Chechen U Out
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  • Hey man, we're paired for UU Open. I'll be available starting wednesday thru the weekend after 5pm EST. If you have a specific time in mind lemme know, thanks
    hey, we play for slam! im est timezone, when would you like to play? sundays are usually bad for me but im ready this week and can play thursday if you are down
    I might be half an hour late, does 11:30 still work?
    Chechen U Out
    Chechen U Out
    yeah you're good
    hey dude! sorry for being 6 minutes late haha. are you on main? or smogtours
    hi there hottie w my old avatar, im ur opponent for uu open. im pacific time gmt-7, let me know when u want to fite
    We are paired for uu grand slam. I'm est and can play after 6 weekdays and all day Saturday and sunday
    Chechen U Out
    Chechen U Out
    this is pretty much exactly my schedule. If you have a special time I can make it work, otherwise I tend to idle in trivia under the name Magma Admin~ or custom if u just want to find me whenever
    hi we have to play for the dpp cup when do u wanna battle
    Chechen U Out
    Chechen U Out
    what's ur timezone
    mate when can you play -__- i cant find u with those nicks
    Chechen U Out
    Chechen U Out
    well I don't know when you're going to be on because you said my 12 pm to 8 pm but I'll be on tonight after 7. if you're down we can play on smogtours, I'll be idling on chechen
    hey when do you want to play? im gmt+1 free all day p much tomorrow. during the week can only play evenings
    Chechen U Out
    Chechen U Out
    i can play sometime today (gmt-5)
    sorry didn't realize that i got subbed in
    Ee Ohgh Ah Han
    Ee Ohgh Ah Han
    Um what time ?(before 5:30pm gmt-5 please) I'll be on smog tours at 7 gmt0 for definite btw
    Hey, I can play pretty much at any time during this week. If you have any specific time you need to play at, hit me up.
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