you SV number 3750? If so would you mind hatching an egg for me? My fc is 3282-2422-5796 IGN Mekare :) I would greatly appreciate it.
    hey bro will you please add my FC and give me yours to add, 2337-4159-9569
    I'm trying to build up my friend Safari and could use all the help i can get, Once I have a large repertoire of Perfect IV poks I will start doing give away's especially to my first FC friends who helped made it possible.
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