Cobalt Pink
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  • oras majors when im -6? can play most days in the afternoons/evenings
    Cobalt Pink
    Cobalt Pink
    +2. I could try to play at 4pm your time, on Saturday
    Okay sure
    Cobalt Pink
    Cobalt Pink
    Am on PS now. You can pm me there. Logged in as Cobalt Pink
    yo wanna play tomorrow on my evening? gmt+2 here
    Cobalt Pink
    Cobalt Pink
    +2 here aswell. Yup, 6 pm today would be great
    Cobalt Pink
    Cobalt Pink
    Actually, Ill be gone for a while now. I dont think Ill make it until tonight. Ill be busy tomorrow as well so at this point Id rather prioritize my activities and give you the win. Good luck in your future rounds
    Hello, We play for SU kickoff r2. I am gmt-4. When is your availability to play?
    Hello Pat! When will you available to play our BO3 in the SV SU Kickoff Tournament? My timezone is +8 GMT.
    Slowpoke Fan
    Slowpoke Fan
    It was my fault for not checking the deadline of the tournament when scheduling with you - I definitely appreciate you doing this, but please don't feel too bad about it, and win the tournament for me if your request is rejected :psyglad:
    Cobalt Pink
    Cobalt Pink
    hey hey. I told him abt that. he now knows so I here tell you that you are now on my spot so you can go on with the tour. gl
    Slowpoke Fan
    Slowpoke Fan
    Thanks, I wish you the best of luck with your tours!
    Hi we're paired for BDSP Ubers, I'm +1. Can do all Tue & Sun up to 9pm, maybe all Wed TBC, Thu 11am-1pm, Fri 7-11am, Sat 2-9pm
    Cobalt Pink
    Cobalt Pink
    Hey hey, +1 here as well! Would you be down for Saturday 8pm?
    That's fine, see you Sat.
    On as Banb4doro when you're ready.
    BDSP Ubers, I’m gmt-4 and available after 4 pm on all days this week except Wednesday
    Cobalt Pink
    Cobalt Pink
    Hey hey! Id prefer to play on a satrurday around 7pm +1. Dies that work for ya?
    we play for bdsp ou tour. im gmt-6 and prefer after 3pm most days
    Cobalt Pink
    Cobalt Pink
    Alright Im online as "the PDB". I sceduled another opponement for another tour for around the same time so you might have to wait a bit. You can pm me right away tho
    ADF Test
    okay. im online as adf2. youll have to chall me im on a vpn
    Cobalt Pink
    Cobalt Pink
    Ive sent a challenge on PS couple of minutes ago
    BW RU, I'm +1, can play monday through wednesday in the evening, thursday and friday during the day and the whole sunday.
    Hi, we are paired for DUU Swiss Kickoff Round 3, when do you want to play our Bo3? I’m GMT-8/Pacific Time and I’m available today, tomorrow, and Thursday 2 PM-10 PM
    Sorry I missed this, I've been sick. What's a good time for you? I'm available any time until the deadline (Sunday, February the 19th at 10:00pm gmt -5) now that I've canceled my weekend commitments due to being sick
    Cobalt Pink
    Cobalt Pink
    It would be great if we could play now. If you want to I could ask for extentions if it doesnt work out.
    I can play now. I'll be on SmogTours as AmericanPi
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