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  • Paired for BW DOU tell me when ya wanna do. -6 and in school till 3:30pm, cant do tuesdays and wenesdays and can do the rest of week on a case-by-case basis. Weekends are almost 100% free though.
    Nw i had something come up which is why you didnt get an "On as [Insert username]" message. Can do.
    If right now works we can also play now (or until 4 hours from now)
    OK I'm on PS doubles room as Checkmater
    hey, we're paired for BW Doubles OU. I'm GMT-5 and can play on either Friday or Sunday. Let me know what time works best for you (if you can't do either of those two days lmk so I can try to put time aside on Saturday)
    when dpl? I'm GMT-6 and I have an exam Friday so I prefer weekends but otherwise pretty flexible :3
    I'm GMT+1

    Thursday works for me but if the weekend is better then how's Sunday? Something like my evening to your afternoon/morning, so 1 pm your time to my 8 pm ?
    1pm my time on Sunday would be perfect for me, see ya then!
    Hey, Zokuru and I already played and the series resulted in his victory. Just saw your recent post with the subs, am I still to play xray and potentially continue through the tournament even though I've lost already?
    When do you want to play for DPL? I assume we're both still in GMT -7 but I'm relatively free most afternoons this week.
    When do you wanna play for DPL? I'm GMT -6, I have quite a lot going on this week but I should be free most of Thursday and Saturday so let me know if you can play sometime then.
    when do you wanna play for the dubers tour i'm gmt -6 and prefer weekends
    gmy-8 sat my time after 7 work?
    that sounds alright, i'll let you know if anything changes
    yo i sent you some messages over discord, when are you available? i'm free all tomorrow evening and free all monday
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