Cee o-o
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  • Yo, we're paired for ADV ZU Gold Rush round 3
    I'm GMT-3 (Brasilia time) and play on most nights on my time or pretty much the whole afternoon on weekend. When would you like to play?
    i can play in 20 min, it's about 9:50 PM here
    Waiting for you, i'm on as Leeto64 on Showdown
    Cee o-o
    Cee o-o
    mb man, I got blasted playing smash and didn't check in time. I'll add you on discord. You can take the win because I forgot the time, but I do prefer to find another time to play for the love of the Game.
    Yo, we play for MFPL.
    I'm GMT+2 and usually around after 7pm my time aside from Friday or basically whenever on the weekend.

    When would be good for you?
    Cee o-o
    Cee o-o
    Saturday, Europe Boy. We can play at 10 PM your time on Saturday. I'm GMT-5.

    Does that work or would you prefer earlier?
    Nah, 10pm works <:
    See ya then!
    Cee o-o
    Cee o-o
    my b
    Hi, we play for Estrelas de Monotype. When do you wanna play? I'm gmt +0
    Cee o-o
    Cee o-o
    I can play today (the 25th) from 5 pm to 10 pm GMT-5. I can play pretty much anytime on Saturday or Sunday. Or rn if you're online.
    lets do 5:30pm your time today?
    Cee o-o
    Cee o-o
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